الثلاثاء، 5 ديسمبر 2017

Full religiosity is a condition

Full religiosity is a condition 

and for complete happiness 
partial religiosity mentioned above is not enough for human happiness. Therefore, the establishment of the face of religion and the inherent instinct mentioned in the verse is another thing, where it is intended to work in all the Koran in the structure of worship of God, or inherent instinct fully consistent with the intent to take the rule of God Almighty. Allah says: 'O ye who believe! Enter in the ladder like a pest, and do not follow the footsteps of the devil. He is a clear enemy to you.' (Al-Baqarah, 208) . The interpretation of the verse that peace is Islam: 

«Believers! Enter all the Islam, that is, accept all its provisions, and all of them, and follow the steps of the devil to accept some of them and some of them. This meaning can only be achieved through the sit-in by the Koran in full surrender and surrender to it completely. 
And on the grounds that peace is peaceful: 'Believers! Enter in all peace, that is, be at peace with God, and in peace with the universe, and at peace with the animal. At peace with people, and at peace with yourselves. And this meaning can only be achieved by listening to the calls of all instinct, and meet all their demands ». 

Whatever the meaning of 'peace' in verse does not change the result. Because whoever enters all of Islam has entered the whole of the pacifist, and whoever enters the whole of the pacifist has entered all of Islam. This is why the faith in some books and disbelief in some of them is unacceptable. Allaah has forgiven the Children of Israel for this act by saying: 'Do you believe in some of the scriptures and make some disbelief? } {
The religion is with Allah Islam} (Al-Imran, 19), {and set up your face to religion Hanifa God's instinct J mushroom people on it} (Sura, 30). 

Islam is the religion of God and no other, religion is the instinct of God that people mushroom them. Therefore, the religion in which all the books of God were revealed and all his apostles communicated, must be one religion, and that reason, logic, knowledge, wisdom, reality and truth should be agreed. But there are different religions here on the ground, none of which are compatible. There are beliefs and actions that Muslims do not agree with, and they are still in conflict with their minds. 
That is because God sent to every nation a messenger to warn them. But the devil sat at the head of the straight path to seduce those who wanted to follow the Prophet, and then came from his hands and behind him and on his right and north, and most of them followed, did not accept the invitation of the Prophet. And then the devil did not spare any effort to seduce them, even if the apostle died, some people turned back and joined the convoy of those who did not believe in the Prophet originally. Then some of the followers of the Prophet began mixing their views with their religion, and did not look at things with their minds, but with their feelings and feelings, and weighed the issues with their balance and left the balance of God Almighty, which deposited in the instinct and revealed in the book, and removed religion from the right way. Then came the boys and imitated their parents blind tradition, and added to the religion some additions from themselves as their parents added, the religion came out of being the religion of God, and became a machine to class scientists bad to satisfy their corrupt ambitions and to achieve their malicious goals. The authority supported them to strengthen their control over the people, and the public walked behind them voluntarily or unwillingly, and then became the views of these scientists and the actions of these sultans a religion for those after them. Then God sent a new messenger and came and reached his message, and reminded the people of their original religion. Followed by those who do not seek the benefit of the religion of the world of ordinary members of the religion deviant [10], and the class of the beneficiary and followers who clung to the love of their masters, and remained on their religion deviant. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And you said,' You have taken from God without any kind of affection among you in this life, and then on the Day of Judgment you will be atoned for one another, and you will be cursed by one another. Thus, many religions occurred, and the people introduced many doctrines in every religion, and then each religion became a religion separately, so it reached what reached. 

7 - Conclusion 

God created the universe and what is in favor of man and ridiculed everything in them for him [11], and make use depends on the conservation of nature and everything and the nature of corruption. And then deposited in the same good and Hassan Hassan ugly ugly, and make his mind calling to Hassan and prevent the ugly, but the mind may shorten and weaken is sometimes unable to perform his job, because in a constant conflict with passion, and must have Nasser support and support. So God sent down books to the people to light their way before them [12], and sent messengers to be like them in it. He has followed his path and followed his book, and thus reaches the summit in freedom and dignity, and receives happiness and feel the effects in the fields of his entire life, and always tasted Her sweetness and taste. If these good deeds and good deeds are shared among the sons of a country, then security and credit must prevail, honesty and loyalty prevail, and justice and justice will be judged.

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