الثلاثاء، 5 ديسمبر 2017

Full religiosity is a condition

Full religiosity is a condition 

and for complete happiness 
partial religiosity mentioned above is not enough for human happiness. Therefore, the establishment of the face of religion and the inherent instinct mentioned in the verse is another thing, where it is intended to work in all the Koran in the structure of worship of God, or inherent instinct fully consistent with the intent to take the rule of God Almighty. Allah says: 'O ye who believe! Enter in the ladder like a pest, and do not follow the footsteps of the devil. He is a clear enemy to you.' (Al-Baqarah, 208) . The interpretation of the verse that peace is Islam: 

«Believers! Enter all the Islam, that is, accept all its provisions, and all of them, and follow the steps of the devil to accept some of them and some of them. This meaning can only be achieved through the sit-in by the Koran in full surrender and surrender to it completely. 
And on the grounds that peace is peaceful: 'Believers! Enter in all peace, that is, be at peace with God, and in peace with the universe, and at peace with the animal. At peace with people, and at peace with yourselves. And this meaning can only be achieved by listening to the calls of all instinct, and meet all their demands ». 

Whatever the meaning of 'peace' in verse does not change the result. Because whoever enters all of Islam has entered the whole of the pacifist, and whoever enters the whole of the pacifist has entered all of Islam. This is why the faith in some books and disbelief in some of them is unacceptable. Allaah has forgiven the Children of Israel for this act by saying: 'Do you believe in some of the scriptures and make some disbelief? } {
The religion is with Allah Islam} (Al-Imran, 19), {and set up your face to religion Hanifa God's instinct J mushroom people on it} (Sura, 30). 

Islam is the religion of God and no other, religion is the instinct of God that people mushroom them. Therefore, the religion in which all the books of God were revealed and all his apostles communicated, must be one religion, and that reason, logic, knowledge, wisdom, reality and truth should be agreed. But there are different religions here on the ground, none of which are compatible. There are beliefs and actions that Muslims do not agree with, and they are still in conflict with their minds. 
That is because God sent to every nation a messenger to warn them. But the devil sat at the head of the straight path to seduce those who wanted to follow the Prophet, and then came from his hands and behind him and on his right and north, and most of them followed, did not accept the invitation of the Prophet. And then the devil did not spare any effort to seduce them, even if the apostle died, some people turned back and joined the convoy of those who did not believe in the Prophet originally. Then some of the followers of the Prophet began mixing their views with their religion, and did not look at things with their minds, but with their feelings and feelings, and weighed the issues with their balance and left the balance of God Almighty, which deposited in the instinct and revealed in the book, and removed religion from the right way. Then came the boys and imitated their parents blind tradition, and added to the religion some additions from themselves as their parents added, the religion came out of being the religion of God, and became a machine to class scientists bad to satisfy their corrupt ambitions and to achieve their malicious goals. The authority supported them to strengthen their control over the people, and the public walked behind them voluntarily or unwillingly, and then became the views of these scientists and the actions of these sultans a religion for those after them. Then God sent a new messenger and came and reached his message, and reminded the people of their original religion. Followed by those who do not seek the benefit of the religion of the world of ordinary members of the religion deviant [10], and the class of the beneficiary and followers who clung to the love of their masters, and remained on their religion deviant. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And you said,' You have taken from God without any kind of affection among you in this life, and then on the Day of Judgment you will be atoned for one another, and you will be cursed by one another. Thus, many religions occurred, and the people introduced many doctrines in every religion, and then each religion became a religion separately, so it reached what reached. 

7 - Conclusion 

God created the universe and what is in favor of man and ridiculed everything in them for him [11], and make use depends on the conservation of nature and everything and the nature of corruption. And then deposited in the same good and Hassan Hassan ugly ugly, and make his mind calling to Hassan and prevent the ugly, but the mind may shorten and weaken is sometimes unable to perform his job, because in a constant conflict with passion, and must have Nasser support and support. So God sent down books to the people to light their way before them [12], and sent messengers to be like them in it. He has followed his path and followed his book, and thus reaches the summit in freedom and dignity, and receives happiness and feel the effects in the fields of his entire life, and always tasted Her sweetness and taste. If these good deeds and good deeds are shared among the sons of a country, then security and credit must prevail, honesty and loyalty prevail, and justice and justice will be judged.

La doctrine de la médiation dans le catholicisme

La doctrine de la médiation dans le catholicisme

La doctrine des trois univers - dont les piliers sont le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit - est ce qui a conduit les prêtres à prendre des tributs sans Dieu. C'est une doctrine partagée par toutes les dénominations chrétiennes, et il y a d'autres doctrines qui sont exclusives à une dénomination. Nous prenons la doctrine catholique comme un exemple pour voir comment ses disciples sont devenus des mécréants dans la religion du monothéisme que Jésus, que la paix et les bénédictions soient sur lui, est venu de Dieu.

1. Dieu dans la doctrine Catholique Credo Catholique croit que Dieu est un, il n'y a pas d'autre dieu. Il est celui qui a créé les cieux et la terre, et Lui seul en est le maître: il est proche de ses esclaves et connaît toutes choses. C'est l'azalée, pas de commencement à son existence et pas de fin. Et tout ce que nous possédons de lui. Il existe en soi. Il a été appelé «père» parce qu'il est le début de tout et surtout de compassion pour tous ses enfants avec son amour et sa miséricorde, qui n'est ni un homme ni une femme. Il est Dieu. [4]

Certains chrétiens prétendent qu'il y a un vide entre Dieu et les gens qui doivent être médiatisés, et ils croyaient que Jésus était digne de combler ce vide, tout comme leur croyance en d'autres médiateurs et partenaires.

2. Jésus (fils) croit la doctrine catholique que Jésus paix soit sur lui le messager du père. Il l'a essuyé avec le Saint-Esprit et en a fait un moine et un roi. Lui - c'est-à-dire Jésus - reçoit toutes choses du Père qui l'a envoyé. Maintenant, il défend les chrétiens au père. Il s'assoit toujours avec Dieu. Il est capable d'intercéder avec ceux qui plaident avec Dieu. [5]

Comment les chrétiens perçoivent-ils le Christ?

Les chrétiens réclament un écart entre le Dieu saint (Dieu) et l'homme. Et les flèches (dans la figure montrée) indiquent l'effort fait par l'homme pour atteindre le plaisir de Dieu Tout-Puissant et pour réaliser la vie heureuse promise à ses serviteurs justes.

Le Christ représente la paix parmi l'Agneau chrétien, l'Agneau comblera le fossé entre Dieu et l'homme, et se sacrifiera pour le salut de la race humaine. Dans sa lettre à Timothée, Paul dit: 'Car il y a un Dieu et un médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes: l'homme Jésus-Christ, qui s'est donné lui-même une rançon pour tous' [6].

Les chrétiens ont prétendu que Jésus était le Fils de Dieu:

Dans le règne des Apôtres, la foi en Jésus était que Dieu lui prêchait la prophétie et le message comme prophètes avant lui, et le premier à affirmer que Jésus est le Fils de Dieu est Paul, et trois siècles plus tard les chrétiens acceptèrent sa demande comme une invitation valable. En 325 CE le Conseil de Nicée a été tenu, et c'était une de ses décisions que Jésus est né du Père et pas une créature. [7] Une des décisions du Conseil d'Ephèse, qui a eu lieu en 431 AD, que 'le sacrement de l'incarnation effective de l'union de la théologie dans la virilité dans l'hypostase de la parole éternelle sans séparation ou mélanger et ne change pas. La Vierge Marie est la Mère de Dieu. '

Au Concile de Chalcédoine en 451, cette décision fut prise: Nous reconnaissons que notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ est le même Fils, il est lui-même plein de théologie et est lui-même plein de virilité. Il est lui-même un vrai Dieu et un véritable être humain du même rationnel et du même corps, de l'essence même du Père selon la théologie, et lui-même de notre essence même selon l'humanité, semblable à nous en tout sauf le péché. Né du Père avant les âges selon la théologie, et dans les derniers jours (né) est le même pour nous et pour notre salut de la Vierge Marie ou de la Mère de Dieu selon le peuple. [8]

Dieu a dit dans son livre sacré: «Les Juifs ont dit Ozer, fils de Dieu et les chrétiens ont dit Christ le Fils de Dieu que leurs paroles avec leurs bouches correspondent aux paroles de ceux qui ont mécru avant que Dieu les combatte» (Repentir, 9/30).

Vrai Dieu et Vrai Homme:

Ils ont dit à propos de Jésus qu'il est un vrai Dieu et une personne réelle, afin qu'il puisse en faire un médiateur. Comme montré dans le catholicisme comme suit: 'Jésus-Christ est un vrai Dieu et un véritable être humain. Pour cette raison, il est le seul médiateur entre Dieu et l'homme. »[9] 'Maintenant, il défend les chrétiens dans le Père. Il est toujours vivant pour être leur médiateur. Et prêt avec Dieu. '[10] «Comme vous voyez cette doctrine n'est pas acceptable à la raison, et pour justifier l'opposition à cette doctrine de la raison et du bon sens, l'Église doit avoir désactivé le rôle de la raison dans la compréhension des faits de la foi. L'Église dit: La foi n'est pas la compréhension des faits énoncés et l'accès à la vérité des esprits naturels. [12] Parce que la foi est l'œuvre de l'Église et que la foi de l'Église est fondée sur notre foi, l'Église porte et nourrit notre foi. L'Église est la mère de tous les croyants, et quiconque n'était pas l'église et sa mère n'était pas le Seigneur son Père. [13]

Allah dit (interprétation de la signification): 'Ceux qui ont dit que Dieu est le Messie, le Fils de Marie, ont dit:' Ô enfants d'Israël, servez Dieu, mon Seigneur et votre Seigneur;

3. Le Saint-Esprit La doctrine catholique croit que le Saint-Esprit est Dieu. Lui, père et fils d'une origine. [14] Quel est le Saint-Esprit à être médiateur et patron. Dans la lettre de Paul aux Romains, «l'esprit aide aussi nos faibles, car nous ne savons pas quoi prier comme il se doit, mais l'Esprit lui-même intercède en nous des choses qui ne sont pas prononcées. Mais celui qui examine les cœurs sait ce qui intéresse l'Esprit, car selon la volonté de Dieu, il intercèdera dans les saints. Et nous savons que toutes choses concourent au bien de ceux qui aiment Dieu, appelés selon son dessein. '[15] Il n'est pas possible de voir le Fils de Dieu sans le Saint-Esprit. Personne ne peut atteindre le père sans le fils. [16]

4. La Vierge Marie La doctrine catholique croit que la Vierge Marie est la Mère de Dieu dans le vrai sens. [17] 'Sa maternité n'est pas terminée. Ils continuent de garantir des cadeaux qui procurent un bonheur durable grâce à leur portée renouvelée. Ils disent

The priests

 The priests
 The priests, in the eyes of Catholics, gathered the priest, who offered vows and vows for sins in the relationship of people with God. [24] As the letter to the Hebrews states: 'For every high priest is taken from men, that he is set up for the people in the things of God, that he may offer sacrifices and sacrifices for sins.' [25]   
 In the Gospels there is a set of letters and the author does not know them.
 Here we speak about Catholic priests in three points; Bishops. B. The popes. T.   
 Accompanying, gathering a bishop and means supervisor or president. Catholicism is believed to be the persons authorized by the Church. The Church will remain a teacher, sanctified and governed by the apostles through the bishops who are followers of the apostles until Christ comes again. [26] He who listens to the bishops may have listened to Christ.   
 And who rejects them will be like the rejection of Christ. [27]
 the pope
 The Pope is the successor to Peter the Apostle and the President of the Council of Bishops. This council has full and supreme authority over all churches. This power can only be shown after permission from the pope. [28] Each bishop is the successor to Peter the Apostle and works in full unity with the Pope, the Roman bishop, and the head of the bishops' council.   
 The Pope is infallible, as is the Council of Bishops.
 The Catholic doctrine believes that the Lord Jesus made Peter the Apostle originally visible in the Church, and gave him the keys to heaven. Pope The Roman bishop, successor of Peter the Apostle, is the vicar of Jesus and the patron of all the churches on earth. [29]   
 The Pope was given full authority over all souls. [30]
 The Catholic doctrine believes that every priest a monk priest is taken from the people for the sake of the people, in order to offer sacrifices and sacrifices for sins. [31] And serve under the administration of their bishops in the episcopal region. [32]   
 The source of the Church is Christ Himself; He is the one who established it, and gave it authority, function, direction and power. [33]
 The priest speaks in the name of the Lord, and has the authority to grant forgiveness to sinners. He says when baptizing one of his followers: 'I baptize you in the name of the Lord and give you forgiveness.' [34] When Gregory was a young priest, he wrote: 'The priest is the defender of the truth, he limps with the angels, praises the Archangel, makes sacrifices on the mihrab, participates in the priesthood of Christ, renews creatures,   
 , And creates creatures into the afterlife again, and more importantly makes them a god as he became himself a god. [36]
  8. Baptism
 Baptism is the baptism of baptism by water in a certain way, which is the first condition for human entry into Christian life according to the Catholic doctrine. [37] The Lord Jesus prescribed baptism for the forgiveness of sins. [38]   
 And the forgiveness that the Baptist receives during the baptism of complete forgiveness does not remain with him the first mistake and what was done by free will. [39]
 The Lord the Father by his Son as well as the baptisms give grace allowing for the new birth in the Holy Spirit.   
 For those who carry the Spirit of God go to the Son and bring them to the Father and the Father gives them immortality. [40]
  9. Recognition
 The Catholic doctrine believes that 'only sins are forgiven by God.' When one of the church men says to a man, 'You are forgiven of sins,' he depends on the special power granted to him by God. [41] The Church is able to forgive sins wherever they grow. [42] And no one has the right to forgive sins except the Pope or the Church gave him this right of the priests or priests. [43]   
 Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And those who, if they commit adultery or wrong themselves, mention Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins, and whoever forgives sins except Allah.
 The Catholic doctrine recognizes that only God forgives sins, but he also grants this right to the Pope as God gave him that power.
  10. The divine pyramid
 When the references to the Catholic doctrine are extrapolated, we find that there is a divine hierarchy. At the top of the pyramid are God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles, the Pope, the priests, and the priests according to their hierarchical degrees. Each was given divine authority. All except the Holy Spirit are half-gods and half-mortals. This is a particular shirk. God Almighty said: 'Take their tithes and their monks as gods without God and Christ the Son of Mary, and they have commanded only to serve one God, there is no god but He, Glorified, for what they associate.' (Repentance, 9/31).   
 He also said: 'Those who said that God is the third and three who have no god but one God have disbelieved, but they have not finished what they say, so that those who disbelieve may have a painful punishment.' (Al-Maida, 5/73)
 The Role of the Church in Christianity
 The Catholic doctrine holds that the Church represents Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Lady of the Virgin Mary and the Apostles. For this reason, the Church is the original God. The Church is a society composed of hierarchical institutions and the moral body of Jesus Christ, and is equipped with heavenly gifts. It also has two characteristics: one theological and the other theological.   
 The Church is a sign of union between God and man. [44]
 Church employees are worshipers of Christ and like Him. For their sayings are the sayings of Christ, and their charity is His beneficence as well.   
 They were given this to give to others. [45]
 I had a dialogue with a Protestant priest about the role of the Church among the Protestants, in which the Church was a particular religion.
 And the dialogue is as follows: I told him: What are the most important conditions in which a person becomes a Christian?
 He said: Baptism.
 I said: The conditions of faith in a person have been fulfilled and I have participated in all the acts of worship. Is he considered a Christian?
 He said: No, because he was born laden with the original sins committed by Adam, he must rid himself of all these sins, and

The doctrine of mediation in Catholicism

The doctrine of mediation in Catholicism

The doctrine of the three universes - the pillars of which are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is what led to the priesthood being taken by God without God. It is a doctrine shared by all Christian denominations, and there are other doctrines that are exclusive to one denomination. We take the Catholic doctrine as an example to see how his followers became disbelievers in the religion of monotheism that Jesus, peace and blessings be upon him, came from God.

1. God in the Catholic Creed Catholic doctrine believes that God is one; there is no other god. He is the one who created the heavens and the earth, and He alone is the master of them. He is close to His slaves and knows all things. It is azalea; no beginning to its existence and no end. And all that we possess from him. It exists in itself. He was called 'father' because he is the beginning of everything and above all and compassionate to all his children with his love and mercy, which is neither male nor female. He is God. [4]

Some Christians claim that there is a vacuum between God and people that must be mediated, and they believed that Jesus was worthy of filling this vacuum, and so was their belief in other mediators and partners.

2. Jesus (son) believes the Catholic doctrine that Jesus peace be upon him the messenger of the father. He wiped him out with the Holy Spirit and made him a monk and a king. He - ie Jesus - receives all things from the Father who sent him. Now he is defending the Christians at the father. He always sits with God. He is able to intercede with those who plead with God. [5]

How do Christians perceive Christ?

The Christians claim a gap between the holy God (God) and man. And arrows (in the figure shown) indicate the effort made by man to reach the pleasure of God Almighty and to achieve the happy life promised to his righteous servants.

Christ represents peace among the Christian Lamb. This Lamb will close the gap between God and man and has sacrificed himself for the salvation of humankind. In his letter to Timothy, Paul says: 'For there is one God and one mediator between God and men: the man Jesus Christ, who gave himself a ransom for all.' [6]

The Christians claimed that Jesus was the Son of God:

In the reign of the Apostles, the faith in Jesus was that God preached to him the prophecy and the message as the prophets before him, and the first to claim that Jesus is the Son of God is Paul, and three centuries later Christians accepted his claim as a valid invitation. In 325 CE the Council of Nicaea was held, and it was one of his decisions that Jesus was born of the Father and not a creature. [7] One of the decisions of the Council of Ephesus, which was held in 431 AD, that 'the sacrament of the effective incarnation of the union of theology in manhood in the hypostasis of the eternal word without separation or mingling and does not change. The Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. '

In the Council of Chalcedin in 451 AD, this decision was made: We recognize that our Lord Jesus Christ is the same Son, he himself is full of theology and is himself full in manhood. He himself is a true God and a true human being of the same rational and body, of the very essence of the Father according to theology, and he himself of our very essence according to humanity, similar to us in everything except sin. Born of the Father before the ages according to theology, and in the last days (born) is the same for us and for our salvation from the Virgin Mary or the Mother of God according to the people. [8]

God said in his holy book: «The Jews said Ozer son of God and Christians said Christ the Son of God that their words with their mouths match the words of those who disbelieved before God fought them that they are afflicted» (Repentance, 9/30).

True God and True Man:

They said about Jesus that he is a real God and a real person, so that he can make him a mediator. As shown in Catholicism as follows: 'Jesus Christ is a true God and a true human being. For this reason he is the only mediator between God and man. '[9] 'Now he is defending the Christians in the Father. He is always alive to be their mediator. And ready with God. '[10] 'It is capable of mediating to save all who are directed to God.' [11] As you see this doctrine is not acceptable to reason, and to justify opposition to this doctrine of reason and common sense, the Church must have disabled the role of reason in understanding the facts of faith. The Church says: Faith is not the understanding of the facts set out and access to the truth of the natural minds. [12] Because faith is the work of the Church, and the faith of the Church is based on our faith, the Church carries and nourishes our faith. The Church is the mother of all believers, and whoever was not the church and his mother was not the Lord his Father. [13]

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'Those who said that God is the Messiah, the Son of Mary, said:' O Children of Israel, serve God, My Lord and your Lord;

3. The Holy Spirit The Catholic doctrine believes that the Holy Spirit is God. He, father and son of one origin. [14] Which is the Holy Spirit to be mediator and patron. In the letter of Paul to the Romans, 'The spirit also helps our weak; for we do not know what to pray for as it should be, but the Spirit itself intercedes in us things that are not uttered. But the one who examines the hearts knows what the Spirit is interested in, because according to the will of God he will intercede in the saints. And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose. '[15] It is not possible to see the Son of God without the Holy Spirit. No one can reach the father without the son. [16]

4. The Virgin Mary The Catholic doctrine believes that the Virgin Mary is the Mother of God in the true sense. [17] 'Her motherhood is not over. They continue to guarantee gifts that provide lasting happiness with their renewed reach. They say

الأحد، 3 ديسمبر 2017



Other Commonly Used Spellings: KUR'AN

The holy book of Qur'an is called the Qur'an. It was revealed unto Muhammad (s.a.w) from Allah through angel Gabriel (Jibril) for a period of 23 years. There is only one Qur'an in the whole world and it is in Arabic language. The Qur'an has one text, one language, and one dialect. It has been memorized by millions of Muslims in different parts of the world.
The Qur'an is composed of 114 Surah (chapters). It is to be read and recited with rules and regulations. When to be touched and to be recited, a Muslim to be in a state of cleanliness and purity.
The authenticity and the totality of the Qur'an have been documented and recognized. The Qur'an can not be translated at all as the Qur'an is the exact words of Allah. Any translation is considered to be the explanation to the meaning of the Qur'an.
The Qur'an is so rich and comprehensive in matter that it can easily guide men and women in all works of their life. It is the ultimate source of guidance for people in all aspects of their spiritual and material lives.
The names and attributes that are given to the Qur'an in the Qur'an speak for themselves. The Qur'an is also described to be bounteous, glorious, mighty, honored, exalted, purified, wonderful, blessed, and confirming the truth of previous revelations. The Qur'an has practically proved the truth and effectiveness of all of its names and epithets in the life of all true believers, who practiced its teachings sincerely and devoutly.
The Qur'an has a Universal appeal, regardless of people's color, creed, nationality, and geographical divisions of the world. The goal of life, as addressed in the Qur'an, is to live according to what Allah has created us for, which is to worship Allah, and to obey his commandments in this life, which are of course, in the interest of people, and to gain going to Heaven and escape going to Hell in the hereafter. The real success is going to Heaven and the real failure is going to Hell, as the Qur'an states.
Those who are entirely lost in their material gains and luxury, without cultivating their spiritual and moral qualities, are declared by Allah (s..w.t.) to be like animals, rather worse than them. The ones who do not believe in Allah or follow His commandments are also described in many places of the Qur'an to be dead, deaf, mute, and blind. The real living, hearing, speaking and seeing are caused by the true belief in the heart. So our need for learning, studying, and following the Qur'an should come before our need for breathing, drinking and eating to survive, because life without such guidance is a miserable life that leads to eternal punishment.

Purification and Prayer


by Sayyid Saabiq

Table of Contents

Volume 1: Purification and Prayer

Ablution (Wudu')
Ghusl, the complete ablution
Tayammum, the dry ablution
Azhan, call to prayer
Prerequisites of the Prayer
Obligatory acts of prayer
Sunnah acts of prayer

Volume 2: Supererogatory Prayer

Supererogatory Prayers
Nonstressed Sunnah Prayers (As-Sunan Ghair Al-Mu'akkadah)
The Witr Prayer
The Late Night Prayer, tahajjud (qiyam al-Layil)
The Special Prayers during the Month of Ramadan (Tarawih)
The Duha prayer
Salatul Istikharah
Salatul Tasbih
Salatul Hajah, the prayer for need
Salatul Taubah, the prayer of penitence
Salatul Kasuf, prayer of the solar and lunar eclipse
Salatul Istisqa, prayer for rain
The Prostration During the Qur'anic Recitation
The Prostration of Thankfulness (Sajdat ush-Shukr)
Prostrations of forgetfulness during the prayer
Congregational Prayer
The Mosques
Places where offering prayer is prohibited
The Sutrah or partition in front of one who is praying
What is allowed during the prayer
Actions which are disliked during the prayer
Actions which invalidate the Salah
Making (Qada') for missed salah
The prayer of a person who is ill (Salatul Marid)
The prayer during times of fear or danger (Salatul Khauf)
The prayer of a traveler
Combining two prayers
Salatul Jumu'ah (the Friday Prayer)
Id prayers (Salatul 'Idain)

Volume 3: Zakaat and Fasting

Zakah in Islamic Jurisprudence
Monetary holdings subject to zakah
Zakah on plants and fruit
Zakah on Animals
Zakah on Buried Treasure and Precious Minerals
Zakah on Wealth Extracted from the Sea
The Recipients of Zakah
Zakat ul-Fitr
Zakat ut-Tatawwu or Voluntary Sadaqah
Fasting (As-siyam)
The Fast of Ramadan
The Forbidden Days to Fast
Voluntary Fasts
The Manners of Fasting
Acts That are Permissible During the Fast
Actions that Void the Fast
Making Up Missed Days of Ramadan
Night of Qadr
I'tikaf or Seclusion in the Mosque

Volume 4: Funerals and Dhikr

Sickness, Expiation of Sins
Contemplation of death and preparation for it by good deeds
Al-Kafan (The Shroud)
Funeral Prayers (Salatul Janazah)
Azh-zhikr (remembrance of Allah)

Volume 5: Hajj and 'Umrah

Pilgrimage: a general definition, its excellence and prerequisites
The ability to perform hajj - what does it imply?
The hajj of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Mawaquit: Fixed Times and Places For Ihram
What is permitted to a Muhrim
Restrictions of Ihram
Killing a game in the state of Ihram
Sacred precincts of Makkah and Madinah (Haram Makkah wa Madinah)
Tawaf or Circumambulation around Ka'bah
Sa'i between Safa and Marwah
Staying at Mina and Arafat

This material was taken from [ Islamic Server Home ]

Ghusl means to wash the entire body with water.

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Ghusl means to wash the entire body with water. Says Allah in the Qur'an, "If you are sexually impure, purify yourselves." And, "They question you concerning menstruation. Say: It is an illness, so let women alone at such times and do not have sex with them until they are cleansed" (al-Baqarah 222).
Volume 1, Page 49a: Actions requiring Ghusl
The actions that require Ghusl are:
Volume 1, Page 49b: Discharge of al-Mani owing to stimulation while asleep or awake
The opinion of the jurists in general is that ghusl is a must should one have a discharge of al-mani (sperm) owing to stimulation while asleep or awake. Abu Sa'eed reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, say, "Water (washing) is (needed) after (ejaculation of) sperm." (Related by Muslim.)
Umm Salamah reported that Umm Sulaim said, "O Messenger of Allah, Allah is not ashamed of the truth. Does a woman have to perform ghusl if she has a wet dream?" He said, "Yes, if she sees the liquid." (Related by al-Bukhari, Muslim and others.)
There are some other points of importance that need to be noted:
Volume 1, Page 49c: If the sperm is discharged without any type of stimulation (owing to illness or extreme cold)
In this case, ghusl is not obligatory. 'Ali reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said to him, "If sperm is ejaculated, perform ghusl." (Related by Abu Dawud).
Said Mujahid, "We were in a meeting in the mosque with the companions of Ibn 'Abbas (Tawus, Sa'eed ibn Jubair and 'Ikrimah). When he stood to pray, a man came in and said, 'Is there one who can give a legal verdict?' We said, 'Ask your question.' He said, 'Whenever I urinate, a liquid always follows it.' We asked, 'Is it the type of liquid that gives birth to children?' He said, 'Yes.' We said, 'Then you have to perform ghusl.' The man went away. Ibn 'Abbas hurried to finish his prayer, after which he told 'Ikrimah to bring the man back. He turned to us and said, 'Is your verdict found in the Book of Allah?' We said, 'No.' He asked, 'Is it based on the sayings of the Prophet, upon whom be peace?' We said, 'No.' 'Then from what?' We said, 'From our opinion.' He said, 'That is why the Messenger of Allah said that one learned man is more difficult for Satan than a thousand worshippers.' The man came and faced Ibn 'Abbas, who said to him, 'When that happens, is it owing to any stimulation?' He answered, 'No.' Ibn 'Abbas asked, 'Do you feel any numbness in your body?' He answered, 'No.' Said Ibn 'Abbas, 'That is from the cold. Ablution is sufficient."'
Volume 1, Page 50: If one has a wet dream but does not find any traces of ejaculation
There is no need for ghusl in this instance either. Ibn al-Munzhir said, "All of the knowledgeable people known to me agree on this point." The hadith of Umm Salamah mentioned earlier supports this proposition.
Volume 1, Page 50a:
If one wakes from sleep and finds some moistness, but does not recall any wet dream, though he is sure it is sperm, what should he do? To be safe, he should perform ghusl. Said Mujahid and Qatadah, "There is no need for ghusl until he is sure that it is sperm, for his prior condition of purity is not ended by an uncertainty .
Volume 1, Page 50b: If a man squeezes his penis to prevent ejaculation
This also makes ghusl unnecessary. This is based on the hadith which states that ghusl is required if the sperm can be seen. But, if the person walks and cannot control his ejaculation. he must perform ghusl.
Volume 1, Page 51: Sperm on the clothes during prayer
If a man does not know how the sperm got on his clothes, and he has already prayed, should he perform ghusl and repeat all of his prayers since the last time he slept? If he thinks that it happened before his most recent sleep, he should repeat all of his prayers since the supposed time of his ejaculation .
Volume 1, Page 51a: Touching the two circumcised parts
This refers to the penis and the vagina. If one's penis has entered his wife's vagina, ghusl is obligatory even if there was no ejaculation. Says Allah, "If you are sexually impure, purify yourselves." Commenting on the subject, ash-Shaifi says, "In the Arabic language, sexual impurity refers to any type of sexual intercourse, regardless of whether sperm was ejaculated or not. If someone says, 'So and so is sexually impure due to so and so,' it refers to any type of sexual intercourse between them, even if there was no ejaculation. No one disagrees that the fornication which requires the prescribed punishment is sexual intercourse, even if there is no ejaculation."
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "When anyone sits between the four parts of her body and exerts himself (has intercourse), bathing becomes obligatory (for both)." (Related by Ahmad and Muslim.)
Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyab reported that Abu Musa al-Ash'ari said to 'Aishah, "I would like to ask you something, but I am embarrassed." She said, "Ask and don't be shy, for I am your mother." He asked about a man who had intercourse but did not ejaculate. She said, on the authority of the Prophet, "If the two circumcised parts encountered each other, ghusl is obligatory." This hadith is related by Ahmad and Malik with different wordings. There is no doubt that there must be insertion; if there is only touching, ghusl is not obligatory for either. All scholars agree on this point.
Volume 1, Page 51b: Women and their period
Concerning menstruation and childbirth bleeding, Allah says in the Qur'an, "Do not approach them until they become pure. When they are pure, go to them in the manner that Allah has prescribed for you." The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said to Fatimah bint Abu Habish, "Do not pray during your period. After it has ended, perform ghusl and pray." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Post-childbirth bleeding is treated in a similar manner, according to the consensus of the companions. If a woman gives birth and has no flow of blood afterwards, some scholars say that she must perform ghusl, while others say that it would not be necessary. There is no textual authority on this latter point.
Volume 1, Page 52: Death


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