الاثنين، 8 يونيو 2015


Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi
Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production. Born on October 31, 1935.
Tantawi held numerous leadership positions in the Egyptian armed forces before commissioning
President Hosni Mubarak has to assume responsibility for the General Command of the Armed Forces
Egyptian. Among the positions held by Tantawi second field army commander,
Then commander of the Republican Guard forces, then commander in chief of the armed forces and minister
Defense and Military Production in the rank of lieutenant in 1991 and then issued a month later Mr.
President Mubarak's decision promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant. And after about three
Years President Mubarak issued a decree last promoted him to the rank of Field Marshal.
It was Field Marshal Tantawi, the commander of a combat unit during the Yom Kippur War and his weapon is Mchahecant Battle of the Chinese Farm one of the major battles that have had
A significant impact both tactically on the battlefield or from the
Psychological October in a free, this fight has created a new military thinking being
Now to be taught in all colleges and institutes Supreme Military, and wrote about
The greatest military analysts, including Israeli analysts.

This battle resulted in new thinking to the commander of the battalion 16 of the band 16
Infantry, which submitted the pillars of Mohamed Hussein Tantawi war defense minister now, as
Battle of the Chinese Farm highlighted the many heroic positions for members of Battalion 18 Infantry
Led by Colonel Ahmed Ismail Attia, a battalion that stunned the enemy and was
It has a significant role in achieving victory in this battle.

Battalion tasks began on October 6 inhibitor to cross the water of the Suez Canal in
Only half an hour, and it was supposed to interpret it in an hour, then the battalion began in
Progress towards the east and has achieved initial tasks Bastellaiha Ali bridges capital
Initial repel and destroy the counter-attacks made against it and the outcome of destruction
5 tanks of the enemy forces, and the strong point Baldferssoar isolate and blockade, then
The battalion attack in the direction of the development of the East and the task of achieving the following
The final occupation of the head of the bridge, while continuing to destroy and repel counterattacks
The enemy.

The most important battles fought by this battalion was the Battle of the Chinese Farm,
And the Chinese farm dating back to 67, where this has been Reclamation
Land for cultivation has been established by some of the houses and paved canals and basins divided
To be cultivated, and was also called the village to evacuate.

The battle began in the area when the Israeli enemy has exhausted all attempts
To carry out the attacks and counter-strikes against bridges heads began to turn to his thinking
The need to intensify efforts against specific sector until Israeli forces succeed in achieving
Penetrate carried him to the west of the canal, and the choice of the Israeli leadership to be
Direction of the main attack her in the direction of the right side of the second field army
In the band 16 pedestrian sector, specifically in the direction of the center of the bowl and Deversoir,
Thus, the Chinese have become the goal of the farm is attacking Israeli forces in the direction of
Suez Canal to this axis.

During this period, Israeli forces have focused all means of fire from the air forces
And missile and artillery towards that region, and was the target of beatings, especially at the headquarters of
The concentration of Battalion 18 is the destruction of the battalion or budge from this place towards
North by any means.

The Battle of the Chinese Farm began on 15 October, where the enemy attack Center
Aviation throughout the day to all the trenches and the leadership of the battalion and was beating accurate
The center, as long-range artillery fire brought furiously throughout the day,
The attack continued until sunset, was hurt during this beating only 3 soldiers
Only, it was because of camouflage and deception followed by the battalion plan, before
Any air strike aircraft was flying to film the battalion, and after imaging directly
The movement of the entire battalion to hit elsewhere are inaccurate sites.

At eight o'clock in the evening quarter, but the same day the ears of the battalion Trump
Voices treads of tanks in large numbers coming from the direction of the bowl and in time
Eighth half a comprehensive attack the enemy center on the right side of the battalion
Using three armored brigades strongly tank 280 and a brigade of umbrellas for mechanic
Using 3-axis Accant band condemned the Israeli commander of the 300 tanks and Band
Mangen Israeli commander 200 tanks and infantry brigade was mechanical support until
It is controlled, and reinforced brigade commander Reshef third armored battalion and an infantry battalion
Mechanic and independent infantry battalion mechanic, becoming the leadership Reshef 4
Armored battalions and armored reconnaissance battalion and three infantry battalions mechanic and become a
Sharon half strength.

With all this crowd of the enemy forces were attacked by the clash with him
Almkhandqh tanks and anti-tank weapons were moving the rest of the secret
Tanks in this direction, has led this secret mission with great success, where
Destroyed 12 tanks and did not serve any of our tanks in bad, was chosen as a set of sniper
Saraya totaled 15 tanks were pushing the first set and the officer and poll officers
Saraya, then pushed the platoon, along with private individuals R holders me. Ji.
To the right side and has clashed with the enemy until the battle raged and turned to
Close combat in the form of guerrilla warfare throughout the night until six o'clock this morning
Next, was the destruction of 60 tanks in this direction.

At one o'clock on the morning of October 16 in the face of enemy attack
18 Infantry Battalion and might repel this attack after the destruction of 10 tanks and 4 vehicles
Tracked half, then extended 16 attack on the battalion left the neighbor Battalion 18
Pedestrians and was led by Colonel Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, and the force of the attack it
Paratrooper brigade, along with an armored brigade and battalion, and as a result of the decision of the battalion commander was detained
Fire as long as possible, and a signal light of it has been opened fire all weapons
16 Infantry Battalion against the advancing forces and the battle lasted for two hours
And a half hours until the first light, and came early hours of the morning clad Haze
Israeli forces which helped to pull the losses of dead and wounded, but
It has not been able to withdraw its tanks and armored vehicles that have been destroyed and plumes of smoke
Emit over the next two days.

Experts have described this battle that they said that Battalion 16 Infantry Battalion
18 infantry bore the brunt of the biggest battle in the Yom Kippur War, that were not in the biggest battle
Modern history in terms of the size of the common armor, as it was for this battle
The greatest impact in the glorious October victory and give the Israeli enemy a lesson not and will not
Forget it.

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