الخميس، 4 أبريل 2013

US Terrorismus

US Terrorismus

Bemerkungen zeigten US-Senator Lindsey Graham, der Zugehörigkeit zu der Republikanischen Partei, dass die Zahl der an den Streiks von Drohnen auf der ganzen Welt durchgeführt getötet 4.700 Menschen, darunter natürlich, Zivilisten und der Rest von ihnen vor allem Widerstandskämpfer gegen die US-Besatzung des muslimischen Ländern betrug.

Während offenbar herauszufinden vertraut und logisch für eine Reihe Razzien, dass US-Flugzeuge in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jemen, Somalia und anderen muslimischen Ländern, und dass unzählige Hunderte, aber es funktioniert nicht menschenmöglich scheint überhaupt Senator versichert, "nicht ein Geheimnis verraten" sieht keine Scham im Gespräch öffentlich über die Zahl der Todesopfer und تبجحه Ergebnis zivile Tote und meinte, dass diese Zahl als eine Steuer kam "töten die größtmögliche Anzahl von al-Qaida."

Graham, der als einer der stärksten Befürworter des Einsatzes von Drohnen im Kampf "al-Qaida" angesehen wird, sagte nach seiner Kritik öffentlich zu sprechen, über die Zahlen der Toten, dass er seine Kommentare zu Medienberichten, nicht formalen Berichten.

Die British Broadcasting Corp Radio (BBC) übertragen wurde Mittwoch für Graham mit den Worten: "Wir haben 4700 Menschen getötet, manchmal unschuldige Menschen zu töten, und ich hasse es, aber wir kämpfen einen Krieg kann es uns ermöglichen, eine Reihe von hochrangigen al-Qaida-Führer zu töten."

Er sagte, dass diese Waffe, die oft tötet Zivilisten ist eine "Waffe verwendet werden muss, das ist eine taktische Waffe", warfen Bcecchekat Menschenrechtsaktivisten - und sogar einige Mitglieder des Kongresses - in geheimer und die Rechtmäßigkeit der Verwendung dieser Art von Flugzeugen.

Diese Zahl wurde nicht von Graham bekannt angekündigt und breit gefächerten Schätzungen Zahl blieb ein Geheimnis, mit US-Beamten weigerten sich, in die Materie öffentlich zu gehen.

Nach einem torrent Kritik an der amerikanischen und internationalen Presse Graham zum Freilegen dieses schändliche Gestalt im schwarzen Aufzeichnung der Vereinigten Staaten, sagte Graham in einem Interview in Südkalifornien, dass er seine Bemerkungen zu den Schätzungen der Nachrichten-Website basiert.

Es wurde auch in Bemerkungen zu CNN davon ausgegangen, dass American "hat keine offiziellen Angaben über die Zahl der amerikanischen Geheimdienste, sondern er befasst sich mit den Einschätzungen der Medien Berichte veröffentlicht," zeigt im gleichen Rahmen, dass diese Zahlen über die Zahl der Todesfälle auf der ganzen Welt.

Washington offenbart nicht nie behauptet, die Verantwortung für die Drohnenangriffe, aber kein Land hat Flugzeuge dieses Modells gestartet Luftstützpunkte in Pakistan und Afghanistan, sondern die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.

Die jemenitische Regierung hat bereits angekündigt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten führe Drohnenangriffe auf Al-Kaida-Kämpfer auf seinem Boden. Einer der Höhepunkte dieser Razzien Anwar al-Awlaki, die zu al-Qaida, ein jemenitischer-amerikanischen getötet, und die Frage des Todes Debatten Medien auf die Frage der "gezielten Tötungen" von US-Bürgern außerhalb des amerikanischen Hoheitsgebietes, ein Problem, dass die amerikanischen Medien beschäftigt und eröffneten das Feuer auf die US-Administration und die Frage aufgeworfen, Rechtliche diese Streiks, die vermutlich direkten Befehl von Präsident Barack Obama zu kommen.

Aber mehr auffällig jüngsten Äußerungen des US-Senators, ist, dass die Zahl, -4700 behandelt - viel mehr als Schätzungen, zum Beispiel CNN amerikanische veröffentlicht wird.

, Sagt Peter Bergen Experte Fälle von Terrorismus in CNN, dass zwischen 1900 und 3300 Menschen wurden als Ergebnis dieser Razzien, darunter den Tod von Zivilisten, die Zahl zwischen 261 und 305 Personen geschätzt starb - er sagte - eine Zahl, nur sehr wenig nach Beobachter.

Es gab keinen in der Nähe der Zahl, die Graham legte nur für "das Amt des investigativen Journalismus", die wahrscheinlich die Ankunft der Todesopfer auf 4756.

Das Ziel Drohnenangriffe US Wohnhäuser und zivile Autos Vereinigten Staaten behauptet, dass es "Hafen" für die von der Bezeichnung "Terroristen".

Und ließ die Razzien in Wut und weit verbreitet in Afghanistan aufgrund der Tod von Dutzenden Zivilisten getötet. America kämpft Islam vor sprechen Atheisten th September und war in einem Zustand der Juden in Israel und Fahnen Hollywood, die das Bild des Islam verzerrt in alles, was er konnte, um die Öffentlichkeit und veröffentlicht Untreue und Atheismus und Anbetung Lust und kam in Abhängigkeit von Hollywood korrupte der arabischen Medien und viele Dinge haben Amerika und die Juden Feinde der islamischen Scharia

EE.UU. terrorismo

EE.UU. terrorismo

Observaciones mostraron EE.UU. El senador Lindsey Graham, que pertenece al Partido Republicano que el número de los muertos en los ataques llevados a cabo por aviones no tripulados en todo el mundo ascendía a 4.700 personas, entre ellas, por supuesto, los civiles, y el resto de ellos en su mayoría combatientes de la resistencia contra la ocupación de EE.UU. de países musulmanes.

Aunque aparentemente figura familiar y lógica para una allanamientos número que los aviones de EE.UU. en Afganistán, Pakistán, Yemen, Somalia y otros países musulmanes, y que incontables cientos, pero que no parece humanamente en absoluto está asegurado el senador como "no divulgar un secreto" no ve ninguna vergüenza en hablar públicamente sobre el número de muertos y تبجحه resultado de muertes de civiles y consideró que este número llegó como un impuesto para "matar el mayor número posible de al-Qaeda".

Graham, quien es considerado uno de los más firmes partidarios del uso de aviones no tripulados en la lucha "al-Qaeda", dijo después de su crítica a hablar públicamente sobre el número de los muertos que él basó sus comentarios en informes de los medios, no en los informes oficiales.

La British Broadcasting Corp. radio (BBC) se ha transferido el miércoles por Graham como diciendo: "Hemos matado a 4.700 personas, a veces matando a gente inocente, y lo odio, pero estamos luchando una guerra puede capacitarnos para matar a varios altos líderes de Al Qaeda".

Dijo que esta arma, que a menudo mata a civiles es un "arma debe ser utilizado, que es un arma táctica", lanzando Bcecchekat activistas de derechos humanos - e incluso algunos miembros del Congreso - en secreto y la legalidad de la utilización de este tipo de aeronave.

Esta cifra no fue anunciada por Graham conocido y el número de estimaciones muy variadas siendo un misterio, con funcionarios de Estados Unidos se negó a entrar en el asunto en público.

Después de un torrente en las críticas de la prensa estadounidense e internacional a Graham para la exposición de esta cifra vergonzosa en el expediente negro de Estados Unidos, Graham dijo en una entrevista en el sur de California, que basó sus observaciones sobre las estimaciones del sitio de noticias.

También se consideró en declaraciones a CNN que los estadounidenses "no proporcionó información oficial sobre la base de los números de la inteligencia estadounidense, pero él se ocupa de las estimaciones publicadas por los medios de comunicación," que apunta en el mismo marco que las cifras sobre el número de muertes en todo el mundo.

Washington no revelar nunca reclamó la responsabilidad por los ataques con aviones no tripulados, pero ningún país tiene aviones de este modelo y lanzó las bases aéreas de Pakistán y Afganistán, pero los Estados Unidos de América.

El gobierno de Yemen ya ha anunciado que Estados Unidos está llevando a cabo ataques aéreos en combatientes de Al Qaeda en su territorio. Uno de los aspectos más destacados de esos ataques que mataron a Anwar al-Awlaki que conduce a al-Qaeda, un yemení-estadounidense, y planteó la cuestión de debates muerte medios de comunicación sobre el tema de "asesinatos selectivos" de ciudadanos de EE.UU. fuera del territorio de los EE.UU., un tema que preocupa a los medios de comunicación estadounidenses por y abrieron fuego contra el gobierno de EE.UU. y cuestionado Legal aquellas huelgas que se cree que provienen orden directa del presidente Barack Obama.

Pero lo más llamativo en las recientes declaraciones del senador de EE.UU., es que el número que se ocupó -4700 - es mucho más que las estimaciones publicadas por, americano, por ejemplo, CNN.

Dice Peter Bergen casos de terrorismo de expertos en CNN que entre 1900 y 3300 personas han muerto como resultado de esas redadas, incluyendo las muertes de civiles, que se estima que el número entre 261 y 305 personas - dijo - una cifra muy pequeña, según los observadores.

No había ninguna cerca del número que puso Graham sólo para "la Oficina del periodismo de investigación", que es probable que la llegada de la cifra de muertos a 4756.

El zumbido objetivo ataca casas residenciales estadounidenses y un civil coches Estados Unidos alegan que "refugio" para los designados por "terroristas".

Y provocó las incursiones en cólera y generalizada en Afganistán debido a la muerte de decenas de civiles muertos. América combate el Islam antes de hablar con ateo º de septiembre y estaba en un estado de los Judios de Israel y banderas de Hollywood, que distorsiona la imagen del Islam en todo lo posible a la infidelidad público y publicado y el ateísmo y la adoración lujuria y el vino en función de Hollywood cosas corruptas de los medios de comunicación árabes y muchos lo hicieron Estados Unidos y los enemigos judíos de la Sharia islámica







他說,這武器,這往往殺死平民是“武器必須被使用,這是​​一個戰術武器”,拋出了Bcecchekat人的權利活動家 - 和甚至一些成員的國會 - 在秘密和使用的該型戰機的合法性。






但美國參議員最近的言論,更引人注目的是,處理的數字-4700 - 是遠遠超過,例如CNN美國公佈的估計。

說彼得卑爾根專家恐怖主義案件在CNN之間的1900和3300人死於由於這些襲擊,其中包括平民,這是估計數之間的261和305人死亡 - 他說 - 這個數字非常小,據觀察家。




États-Unis contre le terrorisme

Remarques montré le sénateur américain Lindsey Graham, appartenant au Parti républicain que le nombre de personnes tuées dans les attaques menées par des drones dans le monde s'élevait à 4.700 personnes, y compris, bien sûr, des civils, et le reste d'entre eux combattants de la résistance pour la plupart contre l'occupation américaine de pays musulmans.
Bien qu'apparemment comprendre familier et logique pour une raids nombre que l'aviation américaine en Afghanistan, au Pakistan, au Yémen, en Somalie et d'autres pays musulmans, et que des centaines d'innombrables, mais il ne semble pas humainement tout est assuré sénateur comme «ne pas divulguer un secret" ne voit pas de honte à parlerpubliquement sur le nombre de morts, et تبجحه résultat de morts parmi les civils et a estimé que ce nombre est venu comme une taxe pour "tuer le plus grand nombre possible d'al-Qaïda."
Graham, qui est considéré comme l'un des plus fervents partisans de l'utilisation des drones dans la lutte "Al-Qaïda", a déclaré après sa critique de s'exprimer publiquement sur le nombre de morts qu'il a fondé ses observations sur les rapports des médias, et non des rapports officiels.
La British Broadcasting Corp radio (BBC) a été transféré mercredi pour Graham dit: «Nous avons tué 4.700 personnes, parfois tuer des gens innocents, et je déteste ça, mais nous menons une guerre peut nous permettre de tuer un certain nombre de hauts dirigeants d'Al-Qaïda."
Il a dit que cette arme qui tue souvent des civils est une «arme doit être utilisé, qui est une arme tactique", en jetant Bcecchekat militants des droits humains - et même certains membres du Congrès - dans le secret et la légalité de l'utilisation de ce type d'aéronef.
Ce chiffre n'a pas été annoncée par Graham connu et largement diversifiée numéro estimations restée un mystère, avec les autorités américaines ont refusé d'entrer dans la question publiquement.
Après une critique torrent sur la presse américaine et internationale à Graham pour exposer ce chiffre honteux dans le dossier noir des Etats-Unis, Graham a déclaré dans une interview dans le sud de la Californie qui il a fondé ses observations sur les estimations de la site de nouvelles.
Il a également été considéré dans un discours à CNN que les Américains "ne fournit pas d'information officielle sur la base des numéros de renseignement américains, mais il traite avec les estimations publiées par les médias", soulignant dans le même cadre que les chiffres concernant le nombre de décès à travers le monde.
Washington ne divulgue pas la responsabilité n'a jamais revendiqué pour les frappes de drones, mais aucun pays n'a avions de ce modèle et a lancé les bases aériennes au Pakistan et en Afghanistan, mais les États-Unis d'Amérique.
Le gouvernement yéménite a déjà annoncé que les Etats-Unis mènent les frappes de drones contre Al-Qaïda sur son sol. Un des faits saillants de ces raids qui ont tué Anwar al-Awlaki menant à Al-Qaïda, un Yéménite-américain, et a soulevé la question des médias débats mort sur la question des «assassinats ciblés» de citoyens américains en dehors du territoire américain, une question qui préoccupe les médias américains et ont ouvert le feu sur l'administration américaine et soulevé des questions sur juridique de ces grèves qui sont censées venir ordre direct du président Barack Obama.
Mais le plus frappant dans les récentes déclarations du sénateur américain, est que le nombre qui traitait -4700 - est beaucoup plus que les estimations publiées par, américain par exemple CNN.
Dit Peter cas Bergen, expert en terrorisme à CNN que entre 1900 et 3300 personnes sont mortes à la suite de ces raids, y compris la mort de civils, qui est estimée à entre 261 et 305 personnes - dit-il - un chiffre très faible, selon les observateurs.
Il n'y avait pas proche du nombre qui a mis Graham uniquement pour "l'Office du journalisme d'investigation», qui est probablement l'arrivée du nombre de morts à 4756.
Le drone cible frappe maisons résidentielles américaines et voitures civils des États-Unis allèguent que «refuge» pour ceux qui sont désignés par les «terroristes».
Et a causé des raids dans la colère et généralisée en Afghanistan en raison de la mort de dizaines de civils morts. Amérique du combat l'islam avant de parler athée e de Septembre et était dans un état des Juifs d'Israël et des drapeaux Hollywood, qui déforme l'image de l'Islam dans tout ce qu'il pouvait pour l'infidélité du public et publié et de l'athéisme et de culte luxure et est venu en fonction de Hollywood les choses corrompues des médias arabes et beaucoup l'ont fait en Amérique et les ennemis des Juifs de la charia islamique

U.S. terrorism

Remarks showed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, belonging to the Republican Party that the number of those killed in the strikes carried out by drones around the world amounted to 4,700 people, including, of course, civilians, and the rest of them mostly resistance fighters against the U.S. occupation of Muslim countries.

While apparently figure familiar and logical for a number raids that U.S. aircraft in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other Muslim countries, and that countless hundreds, but it does not seem humanly at all is assured Senator as "not divulge a secret" sees no shame in talking publicly about the death toll, and تبجحه outcome of civilian deaths and considered that this number came as a tax for "kill the largest possible number of al-Qaeda."

Graham, who is considered one of the strongest supporters of the use of drones in the fight "al-Qaeda", said after his criticism to talk publicly about the numbers of the dead that he based his comments on media reports, not formal reports.

The British Broadcasting Corp. radio (BBC) has been transferred Wednesday for Graham as saying, "We have killed 4,700 people, sometimes killing innocent people, and I hate it, but we're fighting a war may enable us to kill a number of senior al Qaeda leaders."

He said that this weapon, which often kills civilians is a "weapon must be used, which is a tactical weapon", throwing out Bcecchekat human rights activists - and even some members of Congress - in secret and the legality of the use of this type of aircraft.

This figure was not announced by Graham known and widely varied estimates number remained a mystery, with U.S. officials refused to go into the matter publicly.

After a torrent criticism on the American and international press to Graham for exposing this shameful figure in the black record of the United States, Graham said in an interview in southern California that he based his remarks on the estimates of the news site.

It was also considered in remarks to CNN that American "did not provide official information based on the numbers of American intelligence, but he deals with the estimates published by the media reports," pointing in the same frame that those figures concerning the number of deaths around the world.

Washington does not disclose never claimed responsibility for the drone strikes, but no country has aircraft of this model and launched air bases in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but the United States of America.

The Yemeni government has already announced that the United States is waging drone strikes on al-Qaeda fighters on its soil. One of the highlights of those raids that killed Anwar al-Awlaki leading to al-Qaeda, a Yemeni-American, and raised the issue of death debates media on the issue of "targeted killings" of U.S. citizens outside U.S. territory, an issue that preoccupied the American media for and opened fire on the U.S. administration and raised questions about Legal those strikes which are believed to come direct order of President Barack Obama.

But more striking in the U.S. Senator's recent statements, is that the number that dealt -4700 - is much more than estimates published by, for example CNN American.

Says Peter Bergen expert terrorism cases in CNN that between 1900 and 3300 people have died as a result of those raids, including the deaths of civilians, which is estimated to number between 261 and 305 people - he said - a figure very little, according to observers.

There was no close to the number that put Graham only for "the Office of investigative journalism" which is likely the arrival of the death toll to 4756.

The target drone strikes U.S. residential houses and civilian cars United States claims that it "haven" for those designated by "terrorists."

And caused the raids in anger and widespread in Afghanistan due to the deaths of dozens of civilians dead. America fights Islam before speak to atheist th of September and was in a state of the Jews of Israel and flags Hollywood, which distorts the image of Islam in all he could to the public and published infidelity and atheism and worship lust and came depending on Hollywood corrupt of the Arab media and many things did America and the Jews enemies of the Islamic Sharia

الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

Love of God is the ultimate goal of the standings

Go medial or animal who used Jana body in the Incarnation in a coma and owning in case sleep and slumber, if Aatgesd Genie in a photo does not exist in the world of humans, they must have a presence and occupies her ethereal to shape it, Flo constitute Genie in a photo (Omar), the (life) in this case in coma or deep sleep because of separation of body ethereal him and forth the rest of the objects, P (age) came out from the circle of three-dimensional and the law of the material to another law, a scientist jinn control his perception nor on his body, and tomorrow returned not be recorded memory thing, because in the world is the world allowed to register only as God wills to mention such and such a person. The dare a little bit in the diligence and say that the person who took his body to Eetmtheloa him or Ackloa him if, God forbid, and realized or tried to wake up from sleep or Gebojth it wakes up without control over his body and appreciate the movement and this is the third species jathoom and God knows best. We note the important point is that the Incarnation or assimilation is conformation former Benah and اشترطنا his condition while morphology is the emergence of a specific image in a dream for someone or in front of the eye in vigilance on the spectrum it is because Aastrt his former condition of go person formed in his image in a coma or sleep that that which is a copy of his ethereal body also captures one of us a photograph of something seen or used, whether the owner is in a dreamlike or vigilance and God knows best. (It accumulates tribe of where Atrunhm):

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 2 - Whenever Well done you think, God make you .. and whenever I wished / good for someone else, comes to you, the goodness of the terms do not count. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 3 - asked one of the wise: who learned wisdom said: blind men; because he does not put his foot on the ground only after testing the road with his walking stick. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 4 - In order to know what to think when people watch what they do, not what they say. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 5 - Companion doing this year because it "years" and we leave it "years"!! █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 6 - confidence like the eraser becomes smaller and smaller after each mistake, to disappear. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 7 - What is the difference between generosity, generosity and altruism? Generosity: giving less and keep more, and generosity: giving more and keep less, and altruism: give a total of not keep anything. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 8 - paralyzed quadrant Mufti asks: how Purity of prayer for the night, if not find anyone to help him?!! , Reputation فأيقنت that disease (heart disease). █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 9 - tears of the oppressed is in the eyes of tears. . But in the hands of God lightning hits the oppressor. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 11 - high rankings the mainland parents should not Takbarhama Bhmomk and sorrows and sufferings, only when necessary; because they Christznan and Atalman times what Thsenh and you Ttalmh. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 12 - do not make supplication acquisition of medicine, do not use it except when illness and misfortune, but Mark supplication as air Invite Lord all the time [in good times and bad. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 13 - Bedouin said: I'm getting better pray to the Lord ..? He said: Yes, it is said: Pray said: Oh God, you have given us Islam is to ask you, do not deprive us of paradise and we ask you. How you want your garden? Grass: Hallelujah and praise palaces: Surat fidelity Treasures: There is no power but God Riad: Hallelujah, thank God, there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest unforgettable

7 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

Not recognize her by or say someone else is not obligatory and I discussed know the truth love when men are innately and Lawless exercise love the mind and not بالهوى true love truth and the statement and not exercise boy loves without experience not exercise newborn loves Balatantme and relevant and not exercise son loves innately and not exercise is not a matter or where ranging in positions a natural instinct to love and do not love you with this view Share

7 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

- Enjoy a little lower, inherited rights to enjoy much blessings in the afterlife, and religion sacrifices and striving but then the good life God Almighty linking conditions to work not things, Vslah conditions goodness business and deeds goodness Aliqinfy time of the Prophet peace be upon him: Preaching and science said, and this was more than a degree, and the completeness, he is in a good time even if he lived in an environment sedition ........ If we want the best centuries, we have to offer advocacy with science and male, and these three make them originally, so our time depending on the best Alkaronmty makes God to guide us human? When a person using this choice in obedience to God, Almighty God guide him, but from years of God that make arrangement for guidance, God Almighty make Hedaya بالمجاهدة and turn, if he chooses rights this arrangement, God promised guidance, and God does not break promise, and if you get human guidance, win and succeed in both realms, and it guided reason to guide people, and God makes owners Hedaya out people who have an ounce of faith from the fire, and have the guidance to be in the win and the farmer in any situation, even if it is in prison, such as master peace be upon him, what chooses Mujahid and turn obtained the guidance you read the Qur'an even open God on two things of reasons Hedaya, namely: Mujahid and turn, God says: (and who fought us a gift of our ways) <69 spider>, and Almighty says: (Allah Ajetbi to whom He pleases, and guides to delegate) <13 Shura

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

Of the strangest Masamat of solutions to this problem one of them says (open your sites Itcefhaa and Hova images who Ischofha even know what to like in them then Afla lesbian) This solution generates greater problem Instead of we in the addict and one became the addicted and addicted other is the greatest mother and nanny generations, , then where God of this solution?? But God sees .. Did maximize problem Bhz solution .. see this solution but are those who anger to himself and every woman is envious jealousy did not get angry God ...

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

First he loves mother .. Mother in affection, in its bid unlimited its bid silent not followed from the Azy wants In Capacity chest with him and in tolerance and عفوها that is hel In accepted and encouraged that is struck in Tzlatha him and taking his hands in woe and joy and delight in the good times in سهرها beside him when his illness or during work In Bashachtha and happiness when attending concern hurry in his absence that he wanted his mother, who lost after his marriage and remains ripe to whenever I feel its need

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

Second and then he wants beloved lover center used in the theft of his heart he wants a woman Tbehrh Batrha as Tbehrh بأنوثتها and charm wants Female enjoyment بمنظرها and perfume Anha and the words he wants to melt in his hands a passion and longing and Hiyama

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

'Sbaknak to prayer done us' "magnificence positive right"

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

10 mankind in God and contentment. The sign of mankind in God not seeking the creation of savoring the remembrance of Allah, the Khalthm it Kmenferd in group and community in retreat. Said the generosity of God and his face in the description of loving Almstansen God: they are people who attacked their flag on the truth of the matter, Fbachroa spirit certainty, and Astelanwa including Astoar yuppies, and forget what Astouhh him ignorant, accompanied the minimum Bibdan souls hanging shop top, those successors of God in his land and advocates to Dinh consider a book of love and longing of "reviving the science of religion" Ghazali, and "Meccan conquests" of Ibn Arabi.

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

Love of God is the ultimate goal of the standings, and peak upper grades, what after realizing love serves only the fruit of fruit, and continued Derivatives, Kalshoq and intimacy and satisfaction .. Not by love serve only a prelude of preludes Kaltoph patience and asceticism .. "Revival" of Imam al-Ghazali book of love and longing c 13. P 2570]. And love not with a clear challenge, and definitions and boundaries aided only subtle, Vtarifaa presence; since definitions of Sciences. The love is the case of gustatory overflowing with loving hearts, only taste disclosure. All that was said in love is only a statement of their effects, and expression of the fruit, and clarify the causes. The Prophet preached peace be upon him Palmaah loving with their beloved, Narrated Anas, may Allah be pleased with him that a man asked the Prophet, peace be upon him when the time, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "I have prepared for her?" Said: What I have prepared her many prayers, fasting and charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger. He said: "You are with loved." Anas said: We said we? He said: "Yes." Vfarahna the joy severely [Bukhari in his Saheeh in the Book of morality, and Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of mainland Anas may Allah be pleased with him]. Causes gene for love: Male scientists of reasons gene to love many things, the most important ten: one: reading the Koran Baltdber and understanding of meaning and I want it. Second: to draw closer to God Balnoavl after the obligatory prayers, they reach degree Mahaboubih after love. III: Time mentioned if at all tongue and heart, work and case, Vnasibh love as its share of this remembrance.

8 days ago • Comment• Like

sweet3 a

My wife contacted the status of maintenance. Batolena engineer fit washer. Income and open the washer and said: needy washer occupy many at least 4 hours. I told him: Mashi worked. Asked Tea Kpaih. I said to my wife: Work through Kpaih tea, Hattie violin biscuits. And preferred standing with an engineer He will make washer. The television voice high, and channel CBC ÔŰÇáĺ insult in Marsa and brothers. Eng said nervously: work for us, eh Mursi?? De Bloh Lord, Aptlana omitted, and the country every day in the downward .... , ...... And ..... He remained silent and I Mredic comment. And asked the engineer to complete the job. And my wife roamed tea. After a minute banged my feet on washer Bttin. Asked me Engineer: good sir? Ferdit: not Mafeesh need, worked at night concluded. Minutes later, banged my feet on the washer 3 times Laura some. Individual engineer upset: good sir? Ferdit: not Mafeesh need, worked at night concluded. Focused in your job! Minutes later banged my feet on the washer 5 Laura some times, knock very rigid. Engineer angry and Wenta: not reasonable like that!! Mesh Aref Work-knock. Holiness not ÚÇćŇ fried eh??. Ferdit I said to him: He worked and focused on your job. Fermi screwdriver endorsed who was in the in the trunk Btaath, and Wenta: worked AZAY?? Need to focus!! You worked me Doucheh, and I do not understand in what? Omh ÚÇćŇ respond to. And began cursing. I laughed laugh high powers, and said to him: Aarajl Oh ok .. You remained 10 minutes screamed cam messing up, and I asked for 4 hours Run!! Amal Marsa who Baterma cocktails and bricks, and insult day and night in all the channels, and atonement and false accusations and rumors and lies, Hastgl Ezay?? And the judiciary against him, and against police, army and Peshawar mind, works Any possible need???!!!!! Benefit all minutes Acolk: you failed engineer? Omh Arif suitable washer!! And we have to Agip engineer else!! Hanf operate in the air de?? Mesh Nstany President 4 years, and help him and his Nroq atmosphere, Nchov custom head like what remains is imposed not what Arafh!! Saatha Najib Prime others!! True or what? Not you asked for 4 hours filling? And tea Ammeltlk "benefit after 5 minutes Acolk: washer Mstglch Les!! It is tea violin?.? Benefit!! Benefit!! Eng laughed and Wenta: Glaptny and you've got the right, and I'm hard (Maarafshi need) I like this Marina!! And Hsalehlk washer on Account means freebee Ahan You footmen like honey!! ((This is the scene in Egypt in short))

8 days ago • Comment• Like

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sweet3 a

Greetings of love and appreciation to the Attorney General the man who is not afraid of anyone except God? God help you and take care of you and pay your fault and Lord save Egypt and its people from terrorists and thugs and Almtthurin God of improbable in Egypt ill Vashglh in himself and his family

8 days ago • Comment• Like

2 people like this.

Forgot yo



sweet3 a

Japanese researchers found that the peel fruits (mandarin) or sun-dried tangerine help prevent Alzheimer's disease. The Japan Broadcasting Corporation reported Friday that a group of Japanese researchers at Tohoku University led by Professor Toru Yamakony conducted a test to see how effective these scales that are used as herbal remedy in China in the prevention of Alzheimer what is known to contain a substance that helps to revitalize the work of neurons. The Japan Broadcasting Corporation that the researchers conducted experiments on two groups of mice, each with 15 mice were fed first group solution juicer peel mandarin dried for a week, as has been feeding other solution salt, were exposed groups to electric shocks, and then the researchers observed the power of memory first group .

الثلاثاء، 2 أبريل 2013

What is love?

What is love?? ண ۩ ۝ Asked an old woman about love and what is the meaning replied: The first time I heard this word was a little girl and was one of my father, who kissed me and said: "I love you, I said love is : Hanan, security and a warm lap ******* When they reached adulthood and found a letter under the door of the house sent by neighbors son entitled My name and content of "I love you" .. I said love is : Boldness and madness ******* When she got engaged to the son, identified by neighbors and was the first word he said to me is I love you I said love is : Ambition, work, and the goal and the will ******* In the second day I got married marriage my husband kissed me on my head and told me I love you I said love is : And with longing and nostalgia ******* Year has passed since the first was born I was tired of my children lying on the bed and sowed my husband grabbed my hand and said I love you I said love is : Thanks and appreciation, care and attention ******* Years after man's hair and married sons looked at my husband Harati and he told me with a smile: "I love you" ... I said love is : Mercy and compassion ******* Long life and we are elderly and each time my dear husband says to me: "I love you" .. I say love is : , Q, sincerity and devotion and tender ******* This is Love Start a small slowly takbeer us This is Love As we age, we discovered more secrets


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