The first big: Shirk God
The greatest sins are polytheism in God Almighty and it is two types: one to make God an instrument and worship another stone, tree, sun, moon, prophet, sheikh, star, king or other, and this is the biggest polytheism mentioned by God Almighty God said come :
(Allah does not forgive to engage with him and forgive others without whom he wants)
And God said:
(The polytheism is a great injustice)
And God said:
{He who intertwines with God has deprived him of Paradise and the shelter of fire)
The verses in this are many
It is those who associate with God and then died a polytheist is one of the owners of the fire absolutely as those who believe in God and died believer is one of the owners of Paradise and if tortured by fire and in the correct that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said:
[Do not tell you the greatest sins three times said: O Messenger of God said: the involvement of God and parents disobedience and was leaning and sat down and said: and not false speech and false testimony]
He still repeats it until we said that his silence was silent and he said peace be upon him
[Avoid Seven Obstacles]
It mentioned the polytheism in God and said peace be upon him:
[Instead of his religion, kill him] talk
And the second type of polytheism: showing off works as God Almighty said:
(It was hoped to meet his Lord to do a good work and does not involve the worship of his Lord no one)
I do not think of doing any one and he said peace be upon him:
[You and the polytheists said: O Messenger of Allah and what is the smallest polytheism? He said: The hypocrisy says God Almighty on the day of the people reward their work Go to those who you see them in your work in the world, see if you find them reward]
And he said peace be upon him:
[God says: who did work to involve me in it other than it is the one who is involved and I am innocent of him]
And he said: "Whoever hears, God hears it, and whoever sees it, may Allaah have mercy on him,
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
[A fasting person has nothing to fast except hunger and thirst, and a standing Lord has nothing to do except the vigil]
Means that if prayer and fasting for the face of God is not a reward for him as narrated by the Prophet peace be upon him and said that he said:
[Such as those who work for the hypocrisy and reputations like a bag filled with gravel and then enter the market to buy it if opened in front of the seller if it is gravel and hit by his face and no benefit in his bag only the people to him what he hoped his bag and does not give him anything, And reputation has nothing to do except the article of people and no reward in the Hereafter]
God said :
(And we have done to what they have done work and made it a mess)
Means the work that they have done to the face of God Almighty invalidated the reward and made it like the anthrax scattered and is the dust that is seen in the sun's rays and narrated Uday bin Hatem al-Tai may Allah be pleased with him the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said:
[It is ordered by harmony of groups of people on the Day of Resurrection to Paradise even if they Denoa them and inhaled smell and looked at its limitations and to what was prepared for the people where they would like to spend them, they do not share with them and return painfully and regret what the first and others returned like they say : If our Lord had introduced us to the fire before you show us what you have shown of the reward of what you have prepared for your parents, it is easier for us. Allaah says: That is what I wanted for you. If you were left with Barztmoni with bones, and if you met the people, you would be oppressed. And you have rejected people, and you have not glorified me, and you have left people, and you have not Kawa Lee means for the people today I will chastise you painful punishment with what deprived you of many Thawabi]
And asked a man, the Messenger of God, what salvation? He said peace be upon him:
[Not to deceive God said: And how to deceive God? He said: To do the work of God and His Messenger, and you want to do other than the face of God and fear the hypocrisy is the smallest polytheism and that the Mariah call him on the Day of Resurrection on the heads of creatures with four names: O Mariah, O left, O Fugitive, loser lost your work and the hero of your wage, We have to go to the thigh of your reward from whom you were working, O Makhkha]
Some of the wise men, may God have mercy on them, were asked of the Savior. He said: The Savior who silences his grace, as he hides his faults, and is told to some of them: What is the purpose of sincerity? He said: Do not love the people Muhammada and said Fadhil bin Abbas may Allah be pleased with him: leave work for people and the hypocrisy and work for people and the trap of sincerity that God may heal them O God, Oafna and spare us.