الأربعاء، 2 أغسطس 2017

Totally confident, psychologists will tell you that you forget your things every time, deliberately in the depths, when you leave, to ease the burden of leaving by convincing yourself that you have not left altogether
The wise wise men will tell you of the age of speed, that is a good omen, and that in your depths you know that you must gradually get rid of the past, even if you forget that you did not mean it,
The existential philosophers will say that this is the guide of your life, that time is a constant loss, and that you will form as much as you leave what you did not love, deep down,
The love of your friend when you beat him in the debate, the mutual looks at the time of the victory of the revolution, the stories of puberty in the chapters, the promise of the love lover that she will never forget you, and the trembling of the body after a kiss, And the attempts of teachers of the Arabic language to appear as wise, yawning colleagues after a long journey, long dreams of floating after a full day in the sea that is not to leave you, and everything seems calm and joyful, and never seem as deep as you think others

 ‏ما الدنْيا إلّا صبرٌ تلوَ صبرٍ تلوَ صَبرِ 
(via huntthu)
وآخر الصبر دة ايه !

رغم ان يوم التلات بيبقى يوم مايعلم بيه إلا ربنا إلا إن طلعت منه بحاجة حلوة :’D

فاتحة انستجرام بشوف صور الناس وهما فى أماكن نضيفة كدة وبيعط .

 اية حالة البؤس والضيق والزهق اللى بتيجى على بليل دى 😑 

 كل القصايد من حلا عينيّكى 

يارب تسافر ،اللهم إستجاب 😂

 لازم نستمتع أكتر بالناس اللى حوالينا ،نستمتع بوجودهم ساعات مابيبقاش فيه مرة جاية 

ولا انا علي طول مودي أسود وكئيبة مش قادرة أحدد حقيقي .
* Emirati dreams have twice the wealth of Angelina Jolie And when I heard of the news of Angelina's adoption of "Moses" was published immediately on Twitter:
"Very concerned about the education that Moses will receive" in the hands and arms of a non-Muslim "
I did not think about the moment of the hunger, thirst, homelessness, and the bitter cold experienced by Moses and the likes of Moses every second .. In this unfaithful unbelieving the Arab world has learned lessons in the world. Humanity, love, kindness and tenderness and sacrificed itself for the sake of the Arabs .................. If you complete the reading, write Hallelujah
Because only the one who punishes and recompenses, and we are not mere mere mortals, we sin and deny and kill those who violate faith and religion
Leave the people to God is the only one who created them and is the only one who is entitled to punish those who see mistakes
Greetings brother
The picture may contain: one person, outdoors and nature
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Abdulellahi Maouloud
Abdellahi Maouloud and she hides respect for the beliefs of others
The picture may contain: 2 people, people sitting and a close shot
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Abdellahi Maouloud
Abdellahi Maouloud
The picture may contain: 3 people, people smiling
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly, my brother, I want to tell you a need you can not know. Saudi Arabia opened its doors to the emigrants to emigrate half of them to Saudi Arabia and left their country to the foreign gangs and the process of emptying the population is not in the interest of the homeland.
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly I love politics and I do not speak
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly This is what happened to the people of Syria, fear and emigration, and opened the countries of the West not only their love but a policy to occupy the country but the terrorists
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly When Port Said attacked by foreigners in 56 years did not escape the population did not leave their country, but fought in everything and the people of Suez in 73, they fought the Zionist occupation and forced them to flee
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly 3 armored teams escape from the Egyptian citizen with less weapons than them
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly There is a trick and a moral war between Western writers
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly when they provide aid not love it, but try to show the inability and surrender to Muslims indirectly
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly and tell the world that these Muslims are the cruel and cruel hearts of the teachings of the polytheists in their prayers do not cheat the Muslims and Kutua ye faithful thieves until they show comparison and Muslims are the infidels and polytheists who possess virtue they are better than Muslims
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly This actress has no reward in the hereafter and will get fame in the world as much as I paid
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly Is the reward of the world the best of paradise?
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Elty
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly History will say that the youth of Syria fled and left the country of terror for fear of themselves will be humiliated and humiliated by the infidel West
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly And this is another war against Islam This partner fights us because of our fear and the escape of the people of Syria Why did not pay the poor surveyors in Africa? But they were paying the Muslims so that they understood and did not say so
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Ahmed Aly
Ahmed Aly The surveyors went to the land of the Arabs for a decent living in the past and now we are leaving for fear and hunger and hunger to them the most backward
 لاتخرج عن نطاق الموضوع لاتتحول الى موضوع ثاني خلال محاورتك بموضوع ما
1- الإنصات حتى النهاية
2- الهدوء وعدم العصبية
3- عدم كثرة الحركة
4- التفاعل و الإجابة السؤال في حالة عدم الفهم
5- عدم التعصب والإعتراف بالخطأ
Eye sign door
And then read the exposure by saying if the acceptance and approval: the reference to the eye, and that to do in this sense the holy place, and the amount of strange, and cut it and continue, and threatens and threatens, and arrests and simplifies, and ordered and ends, and hit promises, (1), and alert to the sergeant, Grieves, and asks and answers, and is forbidden and given.
And each one of these meanings struck by the body of the moment does not stop to identify only vision, can not be photographed and described only less than him. And I describe what facilitates these meanings:
The reference to the closure of the eye is a sign of the threat, and the heart of the eye to one hand and then dispensed with a quick alert on the reference, and the hidden signal with the eyes shut both ( 2) Question, the heart of the pupil from the center of the eye to the mouth
(1) The Promises: The Oars in Broke and Mackie.
(2) Both: in all editions.


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He quickly saw the prohibition, and the recuperation of the two eyes from the middle of the eyes is a general prohibition, and the rest is only aware of the sighting.
I know that the eye turns away from the apostles, and recognizes the meaning, and the four senses of the doors to the heart and outlets towards the soul, and the eye informed and the most accurate indication and awareness (1) work. She is a true psychologist, her guide is Hedi, and her vision is that she stands on the facts and the qualities and the understanding of the senses. It has been said: The informant is not like the eye, and it was mentioned by Aflimon (2) the owner of the riddle and make it certified in the government.
(4) glass or water, or some clear stones or other bright, shiny objects with a shelf, a tube and a luster, the extremity of which is connected to a dense body covered by a cadaver, Her beam became aware of the viewer himself and her eyes. He who sees in the mirror, then you look like you in the eye of another. And you can see your back and all that is behind you, in order to reflect the light of the eye to the light of the mirror behind you, as you did not find an outlet in the hands of your hands, And when he did not find behind
(1) Brushes: and Oufha.
(2) Philemon (Philemon), the master of the rift, see in the test of his ability to ransom Ibn Abi

فى الشتاء

في الشتاء تختفي مظاهر التعري خوفا من البرد الزائد!!!!
فلماذا لا تختفي ابدا خوفا من عذاب الله؟؟؟؟
حكمة رائعة:
 عندما تتعرى الاشجار من ورقها أمام الملأ يكون مصيرها حطب لنار توقد بالدنيا..
 كذلك النساء اذا تعرت امام الملأ يكون مصيرهن حطب لنار توقد لجهنم..
 الانوثة حياء، قبل ان تكون ازياء

We are manipulated by the media

We are manipulated by the media every day ... Hundreds of children and women are killed by French and American planes in Mali, Central Africa, Iraq and Russian planes in Syria ... Thousands of massacres committed by America and Iran in Iraq and the media does not highlight them .. !!
But the media highlighted the victims of the Paris attacks so that our sympathy with them and perhaps some of us cried for them ..!
We are against the killing of innocents wherever they are, but we must be fully aware of what is happening everywhere and who are truly oppressed ... We do not see things only as they want to see them.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...