freedom of religion.When others congratulate us upon a religious festival that does not contradict their beliefs, it does not mean we must congratulate them when it contradicts our beliefs.Eid Mubarak said by a non Muslim because it is acceptable in his faith does not imply that we should do what is unacceptable in ours.Those who stand for freedom of religion will not compel or expect others to do anything against the core of their beliefs.Sometimes we don’t realise we are congratulating people for engaging in something against the core of our beliefs or insulting it. To feel obliged to congratulate others for engaging in something against ones core belief is against freedom of conscience & religion.The common sense of man Tnverh to detect his body and Aourath, and make it what always keen to keep concealed, while those who are trying to expose the body of the dress and firing their tongues and pens and their newspapers and Vdaúyatem and all energy users in the various images of the methods demonic malicious and modern, the ones who want rob human characteristics Aftrth and humanitywhich became man, who carry out terrible Zionist schemes to destroy humanity and spreading decay subject to the King of Zion (the Antichrist) no resistance. Has lost its components humanity!. Here it is evident that covering the body is out of the assets of life in humans and not just convention and knew as claimed secularists and Zionists Babuagahm inflicted day and night to shame people and chastity for the destruction of humanity, Lester body encroachment God created the human person, then the law revealed by God to humans maintenance of their humanity degenerate into beasts knew!
السبت، 2 فبراير 2013
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