الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2018

My questions involves many things..i am a very new convert an at first i was praying all prays as best i could (i dont know arabic)someone told me i should only speak in arabic ...so in the end i have stopped praying ..i think of allah many times in the day ..an follow the teachings ..but some things i know are wrong i cannot stop ..since allah called me i have improved my life immensley an am happier than i have been in a very long time ...i used to be drunk every day ..now i almost dont drink at all ..i used to gamble all my money ..now i almost dont gamble at all .....when i do do these wrong things i can feel it is wrong an dont want to go back to my old ways ...i can feel allah is guiding me in ways i dont understand ..i dont feel guilty i just feel why am i doing this ....i have asked a few muslim people i work with an even a person i met online to teach me to pray properly an help me in other ways ..but because i am australian they dont feel i am being serious about being muslim ..so they have been reluctent..i am not a good person i think ..but i am much better than i have been an with his help an guidence i know i will succeed ..there are many things for me to learn ...please give me your advise ......should i keep trying by myself ..or continue to seek help from other muslims evn though they seem not to want to .

Praise be to Allaah first and last, and thanks be to Him always. He blesses whomsoever He will with guidance, and deprives whomsoever He will of happiness. He saves His slave from misguidance and supports His close friends until the Hour begins.

My dear Muslim brother, congratulations on your being blessed with guidance. We ask Allaah to make you steadfast until death.

It was a great achievement when you decided to embrace Islam and give up the misguidance in which you had grown up and the shirk [association of others with Allaah] which is forbidden. We welcome you as a new brother in Islam and we welcome you as a visitor to this site.

First of all, we would remind you that in this world man passes through great tests and trials, which require him to be patient and steadfast, and to stand firm until death. 

“O man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord  with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, and you will meet (the results of your deeds which you did)”

[al-Inshiqaaq 84:6 – interpretation of the meaning]

One of the trials with which Allaah tests His slaves is the enjoining of obligations and duties such as prayer, fasting, zakaah, Hajj and other acts of worship, and the things that He forbids them to do such as lying, cheating, adultery, homosexuality and all other forbidden things, so as to see the sincere believer who obeys the commands of Allaah, so that He may admit him to Paradise, and the liar and hypocrite who does not obey Allaah, so that He may send him to Hell.

Try to do your best to learn what Allaah commands, and do it, and what He forbids, and avoid it.

There are many commands, and many prohibitions, and it is impossible to list them or explain them all in one place. But we refer you to what is mentioned in this site of ours of questions that deal with the teachings of Islam, so you can look at it and read what it says, and may Allaah benefit you thereby.

With regard to what you mention in your question about having to learn Arabic, this is true, but you do not have to learn the whole language, rather just what you need for religious purposes. See question no. 6524. The fact that you do not know Arabic does not justify your not praying, because you can learn what you need for prayer in a short period of time, and until you learn it you should still continue to pray regularly on time, and pray according to what you are able to do. “Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope” [al-Baqarah 2:286]. 

With regard to how to pray, you will find the answer to that on this site, under Question no. 13340. See also 8580, 2427, 11040.

Finally we advise you to look for an Islamic Centre in your city, and to keep company with Muslims who practise their religion. Do not forget to read trustworthy websites, and try to benefit from them as much as you can. We will also be happy to help you and others like you who are looking for things that will benefit them, and we will offer whatever advice we can, so keep in touch with us. May Allaah protect you and take care of you.

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Calendario lunar
En sus deberes religiosos, los musulmanes dependen de los calendarios solares y lunares. Este último es más corto que el solar por doce días. El ayuno del mes de Ramadán, la celebración de las dos fiestas principales ('Eid Al-Fitr y' Eid Al-Adhha), la peregrinación a la Meca y otras actividades religiosas dependen de los meses lunares.

Los nombres de los meses lunares son: Muharram, Safar, Rabi 'Al-Awwal, Rabi' Al-Thani, Jumada Al-Ula, Jumada Al-Akhirah, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadhan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah, y Dhul-Hijjah.

El momento de las oraciones diarias depende del sistema solar.

Este material fue tomado de [Islamic Server Home]

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Lunar calendar

In their religious duties, Muslims depend on solar and lunar calendars. The latter is shorter than the solar by twelve days. Fasting the month of Ramadhan, celebrating the two major feasts ('Eid Al-Fitr and 'Eid Al-Adhha), performing the pilgrimage to Makkah, and other religious activities depend upon the lunar months.
The names of the lunar months are: Muharram, Safar, Rabi' Al-Awwal, Rabi' Al-Thani, Jumada Al-Ula, Jumada Al-Akhirah, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadhan, Shawwal, Dhul-Qi'dah, and Dhul-Hijjah.
The timing of the daily prayers depend on the solar system.

This material was taken from [ Islamic Server Home ]

أريد إنقاذ ابني من شيطانه لِمَ لا أضيف على صلاة الفجر قليلاً من قيام الليل؟ وبدأ الأمر بركعتين قبل الفجر، وصلوا إلى ثماني ركعات، جعلها الله لي فردوس الدنيا وكنزها، وحاولت أن أزيد من قراءة صلاة الفجر مما جعلني أزيد من حفظي لكتاب الله، ومهما وصفت ما شعرت به من نعيم وراحة وهدوء فهو هدوء لا يشعر بدرجته إلا من يحفظ القرآن، وحاولت أن أصادق الهدوء في تعاملاتي اليومية خاصة مع أولادي، بل حاولت جاهدة أن أصل إلى مرضاة ربي عن طريق مرضاة زوجي، وكنت أفعل ذلك.. فكل طاعة قدمتها لزوجي لم أكن حينها أرى سوى ربي، وكم يشعر الإنسان بسعادة حقيقية عندما يفعل ذلك، فهو يعمل العمل وهو ضامن أجر المالك المطاع، المهم أن يتقبله وهو ما كنت أحاوله بإخلاص العمل أولاً وكثرة الدعاء إلى المولى أن يتقبله ثانياً، ولا أخفي أبداً مشاعري الرائعة، وكم كانت مستوياتي الروحية مرتفعة، فقد كنت أشعر وكأني أطير على الأرض طيراناً، وبدأت أعيد حساباتي في علاقاتي بجيراني وصديقاتي، وأوصلت ما كان قد قُطع من صلة أرحام، وكم هو أمر جميل أن كل مكان تذهبين إليه تشعرين بوجود الخالق معك وتستشعرين رؤيته إياك، وسماعه لك، فإن هذا ما شعرت به من تقربي إلى الله قرباً لم أكن أحلم به، فقد أصبحت أدعوه بحب ورجاء.. اختلط شوقي بخوفي ورغبتي برهبتي، مشاعر ممتزجة تجعل محصلة امتزاجها سعادة يغبطنا عليها كل من حُرم منها، قالت لها إحدى الحاضرات: هل يمكنك يا أختاه أن تسردي لنا موقفاً مررت به تجسدين لنا فيه مشاعرك تلك لعل الله ينفعنا بك.

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Otras ortografías de uso común: SALAAT, SALAAH

Salah es una palabra árabe que significa una relación espiritual y comunicación entre la criatura y su Creador. Salah es uno de los cinco pilares del Islam. Una comunicación especial (Salah) se llevará a cabo cinco veces al día para un musulmán: Fajr (Dawn), Zuhr (mediodía), 'Asr (tarde), Magrib (puesta de sol) e' Ishha '(tarde en la noche).
Salah debe realizarse con concentración mental, comunicación verbal, recitación vocal y movimiento físico para lograr la elevación espiritual, la paz, la armonía y la concordia. Hay una oración congregacional el viernes al mediodía (Salatul Jumu'ah) con un sermón (Khutbah) para ser pronunciado por un líder religioso (Imam) llamado Khatib.
Para realizar Salah, un musulmán debe tener ablución (Wudhu '). Él / ella debe asegurarse de que se logre la limpieza del cuerpo, la ropa y el lugar antes de realizar Salah.
Salah no debe confundirse con la oración; este último podría ser interpretado como una súplica (Du'a).

Este material fue tomado de [Islamic Server Home]
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Andere häufig verwendete Schreibweisen: SALAAT, SALAAH

Salah ist ein arabisches Wort für eine spirituelle Beziehung und Kommunikation zwischen der Kreatur und seinem Schöpfer. Salah ist eine der fünf Säulen des Islam. Eine spezielle Mitteilung (Salah) soll fünfmal am Tag für einen Muslim stattfinden: Fajr (Morgendämmerung), Zuhr (Mittag), 'Asr (Nachmittag), Magrib (Sonnenuntergang) und' Ishha '(Late Night).
Salah soll mit mentaler Konzentration, verbaler Kommunikation, vokaler Rezitation und körperlicher Bewegung durchgeführt werden, um die geistige Erhebung, den Frieden, die Harmonie und die Übereinstimmung zu erreichen. Am Freitagnachmittag gibt es ein Gemeindebet (Salatul Jumu'ah) mit einer Predigt (Khutbah), die von einem religiösen Führer (Imam) namens Khatib gehalten wird.
Um Salah durchführen zu können, muss ein Muslim eine Waschung haben (Wudhu '). Er / sie sollte sicherstellen, dass Körper, Kleidung und Platz sauber sind, bevor Salah durchgeführt wird.
Salah darf nicht mit Gebet verwechselt werden; Letzteres könnte als Flehen (Du'a) gedeutet werden.

Dieses Material wurde von [Islamic Server Home] übernommen.
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Outras ortografias comumente usadas: SALAAT, SALAAH

Salah é uma palavra árabe que significa um relacionamento espiritual e comunicação entre a criatura e seu Criador. Salah é um dos cinco pilares do Islã. Uma comunicação especial (Salah) é realizada cinco vezes por dia para um muçulmano: Fajr (Dawn), Zuhr (meio-dia), 'Asr (tarde), Magrib (Sunset) e' Ishha '(tarde da noite).
Salah deve ser realizado com concentração mental, comunicação verbal, recitação vocal e movimento físico para alcançar a elevação espiritual, paz, harmonia e concórdia. Há uma oração congregacional na sexta-feira ao meio-dia (Salatul Jumu'ah) com um sermão (Khutbah) para ser entregue por um líder religioso (Imam) chamado Khatib.
Para executar Salah, um muçulmano tem que ter ablução (Wudhu '). Ele / ela deve se certificar de que a limpeza do corpo, roupas e lugares sejam alcançados antes de realizar Salah.
Salah não deve ser confundido com a oração; o último poderia ser interpretado como súplica (Du'a).

Este material foi retirado de [Islamic Server Home]


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