الجمعة، 6 ديسمبر 2013

go out for God's

1) - if we wanted to go out for God's sake get out of four :

1 - esteem.
2 - money .
3 - Time wife . (Get off from work ) .
4 - the lack of God .

(2) - out for the sake of God, we work in four acts :

In order to apply it in place and it is necessary to mention the order because it is the same order of the revelation to the Prophet, peace be upon him , and the same order of receipt of noble Companions , God bless them for religion :
(1-2 ) - the call to God and is divided into four .... :
1 - Call confinement . ( Mixing )
2 - call social . ( The statement)
3 - Invite privacy . (Clicks )
4 - call sheet . ( Round )

(2-2) teaching and learning and is divided into four .... :
1 - correct read the Koran .
2 - the virtues of work .
3 - memorization of recipes and their companions .
4 - memorization of assets and literature .

(3-2 ) - and worship the male and divided into four .... :
1 - prayer in congregation with the opening takbeer .
2 - read part of the Quran daily .
3 - Maintain Adhkaar morning and evening .
4 - Maintain the night with prayer and Altd Ra to God .

(4-2 ) - Ethics and the service is divided into four .... :
1 - Service official group.
2 - self- service .
3 - Community service .
4 - serve the people of the neighborhood.

(3) - to get out for the sake of God, we are committed to four :
1 - obedience to an official of the group.
2 - the sanctity of mosques and houses .
3 - Provide social business to unilateral actions .
4 - Patience on the conditions and carry loved ones .

(4) - to go out in the way of Allah Njtenb four :
1 - extravagant .
2 - supervision.
3 - question.
4 - The use of non- need without permission .

(5) - to go out for God's sake leave four :
1 - politicians .
2 - Alkhlaviat .
3 - controversy.
4 - diseases of the nation .

(6) - in four out of the underestimate :
1 - food only to the extent needed.
2 - a dream only to the extent needed.
3 - to speak only in the remembrance of Allah .
4 - spend time and needs to get out of the mosque, but essential .

(7) - of not dealing with our favor four :
1 - perished .
2 - honor them .
3 - we call them .
4 - remind Mhanohm .

(8) - in dealing with opponents refrain from four :
1 - to respond to them.
2 - for criticism .
3 - detracting from their fate .
4 - for Mnazerthm

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