When I knew Bmied transit?
"I was recently in advance, you are 35 armored battalion commander during the October War II military field, I knew that the military Bhsa date the war approached week earlier, because the situation has changed, my family has traveled to 48 hours before the war and attended 24 hours."
We would like to know the tasks assigned to it a moment of transit and after the Yom Kippur War?
"I was costly to prevent the entry of tanks during the crossing on foot such as the creation of bridges and the main task of the force is addressing the enemy forces and the task entrusted to us did not begin until after the Atmit General Command of the Armed Forces we have reached a high degree of combat efficiency in hard training."
He added: "We will not forget the heroic role of the management of military intelligence and reconnaissance, which supplied all the branches and units of the General Command of the Armed Forces every nook and cranny of enemy movements on the east side of the channel of the ways the attack, style and reports the names of Israeli leaders and their reserves during the raid on them and how to escape at the crossings and tunnels to exist Baldhm seized in the June 67 ".
Tell us about your relationship Balmsheer Hussein Tantawi .. and what happened in the Battle of the Chinese Farm?
"Chinese battle hero is given a h then Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, and the battle was present in the village to evacuate eastern city of Ismailia bounded to the west Lakes Great Bitter Egypt was the residence crops and materials feeding experiments with the Japanese side and when it occurred setback was the seizure of the village was Japanese writings by When they came Israelis said they Vtm launch of Chinese writing on it the name of Chinese farm named after this Chinese writing. "
He continued: "When the war 73 there was Mudug invalid" from the bogs "is not fit to walk it from Sinai until the channel Vtm repaired, and crept tanks to the west of the canal, and the battalion 16 commander of Division 16 Brigade 16th Infantry, Field Marshal Tantawi, the work of anti-tank missiles sites, The battalion to destroy enemy tanks are endless numbers have not crossed this bridge in spite of strengthened by 2 rubber brigade and a brigade of Israeli armored, but after the cease-fire resolution was crossing amphibians after the Egyptians to respect the cease-Israel did not respect it. "
What are the key corresponding to that it is still stuck in the mind of Maj. Gen. Jaber nor forgotten?
I will never forget "heroes" affected them during the October battles and before that, two, Major General Adel applies Brigade Commander 112 Infantry in the band 16, which achieved greater depth when we crossed the Sinai largest losses in the enemy and later, but during one of the battles amputated his leg and fell out of the car, and insisted at the time on see broken leg and lifting and stop shouting "Long live Egypt"; historically was a hero worthy of honor, said many championships in his book "outstanding leg trip."
What about your memories with "tank hunter"?
"Farmer Abdul Ati" Hunter tanks ", and who left since 1991 and was in accordance with most of the destroyed enemy tanks to official records; succeeded only in destroying 26 tanks, although it until Oct. 8, did not succeed in destroying any tank, which is what it gets upset and jealous of colleagues who inflicted the enemy great losses. "
He continued: "issued at the time the command transfer," Abdel-Ati "to my band, and we have prepared an ambush of enemy tanks, and the commander," Abdul Atti, "Capt. Syed Khafajah, under the guidance Abdel Ati, along with fighter Bayoumi to enemy tanks, and destroyed the day Abdelati 9 tanks single-handedly, while successfully Bayoumi, his colleague in the destruction of four tanks, and set off after the famous Abdul Ati ".
He added: "impressed Abdul Ati destroy enemy tanks and when the sector did not attack enemy tanks was going to other military sectors in support of his fellow armed forces have honored and awarded the Order of Sinai was opened Ghanayem exhibition in Aswan and cut the opening ribbon in the presence of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Ahmed Ismail on governor Aswan.
How do you feel at the crossing and when he heard cries of "Allahu Akbar"?
The pleasure can not be described, especially when he heard the cry of "Allahu Akbar", like angels sent to a good ground troops, which he described human messenger "that they are good hosts of the earth," The lesson was harsh on Israel in the war, and can not think of going to war with Egypt and enough Astnejad Golda Meir, Israel's prime minister, Air America Vomdtha bridge after it learned of the loss of its army and destroy it, which echoed the media that the army, which unbowed. "
"I was recently in advance, you are 35 armored battalion commander during the October War II military field, I knew that the military Bhsa date the war approached week earlier, because the situation has changed, my family has traveled to 48 hours before the war and attended 24 hours."
We would like to know the tasks assigned to it a moment of transit and after the Yom Kippur War?
"I was costly to prevent the entry of tanks during the crossing on foot such as the creation of bridges and the main task of the force is addressing the enemy forces and the task entrusted to us did not begin until after the Atmit General Command of the Armed Forces we have reached a high degree of combat efficiency in hard training."
He added: "We will not forget the heroic role of the management of military intelligence and reconnaissance, which supplied all the branches and units of the General Command of the Armed Forces every nook and cranny of enemy movements on the east side of the channel of the ways the attack, style and reports the names of Israeli leaders and their reserves during the raid on them and how to escape at the crossings and tunnels to exist Baldhm seized in the June 67 ".
Tell us about your relationship Balmsheer Hussein Tantawi .. and what happened in the Battle of the Chinese Farm?
"Chinese battle hero is given a h then Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, and the battle was present in the village to evacuate eastern city of Ismailia bounded to the west Lakes Great Bitter Egypt was the residence crops and materials feeding experiments with the Japanese side and when it occurred setback was the seizure of the village was Japanese writings by When they came Israelis said they Vtm launch of Chinese writing on it the name of Chinese farm named after this Chinese writing. "
He continued: "When the war 73 there was Mudug invalid" from the bogs "is not fit to walk it from Sinai until the channel Vtm repaired, and crept tanks to the west of the canal, and the battalion 16 commander of Division 16 Brigade 16th Infantry, Field Marshal Tantawi, the work of anti-tank missiles sites, The battalion to destroy enemy tanks are endless numbers have not crossed this bridge in spite of strengthened by 2 rubber brigade and a brigade of Israeli armored, but after the cease-fire resolution was crossing amphibians after the Egyptians to respect the cease-Israel did not respect it. "
What are the key corresponding to that it is still stuck in the mind of Maj. Gen. Jaber nor forgotten?
I will never forget "heroes" affected them during the October battles and before that, two, Major General Adel applies Brigade Commander 112 Infantry in the band 16, which achieved greater depth when we crossed the Sinai largest losses in the enemy and later, but during one of the battles amputated his leg and fell out of the car, and insisted at the time on see broken leg and lifting and stop shouting "Long live Egypt"; historically was a hero worthy of honor, said many championships in his book "outstanding leg trip."
What about your memories with "tank hunter"?
"Farmer Abdul Ati" Hunter tanks ", and who left since 1991 and was in accordance with most of the destroyed enemy tanks to official records; succeeded only in destroying 26 tanks, although it until Oct. 8, did not succeed in destroying any tank, which is what it gets upset and jealous of colleagues who inflicted the enemy great losses. "
He continued: "issued at the time the command transfer," Abdel-Ati "to my band, and we have prepared an ambush of enemy tanks, and the commander," Abdul Atti, "Capt. Syed Khafajah, under the guidance Abdel Ati, along with fighter Bayoumi to enemy tanks, and destroyed the day Abdelati 9 tanks single-handedly, while successfully Bayoumi, his colleague in the destruction of four tanks, and set off after the famous Abdul Ati ".
He added: "impressed Abdul Ati destroy enemy tanks and when the sector did not attack enemy tanks was going to other military sectors in support of his fellow armed forces have honored and awarded the Order of Sinai was opened Ghanayem exhibition in Aswan and cut the opening ribbon in the presence of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Ahmed Ismail on governor Aswan.
How do you feel at the crossing and when he heard cries of "Allahu Akbar"?
The pleasure can not be described, especially when he heard the cry of "Allahu Akbar", like angels sent to a good ground troops, which he described human messenger "that they are good hosts of the earth," The lesson was harsh on Israel in the war, and can not think of going to war with Egypt and enough Astnejad Golda Meir, Israel's prime minister, Air America Vomdtha bridge after it learned of the loss of its army and destroy it, which echoed the media that the army, which unbowed. "