الجمعة، 6 ديسمبر 2013

Islam’s arguments based on intellectual reasoning

The nature of religious faith is quite mysterious.  As part of their religious faiths, people believe in a variety of deities.  There are people who have religious faith in the unseen supreme inimitable power, and then there are others who believe in some humans as Gods, or animals (e.g.  monkeys), fire, idols made of stone, and the list goes on.
A lot is associated with having a religious “faith”.  Part of it has to do with beliefs passed on through generations.  People’s identities therefore get tied to it.  Many times, these beliefs and associated feelings are not completely demonstrable by reason or any rational arguments.  There is nothing right or wrong with this, but that’s just how the nature of religious faith has come to be.
Almost everyone thinks they are right in their faith and beliefs.  Being with people and groups with similar faith further strengthens people’s faith, and they see it as right, even though logical reasoning and argument sometimes can’t explain it all.  That’s simple human psychology.

 Islam’s arguments based on intellectual reasoning

Muslims believe however, that the Islamic religion is different in this context.  One may argue that similar to other faiths there are aspects of it which are not completely demonstrable by reason, but on the other hand the Quranic text, which is God’s words addressing humanity at large, uses intellectual reason, critical thinking, and the process of reflection as a means not only to reinforce the faith of the believers, but also to call non-believers to ponder about the authenticity of Islam as the way of life for humanity at large.  Although no religious beliefs can be fully based on logic and reasoning, Islam and Quran provide more than enough examples and an opportunity to examine the truth and the soundness of its message through the lens of empirical evidence and knowledge.
No one (Muslim or otherwise) would argue that critical thinking and reflection can be a major catalyst for changing ones life.  Critical thinking has been used by many to improve their lives simply because a critical thinker asks probing questions about a situation, collects as much information as possible, reflects on the ideas collected and generated in context of the information available, keeps an open and unbiased mind, and carefully scrutinizes assumptions and seeks alternatives.   
This is the reason, therefore, that new Muslim converts would attribute the use of intelligent reasoning, reflection and critical thinking when explaining their journey to Islam.  Such people cut through the hysteria created in the media to view Islam from a critical lens and following the truth thus comes naturally to them as part of this process.  How else can one explain the increase in conversions with the increase of anti-Islamic rhetoric? How else can one explain that more non-Muslim preachers have been converting to Islam than ever before? Although, as Muslims, we believe that guidance comes only from Allah, the use of a person’s God-gifted intellectual reasoning has a very powerful role to play in Muslim converts making that destiny changing decision.  And once converted, they rarely go back to their old faiths, simply because a faith whose foundations are built on logic and reason is much less likely to be shaken down than one which simply builds upon a set of rites and sacraments.

  Reasons attributed by new Converts

Some of the reasons given why people convert to Islam are the eloquence of the Quran’s language, its overwhelming scientific evidence and proofs, arguments rooted in intellectual reasoning, and the Divine wisdom behind various social issues.   The uniqueness and beauty of the Quran’s text has been marveled by the best of Arab linguists and scholars, both Muslim and otherwise, from the days it was revealed until today.  The more knowledgeable people are in the language, the more they appreciate the wonders of the textual fluency of the Quran.    Revealed more than 1400 years ago, the Quran also has numerous scientific facts that are being validated by science only in this era.    Furthermore, it is the only known religious text that challenges mankind to think, reflect and ponder over the creation at large, social issues, God’s existence, and more.  The Quran, in many instances, challenges people to reflect and think on their own, rather than heeding the loose talk of those whose criticism is based on baseless foundations.    Finally, the Quran provides a solution to numerous social issues, deviation from which has been known to cause societal chaos at all levels. 
The Quran is a confident assertion of a Supreme Being; the only known religious book that has a confident assertion of a Supreme Being on all issues ranging from the creation of the universe to most particular components of the social milieu.   Moreover, its Divine Text - the language and prose of the Quran - is very different from the language in the Prophet’s sayings, which demonstrates that the Quran is not from the creative imagination or inspired words of Prophet Muhammad, as many doubters have alleged in the past, and continue to do even today. 
We can see that most of these reasons can only be attributed to the process of critical thinking and intellectual reflection.   However, cold reasoning is not enough.   The heart has to be engaged in the search: a search whose aim is to reach for the truth at its core.   No wonder, then, that when such sincere people hear the Quran for the first time, and understand it, they say:
“We believe in it; surely, it is the Truth from our Lord.   Indeed, even before it, we were Muslims!” (Quran 28:53)
 Next: What Drives People to Convert to Islam? (part 2 of 2)
Parts of This Article
What Drives People to Convert to Islam? (part 1 of 2)
What Drives People to Convert to Islam? (part 2 of 2)
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go out for God's

1) - if we wanted to go out for God's sake get out of four :

1 - esteem.
2 - money .
3 - Time wife . (Get off from work ) .
4 - the lack of God .

(2) - out for the sake of God, we work in four acts :

In order to apply it in place and it is necessary to mention the order because it is the same order of the revelation to the Prophet, peace be upon him , and the same order of receipt of noble Companions , God bless them for religion :
(1-2 ) - the call to God and is divided into four .... :
1 - Call confinement . ( Mixing )
2 - call social . ( The statement)
3 - Invite privacy . (Clicks )
4 - call sheet . ( Round )

(2-2) teaching and learning and is divided into four .... :
1 - correct read the Koran .
2 - the virtues of work .
3 - memorization of recipes and their companions .
4 - memorization of assets and literature .

(3-2 ) - and worship the male and divided into four .... :
1 - prayer in congregation with the opening takbeer .
2 - read part of the Quran daily .
3 - Maintain Adhkaar morning and evening .
4 - Maintain the night with prayer and Altd Ra to God .

(4-2 ) - Ethics and the service is divided into four .... :
1 - Service official group.
2 - self- service .
3 - Community service .
4 - serve the people of the neighborhood.

(3) - to get out for the sake of God, we are committed to four :
1 - obedience to an official of the group.
2 - the sanctity of mosques and houses .
3 - Provide social business to unilateral actions .
4 - Patience on the conditions and carry loved ones .

(4) - to go out in the way of Allah Njtenb four :
1 - extravagant .
2 - supervision.
3 - question.
4 - The use of non- need without permission .

(5) - to go out for God's sake leave four :
1 - politicians .
2 - Alkhlaviat .
3 - controversy.
4 - diseases of the nation .

(6) - in four out of the underestimate :
1 - food only to the extent needed.
2 - a dream only to the extent needed.
3 - to speak only in the remembrance of Allah .
4 - spend time and needs to get out of the mosque, but essential .

(7) - of not dealing with our favor four :
1 - perished .
2 - honor them .
3 - we call them .
4 - remind Mhanohm .

(8) - in dealing with opponents refrain from four :
1 - to respond to them.
2 - for criticism .
3 - detracting from their fate .
4 - for Mnazerthm

الخروج فى سبيل الله

1)- إذا اردنا الخروج في سبيل الله نخرج بأربع:
1- بالنفس.
2- بالمال.
3- بالوقت الحلال.(الحصول على إجازة من العمل).
4- بالإفتقار إلى الله.

(2)- في الخروج في سبيل الله نشتغل بأربعة أعمال:

كي نطبقها في المقام و من الضروري ذكرها بالترتيب لأنها نفس ترتيب نزول الوحي على الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم و نفس ترتيب تلقي الصحابة الكرام رضي الله عنهم للدين :
(1-2)-الدعوة إلى الله و تنقسم إلى أربع....:
1- دعوة انفرادية.(اختلاط)
2- دعوة اجتماعية.(البيان)
3- دعوة خصوصية.(الزيارات)
4-دعوة عمومية.(الجولة)

(2-2) التعليم و التعلم و تنقسم إلى أربع....:
1- تصحيح قراْة القرآن .
2- فضائل الأعمال . 
3- مذاكرة صفات الصحابة و حياتهم .
4- مذاكرة الاصول و الآداب .

(3-2)- العبادات و الذكر و تنقسم إلى أربع....:
1- الصلاة في الجماعة مع تكبيرة الإحرام.
2- قراءة جزء من القرآن يوميا.
3- المحافظة على الأذكار الصباحيه والمسائيه .
4- المحافظة على قيام الليل مع الدعاء والتض رع إلى الله تعالى. 

(4-2)- الأخلاق و الخدمة و تنقسم إلى أربع....:
1- خدمة مسئول الجماعه .
2- خدمة النفس . 
3- خدمة الجماعة . 
4- خدمة أهل الحي .

(3)- في الخروج في سبيل الله نلتزم بأربع:
1- طاعة مسئول الجماعه.
2- حرمة المساجد والبيوت.
3- تقديم الأعمال الاجتماعية على الأعمال الانفرادية.
4- الصبر على الأحوال وتحمل الأحباب.

(4)- في الخروج في سبيل الله نجتنب أربع :
1- الاسراف .
2- الاشراف .
3- السؤال.
4- استعمال حاجة الغير بدون اذن.

(5)- في الخروج في سبيل الله نترك أربع:
1- السياسيات .
2- الخلافيات .
3- الجدال .
4- أمراض الأمة .

(6)- في الخروج نقلل من أربع:
1- الطعام الا بقدر الحاجة .
2- المنام الا بقدر الحاجة .
3- الكلام الا في ذكر الله .
4- وقت قضاء الحاجات و الخروج من المسجد الا للضرورة .

(7)- نتعامل مع من لا يوافقنا بأربع:
1- نحبهم .
2- نكرمهم .
3- ندعوا لهم .
4- نذكر محاسنهم .

(8)- في التعامل مع المعارضين نمتنع عن أربع:
1- عن الرد عليهم .
2- عن نقدهم .
3- عن انتقاص قدرهم .
4- عن مناظرتهم

الاثنين، 2 ديسمبر 2013


احترم رايك بكل شدة انا على فكرة انا ايدت مرسى ومع ذلك فرحت لما مشى وكنت مؤيد للسيسى بس بعد كدة لقيت الاعلام كل حاجة تحصل يقول الاخوان الاعلام هو اللى ادانا صورة سيئة جدا جدا عن الاخوان وان كانوا كذلك فلازم الواحد يتعاطف مع الناس اللى ماتت دى حرام بجد القتل ده قال صلى الله عليه وسلم قتل المؤمن اعظم عند الله من زوال الدنيا فبسبب الاعلام تعاطفت معهم ولما شوفت حقيقة فض اعتصام رابعة اللى من المستحيل ان تزيعة قناة مصرية بس ده راى الشخصى واسال الله ان يرنا الحق حقا وان يرزقنا اتباعه وان يرنا الباطل باطل وان يرزقنا اجتنابهواحد يسمح بتهريب اكل المصرين ووقودهم الى غزة عن طريق اللصوص ينفع يكون رئيس واحد جعل الشعب المصرى عبيد للاخوان المفسدين رجل كذاب فى اقوالةاولا اشكرك ولاكن يجب ان تكون مصلحة الوطن فوق كل اعتبار سوى كان منبعة العاطفة او الاتاثير الخارجى فى ست محترمة مسلمة ورجل مسلم يعرض اسرتة للمخاطر والنوم خارج البيت وووكل الاخوان ليس لهم هم الاخرة بل همهم الدنيا

الأحد، 1 ديسمبر 2013


اولا يجب ان يكون البرنامج مختصرا على سطح المكتب ، بعد ذلك انقر عليه بزر الفأرة الايمن وتوجه إلى proprieties  تم انقر مرة اخرى على shortcut تم target  حيث في المربع المقابل سيتم إضافة الكود prefetch:1/ وذلك مباشرة بعد الرمز"   ليصبح على هذا الشكل :  "C:\Program Files\programs\Phone\prog.exe" /prefetch:1 . لاتنسى ان تترك مسافة بين " والكود /prefetch:1
 بعد ذلك انقر على Apply حفظ الإعدادات وتوجه إلى تشغيل البرنامج ولاحظ مدة الإقلاع كيف ستتقلص .

why islam

Why Islam? The question “why?” demands a rational answer. However, many people think that it is not possible to give rational answers to ideological commitments
 (by ideology, we mean a system of thought). They believe that a commitment to any theistic ideology is an irrational act. One cannot deny the fact that many people do commit themselves illogically to various ideologies and continue to hold onto them only because they find themselves to be raised up in particular communities. They accept such ideologies in just the same way as they would accept a traditional form of dress handed down to them through the generations. For example, a person might be deeply committed to a nationalistic ideology simply because it may be the best way to win the support of the masses and thereby gain personal political potion’


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...