الجمعة، 12 أبريل 2013

Muslims in the West Country

Like Bilal Fadl and many of his colleagues in the liberal .. Dr. Alaa al-Aswani wanted to send a nice greeting for Christian brothers in their holiday .. which reminds us an article about Pope Shenouda meetings in paradise ..

The habit of brotherhood liberals .. Dr. Al Aswany seeks to get the (Citizenship instrument)-like instruments of forgiveness in the Middle Ages through (an intense dose of hypocrisy for Christian Brothers) ...
Under the title (to be a Muslim in Britain) .. Try Dr. Alaa to assume the perspective of a Christian feels persecution in Egypt .. In the form of non-traditional for writing imagine that this Christian Muslim person living in Britain .. to portray us how much suffering that could have been for Muslims in Britain that يعانوها if they were throwing the same treatment of Christians in Egypt ..

Says Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means to realize early on that you are different, when you go out and you are a pupil of the chapter in the share of debt تطاردك looks of curiosity and amazement of fellow young, when you go to take a studied religion in another place with a few pupils Muslims like you .."

And I say to him: "Oh, that Muslim children in Britain out of the chapter in the share of debt to study Islamic religion in another place ... the fact that my children are studying here in Britain ten years ago .. They are forced to attend morning Mass in the Christian school .. and forced the isolation that did not participate in concerts and plays Christmas Annual .. and are forced to study on Friday and are forced to get a vacation on Sunday .. and welfare of learning the Islamic religion at the hands of teachers Muslims is available only if you hired them a teacher _khasusia at home .. and Aalith available .. "

Says Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means you will have to study and work in أعيادك religious because the state, meant to throw dust in the eyes, recognize you far only one and considers it an official holiday and the rest أعيادك religious it is for the State-day ordinary not attaches any special attention. . remember how many times I went on holiday to an important lecture or a meeting at work. How many times have spoiled the joy of the feast to your children because they have a feast day test .. "

And I say to him: "Oh, that Britain's state recognizes us an official holiday in the holiday only one .. just one holiday I get it on holiday .. there is no need to be deducted from annual holidays .. this that my colleagues in the approved work ...
I do not go only to lecture a task or a meeting at work and do not go my children only for the exam in the days أعيادنا Muslims, Dr. Alaa .. I'm in every Friday I need to sneak a drink Friday at the Church of the hospital .. and I need a day to go subtle to perform the prayers of Zuhr and Asr and Maghrib .. and my children are deprived of a day in prayer during the school day .. and will not speak to you for the joy of the feast that we need to travel to Egypt in order to feel it .. We live in a society that does not feel any joy except in Idi Christmas and Easter .. "

Adds Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain meant that doing all your efforts in the study and you know that you often will not get a final grade even if they have the right. During oral examinations at the university once read examiner name recognized even Arbd face and gives you a lesser degree of colleagues.'s even got the highest scores will circumvent the university administration to prevent the appointment as a lecturer because you are a Muslim. "
Dr. Alaa is here, my colleague at the school in Egypt Sameh Kaldas birthday .. who was the first on the school deserved throughout the years of my studies, both in exams or months in the year-end exam .. it is thousands of Christians in Egypt of doctors, pharmacists and university professors .. starting from Dr. Boutros-Ghali, Egyptian Secretary-General of the United Nations earlier which did not reach them standing Egyptian Muslim .. and ending with Dr. Milad Hanna and Dr. Mona Makram Ebeid .. and through Dr. Rafiq Habib will not mention Dr. Youssef Boutros-Ghali for that thief ..
Athva Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means to prepare yourself for Migration (IOM) at any time, you can choose the names of your children and their education to suit the country in which you may have to migrate to it if exposed to attack from extremists."

Please tell me, Dr. Alaa name a single Christian who emigrated from Egypt in the aftermath of being attacked by extremists ...
Do you think that you are more intolerant of Christians Copts in America, for example, did not hear from any of them Hawadit for the torture they received at the hands of extremists in Egypt ..??!!
Why Most Christians أسماءا choose such as Peter and George and Abba Bishoy if they do what they are called???!!
If some Christians choose أسماءا like John, Michael and Peter in order to suit the country's migration West, why are forced to do so if the country was fair and open bosom for all, regardless of their names???!!

Continues Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain means that you will never reached the top positions in the country. Regardless of competence will never be president of the republic or the prime minister or the leader of the army or the director of intelligence, why ..? Because you are a Muslim and some clerics majority believe that God has assigned campus in senior positions! "

Here in Egypt, Dr. Christian arrived for the post of Prime Minister of a century ago .. and we have at the moment Christian ministers ..
Being a Muslim in Britain or in America or in any country with a Christian majority in this world regardless of the fairness of .. فأقصى what could aspire to be a member of parliament parties .. While we insist on Christians to participate in political life and run as candidates in parliament ..
Being a Muslim in Britain means to live in a state repeats its prime minister had the opportunity whenever it is the State of (Christian) .. Cross country in the flag .. Queen is the head of the state church .. state church had a number of men in the House of Lords ..

Wrote Dr. Alaa: "to be a Muslim in Britain meant that suffered severely in order to build a mosque practiced the religion. Will prevent you from building mosques, the state and the extremists. State put laws constrained make the building of mosques a very difficult task and prevent the renewal or restoration anywhere in the mosque« Even if the water cycle is only after taking several approvals from the authorities. "

Believe in God, Dr. I'm in Britain I miss a day to the sound of the ears in Egypt??!! Ears foreclosed on the streets of Britain, Dr. Alaa ..
Believe in God you are in order to build a mosque in Britain need to get the approval of the region's population of Christians??!!
Believe in God to the state budget in Britain include spending on churches and does not include spending on mosques??!!
Believe in God that some Muslims in Britain need to travel to other cities in order to pray in the mosque??!!
Believe in God that countries such as Greece banned the building of mosques??!!
Believe in God, we become our first Constitution gives Christians the right to build houses of worship without restrictions, a right did not get the Muslims in the Constitution of any State predominantly Christians in the whole world .. However out we like Houdrtk to Asdawa our brains that this Constitution itself sectarian anti-Christian? ?!!

Angered by Dr. Alaa "One of extremists tore the Bible in front of the cameras and said he would pay one of his grandchildren to urinate on it. You have to accept this insult the public and will be released this far after a trial formality and will gather his supporters outside the court to Anhaloa on Dink further ridicule and defamation."

What do you think, Dr. Alaa that the people of the United States .. It is one of the countries Bank where تتغزل the already تبولوا on Koran and مزقوه and burned and produced films offensive against our Prophet, peace be upon him .. not tried trial, not even pro forma ..
The was Izz demand that they stop??!!

Continue Dr. Alaa theses: "If I liked a girl on Dink is the thousands of extremists will be considered love a serious assault on their honor not only wash the blood. Extremists will attack your home and Muslim houses in the neighborhood and burned them and beating you were kill you."

Have you heard about Yasser Sayed Khalaf, Dr. Alaa?
If you have not heard him use the search engine to have .. Google or one of his brothers to know who kills because he loved and married a girl on religion ..

But this argument, which I mentioned the door of irony, Dr. Alaa: "Britain is our country and we will apply our religion and if you do not like go to any other country."
It is a reality .. and you are a man Rahal .. obligatory lot of countries in the world .. أتحداك to go to Britain or elsewhere and find people who say otherwise ..
Any Yes .. will tell you, people migrate to him every country in the world: "We will apply our religion and if you do not like go to any other country .."

Says Dr. Alaa: "If you are a Muslim in Britain, you have to accept that the freedom of belief in only one direction ... if it became a Muslim citizen to the majority religion, the State congratulate and rejoice in it and cringe him all obstacles But if the opposite happened and turned citizen to the religion of the minority he to escape to the outside at full speed because if he stayed in Britain may kill extremists in accordance with what they see as a religious duty "

Are you sure you live in Egypt, Doctor? If you currently live in. .. Are you sure you were living the days and Wafa Constantine and Camellia and others??!! Are you sure you did not hear about converts and Baha'is and atheists in Egypt and all of them live in. .. and even celebrate their media and liberals like your presence .. did not hear that one of them fled abroad or kill the killers??!!
Allow me to tell you, as a Muslim living in Britain that:
People in Britain do not stab in Islam only .. but challenging in all religions .. I personally hurt me the suffering of Christ in Britain fees naked reduce the prestige and value .. and jokes hurtful and exposing it .. and abuses of the Christian faith of atheists and others .. and quits People from the church and religion in general ..
Hurt me that religions in Britain and other Western countries that were enjoying freedom of religion and freedom of worship, but they are absent from people's daily lives and behavior ..
Western countries, which sing بعدالتها towards glorifying armies religions that kill Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan ..
Europe, which sing Basmoha towards other religions is that the Jews suffered from anti-Semitism, which was planted by Israel a cancer in our region in order to get rid of their problems forever ..

West, who glorify Doctor Muslim is the one who is classified as a terrorist to prove the contrary ..
Western countries do not allow Muslims to apply شرائعهم not even in their personal .. a right granted by the new Egyptian constitution for Christians has exacerbated the minimum you and like you it did not تقعدها after claiming that the rights of Christians digested ..

To be a Christian in Egypt, Dr. probably meant to be the richest man in Egypt, such as Sawiris
Perhaps you as Secretary-General of the United Nations, such as d. Boutros-Ghali ..
You أنبغ probably Egyptian doctor like Magdi Yacoub ..
Perhaps you are a brilliant politician like George Ishak ..
Perhaps you are a prominent media like Fawzi useful ..
Perhaps you are an artist Gladiator or a football player, such as global Hany Ramzy first and second ..
To be a Christian in Egypt means that stands in Tahrir Square putting your cross tall يحتضنك up your brothers in the Muslim world .. This position was certainly to make you feel more secure than you stand at Trafalgar Square in London putting Msahvk up .. Central ignored passers-by and perhaps their looks frustrated Almtjbh ..
Which by the way looks meted amid a barrage of censure from the stands in Tahrir Square raising the banner written on it: There is no god but Allah .. Muhammad is the Messenger of God ..

In the last paragraph of the article written by Dr. Alaa Egyptian Christian counseled: "Remember that for every extremist there are ten people tolerant grew to respect the beliefs of others."
Long essay broad thought of reading that Egypt is a cemetery for Christians and a cellar skipped in the torture and brutality of the Inquisition in Andalusia .. then يختمه that 90% of Egypt's population tolerant and respect the doctrine of Christians!

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