الثلاثاء، 26 فبراير 2013

Signs of love

Love of God is the ultimate goal of the standings, and peak upper grades, what after realizing love serves only the fruit of fruit, and continued Derivatives, Kalshoq and intimacy and satisfaction .. Not by love serve only a prelude of preludes Kaltoph patience and asceticism .. "Revival" of Imam al-Ghazali book of love and longing c 13. P 2570].And love not with a clear challenge, and definitions and boundaries aided only subtle, Vtarifaa presence; since definitions of Sciences. The love is the case of gustatory overflowing with loving hearts, only taste disclosure. All that was said in love is only a statement of their effects, and expression of the fruit, and clarify the causes.The Prophet preached peace be upon him Palmaah loving with their beloved, Narrated Anas, may Allah be pleased with him that a man asked the Prophet, peace be upon him when the time, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "I have prepared for her?" Said: What I have prepared her many prayers, fasting and charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger. He said: "You are with loved." Anas said: We said we? He said: "Yes." Vfarahna great joy [Bukhari in his Saheeh in the Book of Virtues and Merits, and Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of righteousness for Anas, may Allah be pleased with him]. Gene causes of love:Scientists said of the gene causes the love of many things, and most important of the ten:One: reading the Koran Baltdber and understanding of the meaning of what I want to do.Second: to draw closer to God Balnoavl after the obligatory prayers, they reach degree Mahaboubih after love.III: Time mentioned if at all tongue and heart, work and case, Vnasibh love as its share of this remembrance.IV: preference Mahabh over Mhapk when the predominance of fancy, and Altsenm to Mahabh although difficult Mortaqa.V: view the heart of the names and attributes and see and know, and variability in kindergarten this knowledge and Mbadea, who knew God names and attributes and actions will inevitably love.VI: View righteousness and kindness and blessings and grace inner phenomenon, they are calling for his love.Seventh: refraction whole heart in his hands Almighty Tzlla and modest.VIII: alone at the time of divine manifestation Mnajath especially in Bewitchments, and reading his words, and standing heart and politeness in his hands, and then seal it for forgiveness and repentance.

IX: Babysitting loving truthful, and pick up the fruits of their words delicacies, as selecting fruit delicacies. It is sitting with literature not speak in Houdrthm unless swing the interest of speech, and I learned that the more you doing and benefit to others.X: every reason why spacing between the heart and the God Almighty [See "Runways" p 1112].It is for these reasons and other devotees arrived to loving homes.Signs of love:Many people who claim to love God and His Messenger, and the easier lawsuit tongue. People should not be deceived by self-deceiving, but he should know that love signs, and fruit appear in the heart, tongue and prey, if not wanted Scams the same Vladaha in balance of love, but of Imithanha signs, of which there are many, including:1 Love to meet beloved accidentally detected and seen in Dar es Salaam, not imagined that loves heart loved only loves watching and meeting, and if he knows that it is not the arrival but the migration of the world and the مفارقتها death, he must be a friend of death is var him, because death key meeting. Said peace be upon him: "I like to meet God love of God to meet him" [Bukhari in his Saheeh in the Book of tortillas, and Muslim in his Saheeh in the book mentioned, the door of love for God. That was noble Companions, God bless them, like death for the sake of God, and they say when they are called to battle: Welcome meeting with Allah.2 to have an effect, what I love about God on what he loves in the visible and invisible, you need obedience, and avoid laziness and follow the passion, and love of God do not disobey, and therefore said I'm blessed Almighty God's mercy:Disobey God and you love this show for my life in a measurement BadieIf your love is sincere to Otath loving those who love naughtyIn this sense it was also:And leave love to have her identity Verdy including satisfied if Schtt myselfفطاعة God and love require follow His Messenger, peace be upon him in words and deeds and morals, he says: {Say that you love Allah follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins} [Al-Imran: 31].3 that be Mkthera mention God, not abated his tongue, not free him JENANAH, it is love nothing more than mentioned.Imagination in my heart and remember You in my mouth and Mthoak in my heart where absent4 to be Miss Balkhaloh and Mnajath God and reading the book, Vioazb tahajjud takes the quiet of the night and serenity time, and less degrees of love savoring Balkhaloh beloved, and enjoy Bmnajath.5 that not regretted the miss, which only God Almighty, and maximize Tasvh Foote each hour ago to mention God and obey him, increase his return when Aghafflat, Balastattaf and repentance.6 that Atnam, and delights in obedience, nor Istthaglha, and waived her trouble.7 that be Mhafqa all servants of God merciful to them, heavily on all the enemies of God, as the Almighty said: severe against disbelievers and merciful among themselves}[Open: 29].8 to be in love afraid optimistic under prestige and veneration, may think that the fear is contrary to love, not well, but recognizing greatness requires prestige also recognize beauty requires love, and lovers fears by their rank, كخوف reluctance and fear headscarf and fear deportation. So said some loving:Habib knew him afraid I do not love you but is your Arif9 concealment of love, and to avoid the lawsuit, and prevention of show of passion, love, respect for the well-liked and pay homage to him, and the prestige of it, and jealous of his secret, and some deficit-loving secret, he said:فيبدي hides the tears secrets and shows self الوجدAnd some of them said:It is his heart with others how he? It is his secret in Jaffna how stifles?10 mankind in God and contentment. The sign of mankind in God not seeking the creation of savoring the remembrance of Allah, the Khalthm it Kmenferd in group and community in retreat. Said the generosity of God and his face in the description of loving Almstansen God: they are people who attacked their flag on the truth of the matter, Fbachroa spirit certainty, and Astelanwa including Astoar yuppies, and forget what Astouhh him ignorant, accompanied the minimum Bibdan souls hanging shop top, those successors of God in his land and advocates to Dinh consider a book of love and longing of "reviving the science of religion" Ghazali, and "Meccan conquests" of Ibn Arabi.

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