Go medial or animal who used Jana body in the Incarnation in a coma and owning in case sleep and slumber, if Aatgesd Genie in a photo does not exist in the world of humans, they must have a presence and occupies her ethereal to shape it, Flo constitute Genie in a photo (Omar), the (life) in this case in coma or deep sleep because of separation of body ethereal him and forth the rest of the objects, P (age) came out from the circle of three-dimensional and the law of the material to another law, a scientist jinn control his perception nor on his body, and tomorrow returned not be recorded memory thing, because in the world is the world allowed to register only as God wills to mention such and such a person. The dare a little bit in the diligence and say that the person who took his body to Eetmtheloa him or Ackloa him if, God forbid, and realized or tried to wake up from sleep or Gebojth it wakes up without control over his body and appreciate the movement and this is the third species jathoom and God knows best. We note the important point is that the Incarnation or assimilation is conformation former Benah and اشترطنا his condition while morphology is the emergence of a specific image in a dream for someone or in front of the eye in vigilance on the spectrum it is because Aastrt his former condition of go person formed in his image in a coma or sleep that that which is a copy of his ethereal body also captures one of us a photograph of something seen or used, whether the owner is in a dreamlike or vigilance and God knows best. (It accumulates tribe of where Atrunhm):
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 2 - Whenever Well done you think, God make you .. and whenever I wished / good for someone else, comes to you, the goodness of the terms do not count. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 3 - asked one of the wise: who learned wisdom said: blind men; because he does not put his foot on the ground only after testing the road with his walking stick. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 4 - In order to know what to think when people watch what they do, not what they say. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 5 - Companion doing this year because it "years" and we leave it "years"!! █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 6 - confidence like the eraser becomes smaller and smaller after each mistake, to disappear. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 7 - What is the difference between generosity, generosity and altruism? Generosity: giving less and keep more, and generosity: giving more and keep less, and altruism: give a total of not keep anything. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 8 - paralyzed quadrant Mufti asks: how Purity of prayer for the night, if not find anyone to help him?!! , Reputation فأيقنت that disease (heart disease). █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 9 - tears of the oppressed is in the eyes of tears. . But in the hands of God lightning hits the oppressor. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 11 - high rankings the mainland parents should not Takbarhama Bhmomk and sorrows and sufferings, only when necessary; because they Christznan and Atalman times what Thsenh and you Ttalmh. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 12 - do not make supplication acquisition of medicine, do not use it except when illness and misfortune, but Mark supplication as air Invite Lord all the time [in good times and bad. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ 13 - Bedouin said: I'm getting better pray to the Lord ..? He said: Yes, it is said: Pray said: Oh God, you have given us Islam is to ask you, do not deprive us of paradise and we ask you. How you want your garden? Grass: Hallelujah and praise palaces: Surat fidelity Treasures: There is no power but God Riad: Hallelujah, thank God, there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest unforgettable
7 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
Not recognize her by or say someone else is not obligatory and I discussed know the truth love when men are innately and Lawless exercise love the mind and not بالهوى true love truth and the statement and not exercise boy loves without experience not exercise newborn loves Balatantme and relevant and not exercise son loves innately and not exercise is not a matter or where ranging in positions a natural instinct to love and do not love you with this view Share
7 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
- Enjoy a little lower, inherited rights to enjoy much blessings in the afterlife, and religion sacrifices and striving but then the good life God Almighty linking conditions to work not things, Vslah conditions goodness business and deeds goodness Aliqinfy time of the Prophet peace be upon him: Preaching and science said, and this was more than a degree, and the completeness, he is in a good time even if he lived in an environment sedition ........ If we want the best centuries, we have to offer advocacy with science and male, and these three make them originally, so our time depending on the best Alkaronmty makes God to guide us human? When a person using this choice in obedience to God, Almighty God guide him, but from years of God that make arrangement for guidance, God Almighty make Hedaya بالمجاهدة and turn, if he chooses rights this arrangement, God promised guidance, and God does not break promise, and if you get human guidance, win and succeed in both realms, and it guided reason to guide people, and God makes owners Hedaya out people who have an ounce of faith from the fire, and have the guidance to be in the win and the farmer in any situation, even if it is in prison, such as master peace be upon him, what chooses Mujahid and turn obtained the guidance you read the Qur'an even open God on two things of reasons Hedaya, namely: Mujahid and turn, God says: (and who fought us a gift of our ways) <69 spider>, and Almighty says: (Allah Ajetbi to whom He pleases, and guides to delegate) <13 Shura
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
Of the strangest Masamat of solutions to this problem one of them says (open your sites Itcefhaa and Hova images who Ischofha even know what to like in them then Afla lesbian) This solution generates greater problem Instead of we in the addict and one became the addicted and addicted other is the greatest mother and nanny generations, , then where God of this solution?? But God sees .. Did maximize problem Bhz solution .. see this solution but are those who anger to himself and every woman is envious jealousy did not get angry God ...
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
First he loves mother .. Mother in affection, in its bid unlimited its bid silent not followed from the Azy wants In Capacity chest with him and in tolerance and عفوها that is hel In accepted and encouraged that is struck in Tzlatha him and taking his hands in woe and joy and delight in the good times in سهرها beside him when his illness or during work In Bashachtha and happiness when attending concern hurry in his absence that he wanted his mother, who lost after his marriage and remains ripe to whenever I feel its need
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
Second and then he wants beloved lover center used in the theft of his heart he wants a woman Tbehrh Batrha as Tbehrh بأنوثتها and charm wants Female enjoyment بمنظرها and perfume Anha and the words he wants to melt in his hands a passion and longing and Hiyama
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
'Sbaknak to prayer done us' "magnificence positive right"
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
10 mankind in God and contentment. The sign of mankind in God not seeking the creation of savoring the remembrance of Allah, the Khalthm it Kmenferd in group and community in retreat. Said the generosity of God and his face in the description of loving Almstansen God: they are people who attacked their flag on the truth of the matter, Fbachroa spirit certainty, and Astelanwa including Astoar yuppies, and forget what Astouhh him ignorant, accompanied the minimum Bibdan souls hanging shop top, those successors of God in his land and advocates to Dinh consider a book of love and longing of "reviving the science of religion" Ghazali, and "Meccan conquests" of Ibn Arabi.
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
Love of God is the ultimate goal of the standings, and peak upper grades, what after realizing love serves only the fruit of fruit, and continued Derivatives, Kalshoq and intimacy and satisfaction .. Not by love serve only a prelude of preludes Kaltoph patience and asceticism .. "Revival" of Imam al-Ghazali book of love and longing c 13. P 2570]. And love not with a clear challenge, and definitions and boundaries aided only subtle, Vtarifaa presence; since definitions of Sciences. The love is the case of gustatory overflowing with loving hearts, only taste disclosure. All that was said in love is only a statement of their effects, and expression of the fruit, and clarify the causes. The Prophet preached peace be upon him Palmaah loving with their beloved, Narrated Anas, may Allah be pleased with him that a man asked the Prophet, peace be upon him when the time, O Messenger of Allah? He said: "I have prepared for her?" Said: What I have prepared her many prayers, fasting and charity, but I love Allah and His Messenger. He said: "You are with loved." Anas said: We said we? He said: "Yes." Vfarahna the joy severely [Bukhari in his Saheeh in the Book of morality, and Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of mainland Anas may Allah be pleased with him]. Causes gene for love: Male scientists of reasons gene to love many things, the most important ten: one: reading the Koran Baltdber and understanding of meaning and I want it. Second: to draw closer to God Balnoavl after the obligatory prayers, they reach degree Mahaboubih after love. III: Time mentioned if at all tongue and heart, work and case, Vnasibh love as its share of this remembrance.
8 days ago • Comment• Like
sweet3 a
My wife contacted the status of maintenance. Batolena engineer fit washer. Income and open the washer and said: needy washer occupy many at least 4 hours. I told him: Mashi worked. Asked Tea Kpaih. I said to my wife: Work through Kpaih tea, Hattie violin biscuits. And preferred standing with an engineer He will make washer. The television voice high, and channel CBC ÔŰÇáĺ insult in Marsa and brothers. Eng said nervously: work for us, eh Mursi?? De Bloh Lord, Aptlana omitted, and the country every day in the downward .... , ...... And ..... He remained silent and I Mredic comment. And asked the engineer to complete the job. And my wife roamed tea. After a minute banged my feet on washer Bttin. Asked me Engineer: good sir? Ferdit: not Mafeesh need, worked at night concluded. Minutes later, banged my feet on the washer 3 times Laura some. Individual engineer upset: good sir? Ferdit: not Mafeesh need, worked at night concluded. Focused in your job! Minutes later banged my feet on the washer 5 Laura some times, knock very rigid. Engineer angry and Wenta: not reasonable like that!! Mesh Aref Work-knock. Holiness not ÚÇćŇ fried eh??. Ferdit I said to him: He worked and focused on your job. Fermi screwdriver endorsed who was in the in the trunk Btaath, and Wenta: worked AZAY?? Need to focus!! You worked me Doucheh, and I do not understand in what? Omh ÚÇćŇ respond to. And began cursing. I laughed laugh high powers, and said to him: Aarajl Oh ok .. You remained 10 minutes screamed cam messing up, and I asked for 4 hours Run!! Amal Marsa who Baterma cocktails and bricks, and insult day and night in all the channels, and atonement and false accusations and rumors and lies, Hastgl Ezay?? And the judiciary against him, and against police, army and Peshawar mind, works Any possible need???!!!!! Benefit all minutes Acolk: you failed engineer? Omh Arif suitable washer!! And we have to Agip engineer else!! Hanf operate in the air de?? Mesh Nstany President 4 years, and help him and his Nroq atmosphere, Nchov custom head like what remains is imposed not what Arafh!! Saatha Najib Prime others!! True or what? Not you asked for 4 hours filling? And tea Ammeltlk "benefit after 5 minutes Acolk: washer Mstglch Les!! It is tea violin?.? Benefit!! Benefit!! Eng laughed and Wenta: Glaptny and you've got the right, and I'm hard (Maarafshi need) I like this Marina!! And Hsalehlk washer on Account means freebee Ahan You footmen like honey!! ((This is the scene in Egypt in short))
8 days ago • Comment• Like
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sweet3 a
Greetings of love and appreciation to the Attorney General the man who is not afraid of anyone except God? God help you and take care of you and pay your fault and Lord save Egypt and its people from terrorists and thugs and Almtthurin God of improbable in Egypt ill Vashglh in himself and his family
8 days ago • Comment• Like
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Forgot yo
sweet3 a
Japanese researchers found that the peel fruits (mandarin) or sun-dried tangerine help prevent Alzheimer's disease. The Japan Broadcasting Corporation reported Friday that a group of Japanese researchers at Tohoku University led by Professor Toru Yamakony conducted a test to see how effective these scales that are used as herbal remedy in China in the prevention of Alzheimer what is known to contain a substance that helps to revitalize the work of neurons. The Japan Broadcasting Corporation that the researchers conducted experiments on two groups of mice, each with 15 mice were fed first group solution juicer peel mandarin dried for a week, as has been feeding other solution salt, were exposed groups to electric shocks, and then the researchers observed the power of memory first group .