الجمعة، 27 فبراير 2015


... ... ... ...

Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre

Beautiful words
Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre
Forget Kasai love with the most beautiful and the best angel
O my Lord, have mercy of this admonition

Kasai lighter and Ante owner heartfelt
Ante killers without a weapon

My love is the most powerful weapon
If Lee Wing
My heart flew to Maak
If I had the same --- a gift for your heart is elusive
Lu Li was the spirit of the heart --- I die you life
I die and you life
How do I forget the love Translucent --- treachery days

If I was able to mix his cell of our body and one
Love singles and after you Alllam
And close you happier and Khanank grams

How forget the occasional Bhoak

And how Anamahb and friendly





あなたは罪悪Pを愛するならば、私は罪悪感を愛し、あなたの愛がP恐ろしい場合、私は何かを恐れていないですし、欠陥Pようこそ欠陥ダーリンへの愛は、あなたが私の許容Aaahqiああ私の希望とAabdaataのために禁止されている場合、彼はあなたが強くKayaniではないアハブ市を把持する感じに近づいたときに、あなたに私の最後を必ずしてください私は私が私が私があなたを愛し、私はああ、私が望む私の願いの一人で、あなたに願いを食べるあなたは私が言葉になり、全く私はあなたなしではありません意味実現することはありませんせてはいけないあなたは単にあなたの王の王国を復活させていると私は実現することなく私の人生Yamen Ahqtkを練習アベシェを気にしない
そして、誰が含まれているのに苦労右ヴィニー、あなた一人でBhanank Atdniを持っています。あなたはあなたのままにすることはありませんので、私はあなたと私の生活の空気のため、離れて歩いたので、あなたが私の夢とシングルを生きてはいけないことなく、私の人生は私に近づいて、私を立ち往生

الأربعاء، 25 فبراير 2015


Very serious question

Very serious question ...
When Satan disobeyed God, from the devil ??
Reread these lines to know ... who is the real Satan us !!!
The word ("same") is a word that is extremely dangerous, have been mentioned in the Qur'an in many verses
Almighty God says in Sura (s):
{We created man and know what whispers doing the same and we are closer to him than his jugular vein}
We believe in God the Almighty, and remember him and pray in the mosque and read the Koran, and Ntsedk, and ..... and ...... etc ...
Nevertheless, we still fall into sin and guilt! ! !
Why ??
The reason for this is that we left the real enemy, and we went to the enemy is weak, God says in the book tightly Aziz: {The Kid Devil was weak}
But the real enemy is the (self) Yes ... The soul is the ticking time bomb, and the mine is located within the rights of God, the Almighty says in the Qur'an (Isra):
{Read your book Enough yourself today you Reckoner}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (forgiving):
{Today rewarded for all the same as earned no injustice today that God quick calculation}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (Amma):
{All the same as earned hostage}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (Pluckers):
{The one who fears his Lord and forbade self passion}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (pelleting):
{I learned the same as what brought}
Noticed that the previous verses revolve around the word (self), what are these self ???
Scientists say that the gods were worshiped without God
((Lat and Uzza and Manat, and Se, Wood, and Yaghuth, hampers, and aquiline))
All of these idols were demolished except for a false god still worship of God, God says, the Almighty: {what about who took God desires} means that Hui self if managed human, it does not listen to the initiated nor Denny motivated by the concern, so you find doing what he wants to say visual Imam In apostate: Bucking the self and the devil Aasehma
In a crime (Cain killed his brother Abel) says the Almighty God: {Aftuat his brother killed himself}
When you ask a man what happened in sin !!!
Then remorse and repented, what made you to do this will tell you: Oguana Satan, and his words this leads to all forbidden act behind the demon.
The reason for the sin and guilt either of the devil, either self is inclined to evil, Satan risk ..
But the most serious self Pktheieyeier ​​...
So the entrance of Satan on the human being is forgotten is Encick reward and punishment, however lies in the outlawed God Almighty said in the Holy Koran: {and acquitted myself that self prone to evil}
Finally, pray to God Almighty and say !!!
(Oh God, I have wronged myself so much injustice, and does not forgive sins except You. Forgive me forgiveness from you, and have mercy on me, You are the Most Merciful)
There hormone in the body produces cells when Nlhy mention God and then be membrane of the heart called ((Arran)) and causes severe depression and sadness and severe shortness he says ... ((Nay! But on their hearts)) sent if the one person most important thing you Maktemt Hmalalm and taught others


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...