What is love?? ண ۩ Asked an old woman about love and what is the meaning replied: The first time I heard this word was a little girl and was one of my father, who kissed me and said: "I love you, I said love is : Hanan, security and a warm lap ******* When they reached adulthood and found a letter under the door of the house sent by neighbors son entitled My name and content of "I love you" .. I said love is : Boldness and madness ******* When she got engaged to the son, identified by neighbors and was the first word he said to me is I love you I said love is : Ambition, work, and the goal and the will ******* In the second day I got married marriage my husband kissed me on my head and told me I love you I said love is : And with longing and nostalgia ******* Year has passed since the first was born I was tired of my children lying on the bed and sowed my husband grabbed my hand and said I love you I said love is : Thanks and appreciation, care and attention ******* Years after man's hair and married sons looked at my husband Harati and he told me with a smile: "I love you" ... I said love is : Mercy and compassion ******* Long life and we are elderly and each time my dear husband says to me: "I love you" .. I say love is : , Q, sincerity and devotion and tender ******* This is Love Start a small slowly takbeer us This is Love As we age, we discovered more secrets
الثلاثاء، 2 أبريل 2013
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