Q. What should I call my teacher or tutor?
A. Start formal. He or she will probably tell you on day 1 during the introduction. If not, use a formal title, until he or she tells you otherwise. Don't use the generic term "Teacher". This sounds as if you do not know your teacher's name. (You wouldn't want to be called "Student", right?) Even if you have a substitute teacher, make sure to address the instructor by a specific name. Q. What should I call my fellow students? A. Depends on ages. In most classroom situations, students call each other by first names. You may have a few older students in your class. To show respect, address these people by their last name (unless they ask you to use their first). Q. What should I call my child's teacher? A. Start with Mr or Mrs. Call your child's teacher the same thing your child calls her. The teacher may give you permission to use her first name when your child is not present. Q. How should I address people online? A. Depends on the situation. On a social network you can usually use first names, even with teachers and administrators. In an email, use a formal form of address the first time you contact a person. The other person will likely respond by signing with just a first name. In your next email you can safely address that person by their first name. Q. What should I call our school administrator? A. Formal. Use a formal address until he or she tells you differently. Q. What should I call my homestay parents? A. Start formal. Use Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name until he or she tells you differently. Q. What should I call my neighbours? A. Depends on your ages. Neighbours usually address each other with first names, though it depends on your age and theirs. Introduce yourself using your first name and wait to see how they introduce themselves. If your neighbour is older you can ask the question during the second meeting, "Is it okay if I call you [first name]?" Q. How should I address my colleagues? A. Depends on the industry. In many businesses people go by their first names. If you are the new employee, other people will introduce themselves to you. Q. What should I call my supervisor or manager? A. Start formal. Even if this person calls you by your first name, address them as Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name until they invite you to use their first name. Q. How should I address the bus driver? A. Formal. Use Sir or Madam/Ma'am for any type of travel or transportation worker who is not wearing a nametag. Don't say: "Excuse me 'bus driver'." That is his or her job, not title. Q. What should I call my (boy)friend's parents? A. Formal. Children and youth should use Mr or Mrs/Ms + last name. If your friends say it's okay to call their parents by their first names it is still polite to ask the adults, "Is it okay if I call you [first name]?" If you and your friend are also adults you can probably use their parents' first names. Q. How do I address a waiter/waitress/flight attendant? A. Formal or first name. Use Sir or Madam/Ma'am if you don't know their first name. Do NOT use "Hey waiter!" or "Hey waitress!" This is considered rude by the restaurant staff and you will likely not receive friendly service. If you are a regular customer you will build a relationship with the restaurant or cafe staff. Then you can call staff by their first names. Q. What should I call my hairstylist or beauty care worker? A. First name. In the beauty industry most people go by first names. Some may have nicknames they will tell you to use. Q. How do I address a customer service clerk? A. Check for nametag. Some clerks (or restaurant servers) wear name tags. A name tag might say, "Hi, my name is Danny." In this case it is okay to address this clerk by his first name: "Thank you, Danny" or "Danny, could you help me find the hamburgers?" If there is no nametag, use Sir or Ma'am.
English Checker
acquaintance (noun): someone you know casually (eg: a friend of a friend) address (verb): to name someone in a specific way (when speaking or writing) awkward (adj.): feeling uncomfortable colleagues (noun): people you work with customer service (noun): help for shoppers, buyers, members divorced (adj.): not married anymore executive (noun): manager or high level employee in a company or business first name terms (BrE)/first name basis: having a close enough relationship to disregard formalities such as age or status formal (adj.): showing respect for rules, forms and traditions formality (noun): something that has no real purpose other than being a tradition generic (adj.): describing many; not specific maiden name (noun): a married woman's surname at birth nickname (noun): a short or cute name used by friends or relatives pet name (noun): a name used by close friends and family to show their love respondent (noun): the person who writes back or responds sarcastic (adj.): ironic; typically having an opposite meaning, often to show contempt or to prove a point terms of endearment (noun): words or names that show feelings of care for someone trickier (adj.): more difficult to understand or do widow (noun): a single woman whose husband has died |
السبت، 2 فبراير 2013
How to Address People
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