الجمعة، 12 أبريل 2013

Muslims in the West Country

Like Bilal Fadl and many of his colleagues in the liberal .. Dr. Alaa al-Aswani wanted to send a nice greeting for Christian brothers in their holiday .. which reminds us an article about Pope Shenouda meetings in paradise ..

The habit of brotherhood liberals .. Dr. Al Aswany seeks to get the (Citizenship instrument)-like instruments of forgiveness in the Middle Ages through (an intense dose of hypocrisy for Christian Brothers) ...
Under the title (to be a Muslim in Britain) .. Try Dr. Alaa to assume the perspective of a Christian feels persecution in Egypt .. In the form of non-traditional for writing imagine that this Christian Muslim person living in Britain .. to portray us how much suffering that could have been for Muslims in Britain that يعانوها if they were throwing the same treatment of Christians in Egypt ..

Says Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means to realize early on that you are different, when you go out and you are a pupil of the chapter in the share of debt تطاردك looks of curiosity and amazement of fellow young, when you go to take a studied religion in another place with a few pupils Muslims like you .."

And I say to him: "Oh, that Muslim children in Britain out of the chapter in the share of debt to study Islamic religion in another place ... the fact that my children are studying here in Britain ten years ago .. They are forced to attend morning Mass in the Christian school .. and forced the isolation that did not participate in concerts and plays Christmas Annual .. and are forced to study on Friday and are forced to get a vacation on Sunday .. and welfare of learning the Islamic religion at the hands of teachers Muslims is available only if you hired them a teacher _khasusia at home .. and Aalith available .. "

Says Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means you will have to study and work in أعيادك religious because the state, meant to throw dust in the eyes, recognize you far only one and considers it an official holiday and the rest أعيادك religious it is for the State-day ordinary not attaches any special attention. . remember how many times I went on holiday to an important lecture or a meeting at work. How many times have spoiled the joy of the feast to your children because they have a feast day test .. "

And I say to him: "Oh, that Britain's state recognizes us an official holiday in the holiday only one .. just one holiday I get it on holiday .. there is no need to be deducted from annual holidays .. this that my colleagues in the approved work ...
I do not go only to lecture a task or a meeting at work and do not go my children only for the exam in the days أعيادنا Muslims, Dr. Alaa .. I'm in every Friday I need to sneak a drink Friday at the Church of the hospital .. and I need a day to go subtle to perform the prayers of Zuhr and Asr and Maghrib .. and my children are deprived of a day in prayer during the school day .. and will not speak to you for the joy of the feast that we need to travel to Egypt in order to feel it .. We live in a society that does not feel any joy except in Idi Christmas and Easter .. "

Adds Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain meant that doing all your efforts in the study and you know that you often will not get a final grade even if they have the right. During oral examinations at the university once read examiner name recognized even Arbd face and gives you a lesser degree of colleagues.'s even got the highest scores will circumvent the university administration to prevent the appointment as a lecturer because you are a Muslim. "
Dr. Alaa is here, my colleague at the school in Egypt Sameh Kaldas birthday .. who was the first on the school deserved throughout the years of my studies, both in exams or months in the year-end exam .. it is thousands of Christians in Egypt of doctors, pharmacists and university professors .. starting from Dr. Boutros-Ghali, Egyptian Secretary-General of the United Nations earlier which did not reach them standing Egyptian Muslim .. and ending with Dr. Milad Hanna and Dr. Mona Makram Ebeid .. and through Dr. Rafiq Habib will not mention Dr. Youssef Boutros-Ghali for that thief ..
Athva Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means to prepare yourself for Migration (IOM) at any time, you can choose the names of your children and their education to suit the country in which you may have to migrate to it if exposed to attack from extremists."

Please tell me, Dr. Alaa name a single Christian who emigrated from Egypt in the aftermath of being attacked by extremists ...
Do you think that you are more intolerant of Christians Copts in America, for example, did not hear from any of them Hawadit for the torture they received at the hands of extremists in Egypt ..??!!
Why Most Christians أسماءا choose such as Peter and George and Abba Bishoy if they do what they are called???!!
If some Christians choose أسماءا like John, Michael and Peter in order to suit the country's migration West, why are forced to do so if the country was fair and open bosom for all, regardless of their names???!!

Continues Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means that you will never reached the top positions in the country. Regardless of competence will never be president of the republic or the prime minister or the leader of the army or the director of intelligence, why ..? Because you are a Muslim and some clerics majority believe that God has assigned campus in senior positions! "

Here in Egypt, Dr. Christian arrived for the post of Prime Minister of a century ago .. and we have at the moment Christian ministers ..
Being a Muslim in Britain or in America or in any country with a Christian majority in this world regardless of the fairness of .. فأقصى what could aspire to be a member of parliament parties .. While we insist on Christians to participate in political life and run as candidates in parliament ..
Being a Muslim in Britain means to live in a state repeats its prime minister had the opportunity whenever it is the State of (Christian) .. Cross country in the flag .. Queen is the head of the state church .. state church had a number of men in the House of Lords ..

Wrote Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain meant that suffered severely in order to build a mosque practiced the religion. Will prevent you from building mosques, the state and the extremists. State put laws constrained make the building of mosques a very difficult task and prevent the renewal or restoration anywhere in the mosque« Even if the water cycle is only after taking several approvals from the authorities. "

Believe in God, Dr. I'm in Britain I miss a day to the sound of the ears in Egypt??!! Ears foreclosed on the streets of Britain, Dr. Alaa ..
Believe in God you are in order to build a mosque in Britain need to get the approval of the region's population of Christians??!!
Believe in God to the state budget in Britain include spending on churches and does not include spending on mosques??!!
Believe in God that some Muslims in Britain need to travel to other cities in order to pray in the mosque??!!
Believe in God that countries such as Greece banned the building of mosques??!!
Believe in God, we become our first Constitution gives Christians the right to build houses of worship without restrictions, a right did not get the Muslims in the Constitution of any State predominantly Christians in the whole world .. However out we like Houdrtk to Asdawa our brains that this Constitution itself sectarian anti-Christian? ?!!

Angered by Dr. Alaa "One of extremists tore the Bible in front of the cameras and said he would pay one of his grandchildren to urinate on it. You have to accept this insult the public and will be released this far after a trial formality and will gather his supporters outside the court to Anhaloa on Dink further ridicule and defamation."

What do you think, Dr. Alaa that the people of the United States .. It is one of the countries Bank where تتغزل the already تبولوا on Koran and مزقوه and burned and produced films offensive against our Prophet, peace be upon him .. not tried trial, not even pro forma ..
The was Izz demand that they stop??!!

Continue Dr. Alaa theses: "If I liked a girl on Dink is the thousands of extremists will be considered love a serious assault on their honor not only wash the blood. Extremists will attack your home and Muslim houses in the neighborhood and burned them and beating you were kill you."

Have you heard about Yasser Sayed Khalaf, Dr. Alaa?
If you have not heard him use the search engine to have .. Google or one of his brothers to know who kills because he loved and married a girl on religion ..

But this argument, which I mentioned the door of irony, Dr. Alaa: "Britain is our country and we will apply our religion and if you do not like go to any other country."
It is a reality .. and you are a man Rahal .. obligatory lot of countries in the world .. أتحداك to go to Britain or elsewhere and find people who say otherwise ..
Any Yes .. will tell you, people migrate to him every country in the world: "We will apply our religion and if you do not like go to any other country .."

Says Dr. Alaa: "If you are a Muslim in Britain, you have to accept that the freedom of belief in only one direction ... if it became a Muslim citizen to the majority religion, the State congratulate and rejoice in it and cringe him all obstacles But if the opposite happened and turned citizen to the religion of the minority he to escape to the outside at full speed because if he stayed in Britain may kill extremists in accordance with what they see as a religious duty "

Are you sure you live in Egypt, Doctor? If you currently live in. .. Are you sure you were living the days and Wafa Constantine and Camellia and others??!! Are you sure you did not hear about converts and Baha'is and atheists in Egypt and all of them live in. .. and even celebrate their media and liberals like your presence .. did not hear that one of them fled abroad or kill the killers??!!
Allow me to tell you, as a Muslim living in Britain that:
People in Britain do not stab in Islam only .. but challenging in all religions .. I personally hurt me the suffering of Christ in Britain fees naked reduce the prestige and value .. and jokes hurtful and exposing it .. and abuses of the Christian faith of atheists and others .. and quits People from the church and religion in general ..
Hurt me that religions in Britain and other Western countries that were enjoying freedom of religion and freedom of worship, but they are absent from people's daily lives and behavior ..
Western countries, which sing بعدالتها towards glorifying armies religions that kill Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan ..
Europe, which sing Basmoha towards other religions is that the Jews suffered from anti-Semitism, which was planted by Israel a cancer in our region in order to get rid of their problems forever ..

West, who glorify Doctor Muslim is the one who is classified as a terrorist to prove the contrary ..
Western countries do not allow Muslims to apply شرائعهم not even in their personal .. a right granted by the new Egyptian constitution for Christians has exacerbated the minimum you and like you it did not تقعدها after claiming that the rights of Christians digested ..

To be a Christian in Egypt, Dr. probably meant to be the richest man in Egypt, such as Sawiris
Perhaps you as Secretary-General of the United Nations, such as d. Boutros-Ghali ..
You أنبغ probably Egyptian doctor like Magdi Yacoub ..
Perhaps you are a brilliant politician like George Ishak ..
Perhaps you are a prominent media like Fawzi useful ..
Perhaps you are an artist Gladiator or a football player, such as global Hany Ramzy first and second ..
To be a Christian in Egypt means that stands in Tahrir Square putting your cross tall يحتضنك up your brothers in the Muslim world .. This position was certainly to make you feel more secure than you stand at Trafalgar Square in London putting Msahvk up .. Central ignored passers-by and perhaps their looks frustrated Almtjbh ..
Which by the way looks meted amid a barrage of censure from the stands in Tahrir Square raising the banner written on it: There is no god but Allah .. Muhammad is the Messenger of God ..

In the last paragraph of the article written by Dr. Alaa Egyptian Christian counseled: "Remember that for every extremist there are ten people tolerant grew to respect the beliefs of others."
Long essay broad thought of reading that Egypt is a cemetery for Christians and a cellar skipped in the torture and brutality of the Inquisition in Andalusia .. then يختمه that 90% of Egypt's population tolerant and respect the doctrine of Christians!

المسلم فى بلاد الغرب

مثله مثل بلال فضل والعديد من رفاقه فى الليبرالية..أراد الدكتور علاء الأسوانى أن يرسل معايدة لطيفة للأخوة المسيحيين فى عيدهم..يذكرنا من خلالها بمقاله عن لقاءات البابا شنوده فى الجنة..

وكعادة الأخوة الليبراليين..يسعى الدكتور الأسوانى للحصول على (صك المواطنة) الشبيه بصكوك الغفران فى العصور الوسطى من خلال (جرعة مكثفة من النفاق للأخوة المسيحيين)...
تحت عنوان (أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا)..حاول الدكتور علاء أن يتقمص وجهة نظر مسيحى يشعر بالإضطهاد فى مصر..وفى شكل غير تقليدى لكتابة المقال تخيل أن هذا المسيحى شخص مسلم يعيش فى بريطانيا..ليصور لنا مدى المعاناة التى كان يمكن للمسلمين فى بريطانيا أن يعانوها لو كانوا يلقون نفس المعاملة التى يلقاها المسيحيون فى مصر..

يقول الدكتور علاء: "أن تكون مسلماً فى بريطانيا معناه أن تدرك مبكرا أنك مختلف، عندما تخرج وأنت تلميذ من الفصل فى حصة الدين تطاردك نظرات الفضول والدهشة من زملائك الصغار، عندما تذهب لتأخذ درس الدين فى مكان آخر مع بضعة تلاميذ مسلمين مثلك.."

وأنا أقول له : " يا ليت الأطفال المسلمين فى بريطانيا يخرجون من الفصل فى حصة الدين ليدرسوا الدين الإسلامى فى مكان آخر...الحقيقة أن أولادى يدرسون هنا فى بريطانيا منذ عشر سنوات..وهم مجبرون على حضور قداس الصباح المسيحى فى المدرسة..ومجبرون على الانعزال ان لم يشاركوا فى حفلات ومسرحيات الكريسماس السنوية..ومجبرون على الدراسة يوم الجمعة ومجبرون على الحصول على اجازة يوم الأحد..ورفاهية تعلم الدين الإسلامى على أيدى معلمين مسلمين غير متيسرة الا لو استأجرت لهم مدرسا خصوصيا فى البيت..وياليته متاح.."

يقول الدكتور علاء:" أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا معناه أنك ستضطر إلى الدراسة والعمل فى أعيادك الدينية لأن الدولة، ذراً للرماد فى العيون، تعترف لك بعيد واحد فقط وتعتبره عطلة رسمية أما بقية أعيادك الدينية فهى بالنسبة للدولة أيام عادية لا تعيرها أى اهتمام خاص.. تذكر كم مرة ذهبت يوم العيد إلى محاضرة مهمة أو اجتماع فى العمل. كم مرة فسدت بهجة العيد على أولادك لأن لديهم يوم العيد امتحانا.."

وأنا أقول له: " يا ليت الدولة فى بريطانيا تعترف لنا بعطلة رسمية فى عيد واحد فقط..عيد واحد فقط أحصل فيه على عطلة..فلا أحتاج لاقتطاعه من عطلتى السنوية..هذا إن وافق زملائى فى العمل...
أنا لا أذهب فحسب لمحاضرة مهمة أو اجتماع فى العمل ولا يذهب أولادى فحسب للامتحان فى أيام أعيادنا كمسلمين يا دكتور علاء..أنا فى كل جمعة أحتاج أن أتسلل لأصلى الجمعة فى كنيسة المستشفى..وأحتاج يوميا أن أذهب خفية لأداء صلوات الظهر والعصر والمغرب..وأولادى يحرمون من الصلاة يوميا فى أثناء اليوم الدراسى..ولن أكلمك عن بهجة العيد التى نحتاج للسفر لمصر لكى نشعر بها..فنحن نعيش فى مجتمع لا يشعر بأى بهجة الا فى عيدى الكريسماس والقيامة.." 

يضيف الدكتور علاء: " أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا معناه أن تبذل كل مجهودك فى الدراسة وأنت تعلم أنك غالبا لن تحصل على الدرجة النهائية حتى لو كانت من حقك. أثناء الامتحانات الشفوية فى الجامعة ما إن يقرأ الممتحن اسمك المسلم حتى يربد وجهه ويعطيك درجة أقل من زملائك. حتى لو حصلت على أعلى الدرجات فسوف تتحايل إدارة الجامعة لتمنع تعيينك معيداً لأنك مسلم." 
يرد على الدكتور علاء هنا زميلى فى المدرسة فى مصر سامح ميلاد قلدس..الذى كان الأول على المدرسة بجدارة طوال سنوات دراستى سواء فى امتحانات الشهور أو فى امتحان نهاية العام..ويرد عليه آلاف المسيحيين فى مصر من أطباء وصيادلة وأساتذة جامعات..بدءا من الدكتور بطرس غالى الأمين العام المصرى للأمم المتحدة سابقا وهى مكانة لم يصل اليها مصرى مسلم..وانتهاءا بالدكتور ميلاد حنا والدكتورة منى مكرم عبيد..ومرورا بالدكتور رفيق حبيب ولن أذكر الدكتور يوسف بطرس غالى لأنه حرامى..
يتحفنا الدكتور علاء: "أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا يعنى أن تعد نفسك للهجرة فى أى وقت، عليك أن تختار أسماء أولادك ودراستهم بحيث تلائم البلد الذى قد تضطر للهجرة إليه إذا تعرضت لاعتداء من المتطرفين."

أرجوك أن تخبرنى يا دكتور علاء عن اسم مسيحى واحد هاجر من مصر فى أعقاب تعرضه لاعتداء من متطرفين...
هل تظن أنك أكثر تعصبا للمسيحيين من أقباط المهجر فى أمريكا مثلا ولم نسمع من أى منهم حواديت عن التعذيب الذى تلقوه على أيدى المتطرفين فى مصر..؟؟!!
لماذا يختار معظم المسيحيين أسماءا مثل بطرس وجرجس وأبانوب وبيشوى اذا كانوا يفعلون ما تدعى ؟؟؟!!
اذا كان بعض المسيحيين يختارون أسماءا مثل جون ومايكل وبيتر لكى تلائم الهجرة للبلاد الغربية..فلماذا يضطرون لفعل ذلك اذا كانت تلك البلاد عادلة وتفتح أحضانها للجميع بغض النظر عن أسمائهم؟؟؟!!

يواصل الدكتور علاء: " أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا معناه أنك لن تصل أبدا إلى مناصب عليا فى الدولة. مهما بلغت كفاءتك لن تكون أبدا رئيسا للجمهورية أو رئيسا للوزراء أو قائدا للجيش أو مديرا للمخابرات، لماذا..؟ لأنك مسلم وبعض رجال دين الأغلبية يعتقدون أن الله قد حرم تعيينك فى المناصب العليا!"

عندنا فى مصر يا دكتور مسيحيون وصلوا لمنصب رئيس وزراء منذ قرن من الزمان..وعندنا فى الوقت الراهن وزراء مسيحيون..
أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا أو فى أمريكا أو فى أية دولة ذات أغلبية مسيحية فى هذا العالم مهما بلغت عدالتها..فأقصى ما يمكن أن تطمح اليه أن تكون عضوا فى البرلمان..بينما الأحزاب عندنا تلح على المسيحيين لكى يشاركوا فى الحياة السياسية ويترشحوا فى البرلمان..
أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا يعنى أن تعيش فى دولة يكرر رئيس وزرائها كلما أتيحت الفرصة أنها دولة (مسيحية)..دولة الصليب فى علمها..دولة الملكة هى رأس كنيستها..دولة تعين الكنيسة عددا من رجالها فى مجلس اللوردات..

كتب الدكتور علاء: "أن تكون مسلما فى بريطانيا معناه أن تعانى بشدة من أجل بناء مسجد تمارس فيه دينك. سوف يمنعك من بناء المساجد الدولة والمتطرفون. الدولة تضع قوانين مقيدة تجعل من بناء المساجد مهمة صعبة للغاية وتمنع تجديد أو ترميم أى مكان فى المسجد «حتى لو كان دورة مياه» إلا بعد أخذ موافقات عديدة من السلطات."

تصدق بالله يا دكتور أننى فى بريطانيا أشتاق يوميا لصوت الآذان فى مصر؟؟!!الآذان ممنوع فى شوارع بريطانيا يا دكتور علاء..
تصدق بالله أنك لكى تبنى مسجدا فى بريطانيا تحتاج أن تحصل على موافقة سكان المنطقة المسيحيين ؟؟!!
تصدق بالله أن ميزانية الدولة فى بريطانيا تتضمن انفاقا على الكنائس ولا تتضمن انفاقا على المساجد؟؟!!
تصدق بالله أن بعض المسلمين فى بريطانيا يحتاجون أن يسافروا إلى مدن أخرى لكى يصلوا فى مسجد ؟؟!!
تصدق بالله أن دولة كاليونان ممنوع فيها بناء المساجد ؟؟!!
تصدق بالله أننا أصبح عندنا لأول مرة دستور يعطى للمسيحيين حق بناء دور العبادة بدون قيود وهو حق لم يحصل عليه المسلمون فى دستور أية دولة أغلب سكانها مسيحيون فى العالم كله..ومع ذلك خرج علينا أمثال حضرتك ليصدعوا أدمغتنا بأن هذا الدستور نفسه طائفى ضد المسيحيين ؟؟!!

أغضب الدكتور علاء أن " أحد المتطرفين مزق الكتاب المقدس أمام الكاميرات وقال إنه سيدفع أحد أحفاده إلى التبول عليه. عليك أن تتقبل هذه الإهانة العلنية وسوف يطلق سراح هذا المتطرف بعد محاكمة شكلية وسوف يتجمع أنصاره خارج المحكمة لينهالوا على دينك بالمزيد من السخرية والتجريح."

ما رأيك يا دكتور علاء أن أشخاصا من الولايات المتحدة..وهى احدى الدول الغربية التى تتغزل فيها بالفعل تبولوا على القرآن ومزقوه وأحرقوه وأنتجوا أفلاما مسيئة ضد نبينا عليه الصلاة والسلام..ولم يحاكموا محاكمة ولا حتى شكلية..
وكان عز الطلب أن يتوقفوا؟؟!!

يواصل الدكتور علاء أطروحاته: "لو أحببت فتاة على غير دينك فإن آلاف المتطرفين سيعتبرون حبك اعتداء جسيما على شرفهم لا يغسله الا الدم. سيهاجم المتطرفون بيتك وبيوت المسلمين فى الحى ويحرقونها ويعتدون بالضرب عليك وقد يقتلونك." 

هل سمعت عن ياسر سيد خلف يا دكتور علاء؟
إن لم تكن قد سمعت عنه فاستخدم محرك البحث لديك..جوجل أو أحد اخوته لتعرف من يقتل من لأنه أحب وتزوج فتاة على غير دينه..

أما هذه المقولة التى ذكرتها من باب السخرية يا دكتور علاء: "بريطانيا بلدنا وسوف نطبق شريعتنا وإذا لم يعجبك اذهب إلى أى بلد آخر."
فهى حقيقة واقعة..وانت رجل رحال..جبت كثيرا من بلاد العالم..أتحداك أن تذهب لبريطانيا أو غيرها وتجد من أهلها من يقول غير ذلك..
أى نعم..سيقول لك أهل كل بلد ترتحل اليه فى العالم: " سوف نطبق شريعتنا وإذا لم يعجبك اذهب إلى أى بلد آخر.."

يقول الدكتور علاء: "إذا كنت مسلما فى بريطانيا فعليك أن تتقبل أن تكون حرية العقيدة فى اتجاه واحد فقط... إذا تحول مواطن مسلم إلى دين الأغلبية فإن الدولة تهنئه وتفرح به وتذلل له العقبات جميعا أما إذا حدث العكس وتحول مواطن إلى دين الأقلية فعليه أن يهرب إلى الخارج بأقصى سرعة لأنه لو بقى فى بريطانيا قد يقتله المتطرفون طبقا لما يعتبرونه واجبا دينيا"

هل أنت متأكد انك تعيش فى مصر يا دكتور ؟ واذا كنت تعيش فيها حاليا..هل انت على يقين انك كنت تعيش فيها أيام وفاء قسطنطين وكاميليا وغيرهما ؟؟!! هل انت متأكد أنك لم تسمع عن المتنصرين والبهائيين والملحدين فى مصر وكلهم يعيشون فيها..بل وتحتفى بهم وسائل الإعلام والليبراليين من أمثال حضرتك..ولم نسمع أن أحدا منهم فر خارج مصر أو قتله القتلة ؟؟!!
اسمح لى أن أقول لك كمسلم يعيش فى بريطانيا أن:
الناس فى بريطانيا لا يطعنون فى الإسلام فقط..وانما يطعنون فى كل الأديان..وأنا شخصيا يؤذينى ما يتعرض له المسيح فى بريطانيا من رسوم عارية تقلل من هيبته وقيمته..ونكات جارحة وتعريض به..واساءات للدين المسيحى من الملحدين وغيرهم..وانصراف الناس عن الكنيسة والدين عموما..
يؤذينى أن الأديان فى بريطانيا والدول الغربية ان كانت تتمتع بحرية العقيدة وحرية العبادة الا أنها غائبة عن حياة الناس اليومية وسلوكياتهم..
الدول الغربية التى تتغنى بعدالتها تجاه الأديان تمجد جيوشها التى تقتل المسلمين فى العراق وأفغانستان..
أوروبا التى تتغنى بسموها تجاه الأديان الأخرى هى التى عانى اليهود فيها من معاداة السامية وهى التى زرعت اسرائيل سرطانا فى منطقتنا لكى تتخلص من مشاكلهم للأبد..

الغرب الذى تمجده يا دكتور هو الذى يصنف المسلم على انه ارهابى إلى أن يثبت العكس..
دول الغرب لا تسمح للمسلمين بتطبيق شرائعهم ولا حتى فى أحوالهم الشخصية..وهو الحق الذى منحه الدستور المصرى الجديد للمسيحيين فأقمت انت وأمثالك الدنيا عليه ولم تقعدها بعد بدعوى أنه يهضم حقوق المسيحيين..

أن تكون مسيحيا فى مصر يا دكتور فربما يعنى أن تكون أغنى رجل فى مصر مثل ساويرس
وربما كنت أمينا عاما للأمم المتحدة مثل د.بطرس غالى..
وربما كنت أنبغ طبيب مصرى مثل مجدى يعقوب..
وربما كنت سياسيا لامعا مثل جورج اسحق..
وربما كنت إعلاميا مرموقا مثل مفيد فوزى..
وربما كنت فنانا مشهورا أو لاعب كرة عالمى مثل هانى رمزى الأول والثانى.. 
أن تكون مسيحيا فى مصر يعنى أن تقف فى ميدان التحرير رافعا صليبك..يحتضنك اخوتك فى الوطن من المسلمين..بالتأكيد كان هذا الموقف ليشعرك بالأمان أكثر من وقوفك فى ميدان ترافلجار فى لندن رافعا مصحفك..وسط تجاهل المارة وربما نظراتهم المستاءة المتعجبة..
وهى بالمناسبة نظرات ينالها وسط وابل من التقريع من يقف فى ميدان التحرير رافعا راية مكتوب عليها: لا إله إلا الله..محمد رسول الله..

فى الفقرة الأخيرة من مقاله كتب الدكتور علاء ناصحا المسيحى المصرى: " تذكر أنه مقابل كل متطرف هناك عشرة أشخاص متسامحين نشأوا على احترام عقائد الآخرين."
مقال طويل عريض يظن من يقرأه أن مصر مقبرة للمسيحيين وقبو تعذيب تخطى فى وحشيته محاكم التفتيش فى الأندلس..ثم يختمه بأن 90% من سكان مصر متسامحين ويحترمون عقيدة المسيحيين!

الأحد، 7 أبريل 2013

Proofs of the Existence of Allah

Yes. Allah has sent down miracles, revelations and messengers to give clear proofs He exists and more important, what we should do once we come to this realization.

Allah has sent prophets and messengers with many proofs throughout the ages for people to be able to clearly see with their own eyes and to be able to use their own senses the miracles and proofs pointing to the fact, Allah does in fact, exist.

Miracles of prophets and messengers of Allah have come to people through the ages. Moses (peace be upon him) showed many miracles to pharaoh and to the children of Israel. Plagues, locusts, water turning to blood, his stick becoming a snake, the voice in the burning bush and the parting of the Red Sea are clear miracles for the people of Moses time.

Again, Allah sent Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be upon him) with clear miracles for the people of his time. Speaking from the cradle while still a new born infant, creating birds from clay, curing the sick, giving sight to the blind and even bringing a dead man back to life, were all clear signs to the people to know Jesus (peace be upon him) was a messenger of Allah as was Moses before him.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger of Allah, and he was sent to all of mankind. Allah sent him with a number of miracles, not the least of which was the Quran. The predictions and prophecies of Muhammad (peace be upon him) have come true even in this century and the Quran has been used to convince even scientists of the existence of Allah.
[Please visit "Science Proves Allah": Watch video of famous scientists admit Quran is from Allah and even accept Islam]

The Quran is the best of proofs for the existence of Allah and today over one and half billion people memorize and recite from the exact text, in the exact same language it was revealed in; Arabic. More than 10 million Muslims have completely memorized the entire Quran from cover to cover, and can recite it from memory without looking at it.

No one sees or hears Allah, not even the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Nor are we able to use our senses to make some kind of contact with Him. However, we are encouraged in Islam to use our senses and our common sense to recognize this entire universe could not possibly come into existence on its own. Something had to design it all and then put it into motion. This is beyond our ability to do, yet it is something we can understand.

We know from the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) the proofs for the existence of God (Allah) are most obvious to us in our everyday surroundings. Anyone with understanding would quickly acknowledge His existence provided they are not so stubborn as to ignore the obvious evidences right in front of us.

We don't have to see an artist to recognize a painting, correct? So, if we see paintings without seeing artists painting them, in the same way, we can believe Allah created everything without having to see Him (or touch, or hear, etc.).

Allah and the Universe

Living beings have to reproduce to continue their species.  However, reproduction by itself often proves insufficient because, if living things fail to provide adequate care for their offspring, the newborn cannot survive.  In other words, if living things did not feel the need to protect and look after their offspring and did not do this successfully, newborn creatures would not be able to look after themselves and would soon die.
When we look at nature, we see the majority of living things display amazing self-sacrifice in order to protect and provide the best of care for their offspring.  Sometimes it is in a selfless form, incomparable to any form of sacrifice shown by human beings.  Furthermore, these living things risk their lives for their young without a moment’s hesitation.  So, how did such self-sacrifice in animals develop?
Evolutionists claim that self-sacrifice displayed by living things, especially that shown towards their offspring, is instinctive behavior.  What then does the word instinct mean?
Evolutionists define instinct as a sense of intuition inherent in living things.  They claim that an inner voice whispers to a spider, a bird, a lion or a tiny insect to practice self-sacrifice to keep the generations going.  In reply to a question regarding the source of this voice, they desperately say “mother nature”.  In the view of evolutionists, every phenomenon in nature is a miracle of nature.
However, it is evident that this claim is futile and meaningless, because nature, itself, is already a created entity consisting of the stones, flowers, trees, rivers and mountains familiar to all of us.  It is obvious that these entities cannot come together to furnish a living being with a new trait, which is a product of intelligence.
As a matter of fact, even Darwin himself was aware of this logical failure from the very beginning.  In his book The Origin of Species, which he wrote in 1859, he expressed his self-doubt about his own theory in the following words:
“I have thought that it would be more convenient to treat the subject separately, especially as so wonderful an instinct as that of the hive-bee making its cells will probably have occurred to many readers, as a difficulty sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, p. 233)
Research conducted by scientists on living things has revealed that they live in astounding harmony, coordination and collaboration with one another.  Wherever one turns in nature, one is likely to see examples of this.  For instance, some little birds utter a shrill alarm call when they see a bird of prey like a hawk or eagle approaching their flock, to warn their companions of the danger.  In doing so, they attract the attention of the attacker to themselves.  This behavior considerably reduces the chance of survival for the bird who sounded the alarm.  But despite this, the bird puts its own life at risk for the hundreds of other birds in the flock.
A majority of animals undertake all kind of self-sacrifice for their young.  For example the incubation period of penguins is during the polar winter.  Female penguins lay only one egg, leave incubation to the males, and return to the sea.  During the four months of incubation, the male penguin has to resist violent polar storms at times reaching speeds of 120 kilometers per hour.  Making great sacrifices for four full months without leaving the egg, the male penguin loses half of its body weight through lack of food.  Although it goes without for months, it does not go hunting, and resists the violent storms without ever leaving the egg.  After the end of the four months, the female penguin shows up with a huge store of food.  She has not wasted time in the meantime, but has worked for her young and stored food for it.  She empties her stomach and takes over the job of caring for the young.

Purity of intention is essential in all deeds

arrated Abu Huraira :I heard Allah's Messenger saying: The first of the people whose case will be decided on the Day of Judgment will be a man who died as a martyr. He will be brought forth. Allah will make him know about His blessings (which He had bestowed on him in the world). The man will acknowledge them. Then Allah will ask him: What did you do with them? He will say: I fought in Your way until I died as a martyr. Allah will remark: You are lying. You fought so that you may be called a brave warrior. Then

orders will be passed against him. So he will be dragged along on his face and cast into Hell.Second will be a man who studied (religious) knowledge. Then he taught it to others and recited the Qur' an. He will be brought (for Judgment). Allah will remind him of His favours (showered on him in the world). He will admit them (having enjoyed them in his life). Then Allah will ask him: What did you do with them? He will reply: I acquired knowledge and imparted it and also recited the Qur' an for Your sake. Allah will observe: You have told a lie, for you got knowledge to be renowned as a scholar; and you recited the Qur'an to be marked as a Qdri (one who recites the Qur'an according to the rules). Then orders will be passed against him. So he will be dragged along on his face and thrown into Hell.

Third will be a man to whom Allah had made abundantly rich and granted him every kind of wealth. He will be brought for Judgment. Allah will let him know about His gifts conferred upon him in the world. He will recognize them. Then Allah will inquire: What did you with them? He will say: I left no way in which you like money to be spent without spending in it for your sake. Allah will say: You are lying. You did so to be described as generous (in the society); (It means you got your reward in the world according to your intention). Now you deserve nothing in the Hereafter except Hell). So orders will be passed against him and he will be dragged along on his face until he will be hurled into Hell. (This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim and Nasa'i)

The purity of inteniton is behind any deed. If you spend for show, there is no reward. Eventually, if one loves another for something worldly this shall not count in the Hereafter. But love for the sake of Allah is great virtue in the Hereafter. Such love can be a Muslim's love to learn from him or to take as a companion for good deeds, without any worldly considerations, once there is something worldly, the intention is not pure.

· Introduction

·        Introduction

It is known that the honor of seeking knowledge depends on the branch being sought. There is no branch of knowledge more honorable or sublime than that relating to Allah and His Attributes. This branch of knowledge instills Allah's fear and love into Muslims' heart. Owing to the lofty status of this branch of knowledge the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to mention this honor before his Companions saying, "I am the most fearing of Allah and knowledgeable of Him than all of you do" [Bukhari].   
The virtue of this branch of knowledge, i.e. knowing the Attributes of Allah, springs from the purpose for which people are created; to worship Allah Almighty. None can worship Allah without knowing Him. The more we know Allah, the greater our worship will be. Therefore, it is necessary for whoever wishes to delve into branches of knowledge and worship Allah to ponder over His Names and Attributes. Getting acquainted with Allah's Names and Attributes are two great branches of knowledge that draw a Muslim nearer to His Lord.   

To facilitate the means towards grasping this branch of knowledge, we compiled the Dictionary of the Attributes of Allah. We were concerned to include most of the authentic texts from the Qur'an, Sunnah and authentic reports of the predecessors. We mentioned the interpretations of these Attributes as stated by the scholars.     
There are some important rules that regulate and clarify this work as follows:
1-    Believing in the Attributes of Allah means the firm conviction in them verbally and in meaning without being occupied with how are they. The "how" must be left to Allah's knowledge. For example, every Muslim knows that Allah has established Himself over the throne (Istiwa); however the how of it is unknown. Therefore, it is impermissible for Muslims to talk about this because it is considered lying against Allah.   
2-    It is impermissible to liken the Attributes of Allah to that of His creatures. 
3-    It is impermissible to derive names form the Attributes of Allah. For instance, we are not to derive the name al-Shai' (i.e. the one who disposes the affairs) from the Attribute al-Mashi'a (the will of Allah).
4-    It is impermissible to place the word 'Abd(servant) before the Attributes of Allah. In other words, we cannot say 'Abd al-Istiwa nor 'Abd al-Mashi'a.
5-    It is impermissible to call upon Allah through His Attributes, such as saying: Oh Allah's Glory (ya 'Izzatu Allah) Oh Allah's wisdom (ya hikmatu Allah) Oh Allah's Hearing (ya sam' Allah).   
6-    It is permissible to seek refuge in Allah through His Attributes; to say for instance: "Oh Allah! I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath and I seek refuge in your forgiveness from your punishment".

After stating the above rules, we will start mentioning the Attributes of Allah as follows:  
1-    Al-Awalia (Eternity)
This Attribute means that Allah is Eternal; there is no beginning to His existence. He has existed since before His creations.
It is the first among the Attributes of Allah Almighty. It belongs to none but Him and is derived from His name al-Awal (The Eternal).
Evidence from the Qur'an
Allah Almighty says, 
He (Allah) is the First (Eternal) and the Last, the Ascendant (al-Zahir) and the Immanent (al-Batin) [Qur'an: 57:3].
Evidence from Sunnah
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Oh Allah! You are the First (Eternal), for there is none before You" [Muslim].  

2-    Al-Uhadia (Oneness) 
Allah is the One with no partners; nothing is like unto Him.
Evidence from Qur'an
Allah Most High says,
He is Allah, [who is] One" [Qur'an: 112:3].
Evidence from Sunnah 
Abu Huraira narrated the hadith Qudsi in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said on behalf of His Lord, ‘The son of Adam has accused Me of lying, and he has no right to do so, and he insulted Me, and he has no right to do so. As for belying Me it is his saying that I will not be able to refashion him, while bringing him to existence at first is easier for Me than refashioning him. As for insulting Me, he says, ‘Allah has begotten a son,’ while I Am the One, the Ever-Sustainer" [Bukhari].

3-    Al-Ihsan (Perfection)
Allah is perfect. He is the Perfect Sustainer Who rewards those who do good deeds with better rewards; whoever does a good deed will be given a ten fold reward and whoever does an evil deed will be recompensed by its like. He perfected everything He created; humans, animals, heavens and earth which all prove His Perfection, Greatness and wisdom.
Evidence from Qur'an
Allah Almighty says,
Who perfected everything which He created [Qur'an 32:7].
"And formed you and perfected your forms[Qur'an 40: 64].
Evidence from Sunnah 
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "When you rule, be just; when you slaughter an animal, be kind to it for Allah is perfect and likes perfection" [al-Tabarani]. 

4-    Al-Ihya' (life Giver)
This Attribute is derived from the saying of Allah Almighty,  
And He is the one who gave you life; then He causes you to die and then will [again] give you life. Indeed, mankind is ungrateful.
 It is also mentioned in the supplication of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) when waking up: "All praise be to Allah Who gave us life after our death (sleep) and unto Him is resurrection" [Bukhari].  
Imam al-Bayhaqi commented on the above saying of the Prophet in his book al-'Itiqad (p.62): "The Giver of life (Allah) means: He is the one Who gives life to dead clot to bring out a living human being; He gives life to dead bodies on the Day of Resurrection; He revives hearts through the light of knowledge; revives the dead land by rain and gives life to plants to flourish".

5-    Al-Irada (Will)
This Attribute means that everything that occurs in this world is by the will of Allah which controls all His creations. When Allah wills something, He just says "Be" and it is.
Evidence from the Qur'an
Allah Almighty says,
Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is [Qur'an 2:117].
Indeed, Allah ordains what He intends [Qur'an 5:1].
Evidence from Sunnah
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "If Allah wills to torture a group of people, He sends torture down upon them and they will be resurrected on the state upon which they died" [Muslim].

6-    Istiwa' (Allah's Establishment over the Throne)
This Attribute is proved to Allah through the texts of Qur'an and Sunnah.
'Istiwa' means that Allah is Exalted above His creation and has established Himself over the Throne in a manner that befitting His without likening it to His creation.
Evidence from the Qur'an
Allah Almighty says,  
The Most Merciful [who is] above the Throne established [Qur'an 20:5].  
and then established Himself above the Throne [Qur'an 7:54].  Evidence from Sunnah  
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Verily, Allah created the heavens and earth and that in between in six days then He established Himself over the Throne" [Al-Nasa'I in al-Tafseer].

7-    Al-Ilahia (Divinity)
This Attribute is derived from the name 'Allah' or 'al-Ilah' (Diety).  These two names are mentioned many times in the texts of Qur'an and Sunnah. Divinity or Uluhiya [Lordship] means that Allah deserves to be worshiped alone with no partner, to none but Him we should submit ourselves and He is the Exalted Lord in our hearts.
Evidence from the Qur'an
Allah Almighty says,
And He is Allah; there is no deity except Him [Qur'an 28:70].

8-    Al-Intiqam (the Avenger)
This Attribute means that Allah is the Avenger Who victoriously prevails over and punishes the disbelievers, transgressor and tyrants. Intiqamproves the justice of Allah who punishes the wrong doers either in this world or in the hereafter according to His wisdom.
Evidence from Qur'an
Indeed We, from the criminals, will take retribution [Qur'an 32:22]. And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror] [Qur'an 14: 42].
9-    Al-Batinya (the Immanent)  
This Attribute means that Allah is invisible to all His creatures in this world. This Attribute is derived from Allah's name Al-Batin (the Immanent).
Evidence from Qur'an
Allah Almighty says,   
He (Allah) is the First and the Last, the Ascendant and the Immanent [Qur'an 57:3].  
Evidence from Suunah

¿Quién es Dios?

Hay varias maneras a través del cual se reconoce el derecho a todo lo que le rodea de cosas, los objetos y los fenómenos naturales y no naturales, y como todo está determinado por la forma en que se puede reconocer.

Tú, por ejemplo cuando se quiere conocer a alguien, puede estar más cerca, y cortejó a él, y Toukrh y respetados para que los propietarios de los diferentes lenguajes poner persona conciencia lingüística específica no se conoce a ellos, o patrocina a identificarlo, y pidió "respeto fórmula o reverencia". Y otras veces te presenten a la otra, o hacer un amigo en su nombre cuando Ikdmk a otras personas que son así y así, y reconocemos que muchos también desde las páginas de los periódicos y las pantallas de televisión, y ver donde algunas otras historias y cuentos de otros tejen sobre ellos puede acercarse a la verdad ha estado ausente a menudo otro.

Varias maneras de aprender cualquier cosa, y cualquiera y permanece cercano a escuchar al otro, a saber, y tal vez esta es la manera que me gusta el que aplican cuando se habla de cómo el conocimiento de Dios!

¿Quién es Dios?

Esta pregunta contestada por el mismo Dios Todopoderoso, dice: "No hay más dios que Él, Vida, el Eterno no tomar años ni el sueño está en los cielos y en la tierra, que lo acompañó sin su permiso sabe lo que está delante de ellos y detrás de ellos y tomar algo de su conocimiento de la única incluyendo expandido silla voluntaria de los cielos y la tierra, ni ellos Aúdh guardado el Todopoderoso "(La Vaca: 255). He aquí lo que sabe sobre sí mismo y dice que no hay Dios, demuestra la uniformidad por sí mismo, y el barrio que no muere y todo el dado criaturas, citado anteriormente: "No hay más dios que Él," diciéndole que él es la única deidad única para todas las criaturas. Y él dijo: "viviente y subsistente", es decir: el mismo barrio que nunca muere para otros valores, todos los activos que carecen de un mecanismo indispensable ni la fuerza de ella sin su mando.

Y él dijo: "Yo no tomo ni dormir", es decir: no mostrar una falta o negligencia no angustiados por su creación, sino que se basa en que cada alma será un mártir de todo, no le echo de menos algo se esconde ningún secreto, y totalmente Agayoomah que no muestran ni el sueño , Vcolh: "No aceptan un" no: no golpear año se Alausen y somnolencia, y dijo: "no dormir", ya que es el más fuerte del año. Y él dijo: "es en los cielos y en la tierra," nos dice que todos sus siervos y de su propiedad y bajo la opresión y el poder.

Y él dijo: "¿Quién es el que lo acompañó sin su permiso", muestra la grandeza y la majestad omnipotente y orgullo que nadie se atreve a interceder por él sin su permiso que intercediera.

Y él dijo: "Él sabe lo que está delante de ellos y detrás de ellos," Guía para informar a su conocimiento de todos los objetos: su pasado, presente y futuro.

 Y él dijo: "no tome algo de su conocimiento de incluir exclusivamente voluntades": no se puede ver uno de la ciencia de Dios en cualquier cosa menos lo que conocen a Dios Todopoderoso y le informó sobre ella.

Y él dijo: "amplió su silla de los cielos y la tierra" su poder y su trono, rodeado todo va a acomodar todo.

Y diciendo: no Aiodh salvado} es decir, no Athaglh no Akrthh Recuerde los cielos y la tierra y lo que entre ellos está, pero es fácil para él para caminar tiene que se basa en lo mismo lo que ha ganado, el sargento en todas las cosas, no يعزب él algo y no lo echo de menos algo y todas las cosas despreciable en sus manos pequeñas modesto y humillada por él, en la necesidad de un HDL entre ricos y pobres efectivamente lo que él quiere, que no está preguntando qué es lo que pido. Él es el Omnipotente todo todo Haseeb sargento Todopoderoso hay otro dios fuera de Él no hay Dios. Y él dijo: "Es el Todopoderoso" está por encima de todos y el más grande de todos.

Esta es la primera tarjeta de identificación pedir, querido lector, si usted quiere saber quién es Dios, no el mejor que puedo para citar a usted los argumentos y las pruebas, y no escribió poesía o la alabanza, no menos que a mí mismo algo de eso, pero sabía que Dios mismo, Todopoderoso y Exaltado Santísima. Este versículo, que se llama un versículo del Santo seducir verdaderamente los mejores versos del Corán. Bueno manejable, y escuchar a Dios que habla por sí mismo, y tratar de conocer acerca de la cerca, y si usted no puede leer la siguiente nuestro artículo sobre el mismo tema.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...