الخميس، 6 يونيو 2013

اجلس أنا ونفسي وأقول لها

اجلس أنا ونفسي وأقول لها 
أنا: أريد أن أكون موظفه.
النفس: لا لا تذهبين ما احد بيوظفك .
أنا : لما تحكمين علي بالفشل وأنا لم اذهب.
النفس: أنتي عارفه حظك نحس وكل الأبواب مغلقه بوجهك.
أنا : أفكر بما قالت .
النفس: تتذكري يوم تخرجتي ما قبلتي بالجامعة تذكري يوم ذهبتي لمركز كذا وكذا 
وما وظفوك.
أنا: أفكر بما تقول وأقول نعم صدقتي . 
هنا تركتها تتحدث ويا ليت حديثها بالنجاح بل بالفشل وتقيس الأمر الجديد على أمور أخرى .
وادخل معها في متاهات الحزن والضيق والنكد والكآبة والدموع ...الخ
هل فكرت يوماً بجديه بماذا سينفعني الحزن والدموع؟
هل أتوقع انه في يومٍ من الأيام ستطرق الوظيفة باب غرفتي وتقول هيا يا أسيل
قبلناك في مركزنا ؟؟؟
هل توقفي عن السعي سيحل لي أمراً ؟؟
هل فشلي في أمر معين أقيس عليه فشل أموري كلها ؟؟
هل لو ابتسمت ستنقلب الدنيا ؟
4 days ago • Comment • Like
HAGER H likes this.
Ahmed300 A  ? وقد صح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: (من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله) وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام: (من دعا إلى هدى كان له من الأجر مثل أجور من تبعه لا ينقص ذلك من أجورهم شيئا، ومن دعا إلى ضلالة كان عليه من الإثم مثل آثام من تبعه لا ينقص ذلك من آثامهم شيئا) رواهما مسلم في صحيحه.
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  إذا فالحياة لا تخلو من الصعاب فإذا فشلت مرة أو مرتين لا تتوقف بل استمر حتى تتذوق 
حلاوة النصر وطعم النجاح.
4 days ago • Comment • Like
HAGER H likes this.
Ahmed300 A  المحطة الثالثة:
ثانيا:  تغيير الأفكار السلبية الهدامة واستبدالها بالأفكار الايجابية البناءة
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  لنتخيل أحبتي في الله إن النفس كالطفل الصغير إن تركته يتطلب وأنت تنفذ فسيكون الأمر هكذا حتى يكبر
بل ويتطور الأمر ليطلب مطالب كبرى
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  ألا تستحق الحياة أن نقدم لها شيئاً إستثنائياً نبتغي فيه ثواب الله وجنته ؟ 
أتمنى أن تكون كلماتي لك بدايةً للانطلاق نحو التغيير .
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  استحوذت = استعملت = استنكرت
The original of استحوذت is يحوذ
The original of استعملت is يستعمل
The original of استنكرت is ينكر
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  هذا الموضوع واحد صاحبى ارسلة لى
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  * امشى جاتك مشش فى ركبك .
* جتها نيلة الى عايزة خلف تيجى تتفرج .
*ذاكر ياموكوس مش فالح غير فى الهيافه والكلام الفاضى.
* ربنا يرزقك بعيل يوريك اللي ورتهوني.
* هات كيس عيش وانت راجع. 
* هو ده اللي انت فالح فيه طول اليل والنهار قاعد علي الزفت الكمبيوتر بتاعك لحد مهيجلك تخلف عقلي منه .
* كل يوم هات هات لمة ربيتلى الهتهات (الحاج طبعا) مع انى مش عارف اية الهتهات ده بس ماشية مع الجملة.
* هتذااااااااكر هتاخد عنية مش هتذااااااااااكر هتاخد بالجزمة (هو فى غيرة طبعا الحاج).
*أوعا حد يضحك عليك ويقولك جرب السيجارة دي.
*ابقى ورينى مين حينفعك فى الاخر من شوية الصيع الى انت مشيلى وراهم .
* قوم اقرا لك كلمتين ينفعوك .
* وطي المدعوق ده شويه .
* انت فاكرنا نايمين على ودانا ؟
*لما ما ترضاش تاكل في البيت:طبعا مانت اتعودت علي اكل بره .
*ياريتك تحفظ دروسك زى مانت حافظ الاغانى.
* عيـــب ... لازم تحترم اللي أكبر منك .
* لو شفت خناقه ما لكش دعوة بيها .
* كريم دا عيل بايظ وماتمشيش معاه تاني .
* مين منى دي انتى كل يوم تصاحبي واحدة جديدة ؟.
* انته مبتكلش جزر ليه .. اجيبلك برتقانه. طب كل سلطه .
* يبني بأسلوبك ده مش هتعيش معاك واحده .
* قومي ساعدي امك ده اللي هيتجوزك أمه داعية عليه.
* اوعى حد غريب يديلك حاجه تاكلها و تشربها و تاخدها منه .
* يا ابني حرام عليك الى بتعمله فينا ده.
* انا سايبالكوا البيت وماشية ومش حتشوفوا وشي تاني .
* لمى هدومك انتى مش عايشة فى زريبة بكرة اشوف بيتك هيبقى ازاى خرابة طبعا.
* وانت فاكر احنا مستنيين منك حاجه .
* المسلسل مش هينفعك ...قوم .
*ماتقعد يابنى تكمل أكلك , انت كلت حاجة!!!
(طيب ماهو انا لو جعان أو الأكل عاجبنى إيه اللى هيخلينى أقوم يعنى , هو انا غاوى جوع مثلا ) 
* كفايه رغي في التليفونات .
* كل على مهلك .. وامضغ كويس ... وما تكلش وانت واقف .. وكل من قدامك ما تحفش .
* اطفي التلفزيون وقوم ذاكر ولا و خش اوضتك .
* بلاش تمشى حافى البس شبشب وانته داخل الحمام .
* ما فيش مذاكرة على المزيكا .. وازاى بتذاكر و البتاع ده شغال جنبك .
* افرد ظهرك .
* لم شراباتك.
* ماتكلش فى ضوفرك.
* كنت فين لحد دلوقتى يا صايع.
* ماتتأخرش علشان عندك كلية بكرة بدرى.
* انا مش عارف انته طالع لمين.
* انا : ياماما بقه ايه ده ؟؟؟
ماما:مووو لمـا يــــــخدك .
* ادلعى ياهبة فى ايامك المهببة .
* ده منظر اودة بني آدم ، انت عايش فيها ازاي؟.
* هو انا الخدامه الى ابوكم جبهلكم .
* الى يطلع من الاوضه يطفى النور وراه .
*أبوك عندك أهو اتصرف معاه .
* اللي بيشيل قربه مخرومة بتخر عليه لوحده ..
* لو مش فاهم حاجه ارفع ايدك و قول للأستاذ مش فاهم .. متتكسفش .
* البس فنله قطن تحت ودفي سدرك ودخل التيشرت في بنطلون البيجامه وانته نايم .
* يأبنى المذاكره مابتخلص .... نفسى اشوفك مره ماسك كتاب.
* اعمل حسابك مش حندخلك جامعه خاصه.
* قالب ليلك نهارك طول الليل صاحى وطول النهار نايم
طبعاً ما حضرتش ولا محاضرة ولا سكشن , وطول اليوم صايع بره البيت .
* مالكش دعوة بالسياسة .. وماتمشيش في مظاهرات .و امشي جوا الحيط :D .
* احمد ربنا الاكل الى مش عجبك ده فى ناس مش لقينه .
* التهديدات المخيفه والمرعبه : مثل: هأقطم رقبتك أو هأقطع ايدك أو هأقطع لك لسانك أو هأدبحك دبح .
* قومي سخني الأكل لأخوكي.
* ابوكم كان دايم بيطلع الاول على الفصل... " لما كلهم كده امال مين الى بيطلع الاخير .
* ومن اشهر الجمل الى بتتقال كل يوم بعد الاكل :
انا مش الخدامه اللي اشترهاكوا ابوكوا اللي ياكل في طبق او يشرب في كباية يغسلها ما يركنهاش في الحوض.
* و أخيرا ::
ضربامثلة تشجع على الكفاح و أشهرها أحد الأقارب اللي كان بيذاكر على لمبة جازأو على عامود النور الي في الشارع و نجح وخد الدكتوراه وسافر أمريكا (ٌٌقال يعنى كان بيعرف يركذ والناس ماشيه حوليه فى الشارع )
4 days ago • Comment • Like
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MoHaMeD BaYoUmI ردا على اخيرا.. لأ ماكنش بيعرف يركز فى الاول بس علشان مجتهد و بيعمل اللى عليه ربنا كرمه, فى غيره كتير عنده كل حاجة و ما بيعملش اى حاجة
4 days ago • Like • Report Abuse 
ايمن ع ونعم النصائح إنت جبت من الآخر
4 days ago • Like • Report Abuse 
HAGER H هههههههههه جبت كل النصائح الابوية
4 days ago • Like • Report Abuse 
Ahmed300 A  شهر جمل بيقولوها الأب و الأم في مصر
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  خليك ايجابى وبتحب بلدك بلغ عن اى فسادجهاز حماية المستهلك: 
96 شارع احمد عرابي .. المهندسين 
الخط الساخن (من 9 صباحا الى 5 مساء) 19588 
تليفونات أخرى: 33055762 -33055765 -33055768
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  الى تلميذتى المهمومة
لا تدعني أصاب بالغرور إذا نجحت .. ولا باليأس إذا فشلت
بل ذكّرني دائماً بأن الفشل هو التجربة التي تسبق النجاح ..
علّمني أن التسامح هو أكبر مراتب القوة .. وأن حب الانتقام هو أول مظاهر الضعف
إذا جرّدتني من المال أترك لي الأمل ..
وإذا جرّدتني من النجاح أترك لي قوة المثابرة حتى أتغلب على الفشل
وإذا جرّدتني من نعمة الصحة أترك لي نعمة الإيمان ..
وإذا أسأت إلى الناس .. أعطني شجاعة الاعتذار
وإذا أساء إليّ الناس أعطني شجاعة العفو
يا ربّ .. إذا نسيتك لا تنسني لأنك غفور رحيم
4 days ago • Comment • Like
feeling likes this.
Ahmed300 A  وأخيرا جميلة المرأة حينما تظل امرأة 
ووسيم الرجل حينما يبدو رجل
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  ولا يهمك يا نجم ربنا يسعد ايامك وينور احلامك ويهدى ايامك  ويخلى لك احبابك واشوفك عريس على بابك وتدخل الجمة فى شبابك
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  المرأة ابتسامة ..
الرجل الفنان الذي يرسم تلك الابتسامة .. 
المرأة اليد اليمنى للرجل ..
الرجل اصابع تلك اليد اليمنى ..
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  المرأة وزارة الداخلية لا يستتب الامن في المنزل الا وهي علي رأس العمل ..
الرجل وزارة الخارجية ليحمي ذلك الكيان الشامخ من الخارج .. 
المرأة حينما تحمل وليدها وتسهر عليه تقوى علي ذلك ..
الرجل حينما يسهر على زرع الفرح والسرور في قلوب ابنائه يقوى على ذلك ..
4 days ago • Comment • Like
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Ibrahim ramadan A كلام جميل جدا
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Ahmed300 A  المرأة هي اسرة ووطن ..
الرجل الامآن والقوة ..
المرأة حينما تخرج للعمل فهي تؤدي رسالة علمية ولكن إحتياج اسرتها لها أعظم .. 
الرجل يحتاجه العمل ليسعد بتقديم متطلبات اسرته ويحمي ابناؤه واسرته من عوز الاخرين ..
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  لما بتتكلم مع الناس بتكون :
      مشبك ايدك فى بعضها
      مش على بعضى..
      تلمس الشخص اللى بتكلمه او تدفعه
      مكتف دراعاتك ومشبكها فى بعضها..
      تلعب فى ودانك او دقنك او تملس على شعرك ;)
      ايدك فى جنبك
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  متى تكون في أحسن أحوالك ؟
      لما الكل يكون نايم
      بعد الظهر وبالليل
      عمرى ما كنت فى احسن احوالى مش عارف هستريح امتى بقى
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  كيف ينظر لك الاخرون..
كل واحد بيشوف نفسه بالطريقة اللى هو عايزها وفى ناس ما بتفرق بين الصورة اللى هم عليها والصورة اللى هم شايفينها , تعالوا نشوف ازاى الناس بتشوفنا...
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  ايه اهم حاجه في حياتك؟؟؟؟
      اللبس والمظهر والوزن
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  ايه نوع العقده اللي عندك؟؟؟!!!!؟
كتير بنسمع كلمه يا"معقده" بس ياتري انت في مره فكرتي بجد عندك عقده ايه؟؟
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  كان في ديك بتاع ام احمد.. نط من عندها علي ام مصطفي... باض بضة عند ام مصطفي.. يا تري البيضة بتاعت مين؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
      ام مصطفي... علي ارضها!!!
      واحنا ملنا......؟؟؟!
4 days ago • Comment • Like
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Ahmed300 A ولا يهمك يا نجم ربنا يسعد ايامك وينور احلامك ويهدى ايامك ويخلى لك احبابك واشوفك عريس على بابك وتدخل الجمة فى شبابك
4 days ago • Like 
Maicon L likes this.
Maicon L تسلم ربنا يخليكـ
4 days ago • Like • Report Abuse 
Ahmed300 A  بتحب تتكلم فمواضيع إيه؟؟؟؟
      مشاكل سياسية
      مواقف اديمةا
      معلومات عامة
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Maicon L likes this.
Ahmed300 A  لو حد شتمك شتيمة وحشة.. تعملو إيه؟؟؟
      العن سلسفيل اللي جابوه
      اسيبو وامشي...
      اجيب عيال اصحابي ونطلع عين اللي جابو
      اؤللو ربنا يسمحك
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  وانت نازل من بيتك ولو لاقيت ناس جيرانك واصحابك واقفين فى الشارع
      ولا كانى شايفهم
      حتروح تسلم عليهم
      حتعدى من قدامهم وتسلم عليهم من بعيد
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  ممكن تجاوب وتشترك معانا 
      وانت كدة اول لما تصحى من النوم بتتقمص شخصية مين وانت صاحى(يعنى شايف نفسك انت شبة مين وهو بيصحى من النوم
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  Hello. I would say, "I envied Ali his new position" without a preposition.
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  شوفوا حلاوة اللغة العربيةلقد اشتقت لك كثيراً ياصديقي
Laqad ashtaqtu laka katheerun ya sadiqi
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  نعم اخى من غير واسطة واشكر النقيب الذى لا اعرف اسمة على اخلاقة وادبة وحسن معاملة  الناس والتنظيم
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  أيها العبد العاصي عد إلى مولاك ..
أيها العبد الغافل عد إلى مولاك
أيها العبد الهارب عد إلى مولاك ..
مولاك يناديك بالليل والنهار يقول لك :
من تقرب مني شبراً ، تقربت إليه ذراعاً ..
ومن تقرب إلي ذراعا ، تقربت إليه باعاً ..
ومن أتاني يمشي ، أتيته هرولة ..
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  اسلام عليكم نجحت فى امتحان القيادة
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Yousry A مبروك معقولة من غير واسطة او رشوة دلوقتى صدقت ان مصر اتغيرت
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Ahmed300 A  ومعنى ذلك أنه يجب أن تخرج طرف لسانك عند النطق بالذال، بخلاف، الزاي ( أَذْ )، ( أَزْ )، ( يَذْرؤكم )، ( تَزْرعونه )، ( الذِين )، ( زَعمتم ) ثم الزاي فيها صفة الصفير كما سبق: وتتبين صوته إذا قلت: ( أَزْ ) فتسمع صوتاً يشبه وصوصة الطير ...
والذال ليست كذلك بل فيها صفة الجهر، تلاحظ ذلك إذا قلت: ( أَذْ )، فإن الهواء ينحبس بين الثنايا واللسان وتشعر بقوة التصاق اللسان برؤوس الثنايا.
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  حرف (ذ)يوضع فيه طرف اللسان بين الأسنان،
وعادة ما يتحول في العامية إلى (د)، مثل:
ذيل - ديل، ذئب - ديب.
أما حرف (ز) فينطق من الأسنان فقط واللسان وراءهما،
ولا يتغير في النطق العامي، مثل:
زهور، زرافة.
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  نتكلم شوية سياسة ولا بلاش
مش شرط ان الثورة تكون تعبير خارجى لتغير اوضاع ولاكن هناك ثورة داخلية داخل الانسان لتغير نفسة والتغير اما لصالحك او الى محبة الله خلى ثورتك لمحبة الله ولا تنسى ثورتك فى تغير ذاتك لتكون احسن واكبر  وما تخلسش اوشا يعملك نكست اوشا دة بتاع الفلول مصر ينهبك ويسرق حريتك
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Ahmed300 A  الى فى نفسة شى او كلامى مزعلة يتكلم يمكن انا غلطان واحب ان اغير من نفسى  واتعلم من الاخرين
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Lovely B بالعكس كلامك اللى قريته جميل وياريت الكل يعمل بيه وربنا يهدى الجميع
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Rojena R ان الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما بانفسهم
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Ahmed300 A  نهاركم ابيض وبحبكم فى الله بجد
4 days ago • Comment • Like
Nana Rego likes this. 
Rojena R Post a comment...احبك الذى تحبنا فيه
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Ahmed300 A  هم الانسان مرادة من سلوكة وتصرفاتة وكلها محلها القلب والنية بين نفسة وبين خالقة انا همى حب الله اوان يرضى عنى الله او طمعا فى جنتة او طلب سعادة فى الدنيا والاخرة ان كان مراد همك خير جاءت لك الدنيا وتوفيق الله  واما ان كان شى اخر فلا تلومنا الا نفسك

sexual ??

sexual ??
0008054P1OlHello .. I know that Haad topic where people do not speak and they consider taboo with that God Almighty has spoken in Athar and Ashraf book ... I know that it was spread ĚĎÇÇ in recent years in a serious way ĚĎÇÇ .. know Kmalk he deviation from nature Human and natural instinct .. I know all about .. Please let intolerance and let Agamkm prior and negative thoughts I know that there are those who will say I am gay because I Thdtt sexual about it .... Hada I do not care ... Let us know you for this phenomenon and In order to protect ourselves and to know what to do if we discovered that there is one of our relatives suffering from Malk Thread ... simply a Questions and answers about homosexuality and I received after members of my group ... and are summarized very understandable. decided to do in the clear several simple points. .
Q 1: To what extent is the practice of homosexuality is a sin? And you enter practiced fire like the infidels?
C 1: The practice of homosexuality is a major sin, and do it can repent and do not abide in the fire never.
Q 2: produces homosexuality of several reasons, including sexual harassment, what is the ruling on the harasser and that causes great pain to the children when they grow up?
C 2: the harasser is a great sin,
Q 3: Is the father and mother, who not Atguena dealing with harassment for their children sin?
C 3: They sin and guilt of the father more because he must know that his son such things from his genitals and knowledge that no one should be tampered with and intense emphasis on these things when they reach puberty.
Q 4: There is some research or studies that Atcol the homeopathic or homosexuality is natural born persons, if it is proved that in some cases there is problematic in the Islamic ruling on them, and you have the right to do what they like on the grounds that God created them so?
C 4: These studies away and do not trust them to be contrary to human nature as God did not Aaftrna foreigners and has been called aberration exit from the norm, but there are genes of masculinity can be less in the male, for example, and more than hormones femininity him and may display to be gay or people naturally by education.
Q 5: There are people who have abnormal tendencies and do not have sex, do fairly sodomy here differs from those who engage in? And held accountable for their interests with the knowledge that they do not accept it and want to get rid of them?
C 5: There is no sin on them and should seek treatment and also seeks to marry because marriage over and manhood with harmony or the length of familiarity with the disease that is not able to marry because of تعوده being an anomaly and not a sin to think.
Q 6: There are some people who put pictures can raise women or gay people on Facebook, is there a sin upon them and they offer their bodies or the bodies of models can provoke lust even if no sexual overtones?
C 6: prevent these images to fill the excuses (so as not to cause stir when people with it in normal individuals do not cause) and if not prevented and caused corrupting For owner sin.
: Q 7: There are several Gerobac on Facebook, some Bidao of love without sex step to get rid of him and others calling for sex and some calls to talk these things, and there are times a person needs to Vdvdah and tells what he did it or he did in years ago not for the purpose boasting and but Kmwasah? Is the story based on getting cues is prohibited?
C 7: not true existence of such Jerobac you this if you put the fire next to gasoline, there is no attendant gay one there to arise from relationships undesirable them, and approach therapy is based mainly on the vacuum and sponsorship and is to move away from this community and when fully recovery with the work test first can sit As for the tale Valstr duty and does not tell unless a doctor or elderly and not speak with his friends what he had done, even if not with a view to boast, and said our Lord Prophet: ** All of my ummah but vocal albeit Aljhar that men work at night pursuant then becomes, has concealed God says I worked yesterday so and so has become conceal his Lord and becomes Lester God reveals him} "Agreed" he sin.
Q 8: N intellectual direction at the moment calls for freedom and non-interference in his choice of sexual and is to be, for example, with a young man living with him throughout his life, and even brags that he is gay and that he does not do sex, what is the ruling of belonging to this thought?
C 8: brags homosexuality whatever situation he is punk (the perpetrator to large) and no monasticism in Islam as the Prophet Muhammad said he innovator if he decided to live without marriage, like a monk.
Q 9: Is there a cure for homosexuality or anomalies considers Islam note that there is a cure myself and succeed as a person?
A9: Yes recognized treatment.
Note: Sheikh told me at this point that the person who is doing it (Albotom) and settle me there Dodd in this region caused him kind of Aloclan setting calls for more of such acts.
Q 10: someone says that his body kind of femininity and his tone voice Onotah well, and important change will be inherent in him, does this look like women? And another says he was raped and tends entirety for men and feelings, too, and wants to be either a man or a woman and does not want to be Monday, how so?
C 10: He is patient as he like me addresses and by the tyranny of hormones can prevent sex If hormones increased femininity for the male sex could transform himself, considering that there is a female voice tone potency, for example, and vice versa, and people interpreted our society remains so. The other person he sin that did not seek to change.
Q 11: There are those who ask for legal marriage and passport link girl? And there are those who say that Sazlmha emotions that can not be kindled towards women, it really is unfair? And does he have that Issarhaa including?
C 11: It is permissible to marriage, of course, and as long as giving full legal rights and the right mattress is not injustice, and there are tests before marriage to test the sexual ability, and does not have to to Issarhaa this.
Q 12: What are the limits of the relationship between the young people? In the sense that kissing on the mouth, and sensitization on the genitals and the like is to watts or just a sin?
C 12: homosexual refrain from others, such as women of homosexual men do not greet him, even by hand.
Q 13: There are feelings of mutual Bashq between young people could amount to a desire to length of time living as husband and wife, these primers is a sin against the abnormal? Is it possesses feelings of love without desire for sex at all sinning?
C 13: love this disgraced in the basis for it is God's beloved preoccupation even if it is between a boy and a girl, and for homosexuals if it leads to sex would be forbidden.
Q 14: someone asks about the presence in the mosque raised sexually with men around him and touch occurs naturally between him and them, is what is happening to him taking the same sentence as if they were both in purity and women of prayer? What would you advise him?
C 14: prayer is valid and can pray in the back row to reduce the excitement
Note: There is an opinion for the sheikh last that he prayed at home all prayers except Friday, but if we look at the reality of the men are everywhere and not in the mosque only, and I think that the confrontation and seek to recover much better than to get away and sit at home only if There was a friend and really helps.
Q 15: What is the ruling on watching movies sex sexual and published? Do you daydream that are associated with such acts are forbidden?
C 15: watching him the iniquity of published commits a major sin is to spread immorality and sexual daydreams her forgiveness because she is one of the small faults.
Q 16: What is the ruling on masturbation in right to push the homosexual arousal note that it is not a permanent solution?
C 16: If inevitably will do adultery, then he has to masturbate As if there has lust and not able to do do adultery forbidden to do.
Note: Shaikh pointed out that sleep in this case is useful for wet dream and that certainly comes with omissions.
Q 17: Is the expression of emotion between homosexuals by expressions such as "my darling, my honey, my moon or I أفديك my age or taking of my life and give you so as not to disinherit you," permissible?
C 17: This may not speak to fill excuses not to happen infatuation leads to no man's land and if this talk leads to haram will be forbidden.
Q 18: I kept for 12 years I pray to God to save me from this disease, if you do be the best old place or call from my home knowing that I am in a country outside Saudi Arabia?
C 18: works Umrah.
Q 19: What is the ruling on making ads Nationality and encourage forbidden fun on Facebook with view of parts of the body, whether within the genitals or other?
C 19: This is a major sin in terms of spreading immorality.
Note: required for major repentance and not just forgiveness.

According spirituality in the recovery of homeopathy???

According spirituality in the recovery of homeopathy???
Note: required for major repentance and not just forgiveness.uimgbb4db800b7614228
According spirituality in the recovery of homeopathy???
No one can deny the role of spirituality (as God Almighty relationship with the faith community) to recover from all Aladmanat and mental and behavioral disorders
Put "Bill Wilson" program founder the Twelver Ashrlltaafa steps addiction simple Alkhmrber.s.a of spirituality is to four points
1 - the night
2 - morning
3 - Dependence
4 - Prayer
 Meant to this point, hold ourselves accountable every night what we've done during the day. How were our thoughts during the day and Mantg her behaviors. How we responded during the day to the will of self and how we responded to the will of God.
When we do this test every night we can see the difference between our leadership we are to our lives and the command of God, and therefore we will see things that we need to work on changed Ottakidha.
 During the day, and before the start of the day, ask the command of God for our lives. When we wake up from sleep we prepare ourselves physically in order to face the day, wash, and drinking coffee and we take our breaking the fast, and we put on our clothes and care Behndamna. Perhaps our situation in life better if Ahtmmana also prepare our minds and our souls to face the day.
When we ask for God's guidance in the beginning of the day, this enables us to receive this guidance. When we ask him to free our minds from bad motives every day, we can then discover these motives and abandoned first hand.
It does not need long to prayers or certain techniques or certain places for prayer, but All مانحتاج is a few minutes on the first day and a few minutes at the end including sincere practice orientation towards God
Dependence (decision-making power:
 Perhaps not unusual to hear a phrase like this --- "the ability to not make decisions." Perhaps the most common is that you hear about "the ability to make decisions."
But skill "no decisions is the ability of spiritual lacking it does not care about their development. We need not to take decisions in the many times we are in many situations do not know enough information to make decisions. In such situations, the worst thing is to take any decision only because we do not tolerate that Nsberonesct and wait.
We need to accept the fact that we are human beings, we do not know everything and can do everything. When we know something, we have to do, and when we do not know, we have to rely on God and wait and do nothing. And when to wait and became agitated something, we need not feel ashamed
When Nstrech and rely on God, the answer will come in time, but did not come then it is important
Prayer and supplication:
 Often try to waste our prayer times in attempts to tell God what we want, while God knows what we need. We need to spend more time to know God's will for our lives and put this into force of will.
Step Eleven says of steps Alcoholics anonymous: "We pray only for knowledge of His will for us and get the power needed to implement them." When God gives us knowledge of His will and the power to implement them, we should proceed to implementation.
This force will not work magically, but we have to do the work of the program every day, to become a force to reality
And real change to our lives
Wilson wrote in the Big Book some suggestions
 If the conditions were met, we ask our wives or our friends to join us in our reflections daily
If we belong to any religious denomination require the presence of time worship AM, we also attend
 Sometimes Mankhtar and preserve some of the prayers that emphasize the principles that we talked about before
 There is a lot of prayer books and reflections that we can use
Spirituality has a special interest in the recovery of homosexuality, it is through the relationship to God (loving Agency) says twelve traditions, can be derived a sense of acceptance of homosexual God, which provides it with hope in change
The great acceptance of the important elements in the recovery of homosexuality, that sense of acceptance of a parent or "great." This large could be God Almighty (through worship and spirituality) and can also be ranked second, Valmaalj or leader of the group, which relies upon heavily in promoting and satisfy that hunger trove of fatherhood can take first place, and this dependence is decreasing gradually whenever decreasing Needing to him by Mutafi
It is also possible that the group (as a therapeutic community) is the entity that accepts large and contains homosexual Mutafi
Prayer and supplication:
When Nstrech and rely on God, the answer will come in time, but did not come then it is important
 Often try to waste our prayer times in attempts to tell God what we want, while God knows what we need. We need to spend more time to know God's will for our lives and put this into force of will.
Step Eleven says of steps Alcoholics anonymous: "We pray only for knowledge of His will for us and get the power needed to implement them." When God gives us knowledge of His will and the power to implement them, we should proceed to implementation.
This force will not work magically, but we have to do the work of the program every day, to become a force to reality
And real change to our lives
Wilson wrote in the Big Book some suggestions
 If the conditions were met, we ask our wives or our friends to join us in our reflections daily
If we belong to any religious denomination require the presence of time worship AM, we also attend
 Sometimes Mankhtar and preserve some of the prayers that emphasize the principles that we talked about before
 There is a lot of prayer books and reflections that we can use
Spirituality has a special interest in the recovery of homosexuality, it is through the relationship to God (loving Agency) says twelve traditions, can be derived a sense of acceptance of homosexual God, which provides it with hope in change
The great acceptance of the important elements in the recovery of homosexuality, that sense of acceptance of a parent or "great." This large could be God Almighty (through worship and spirituality) and can also be ranked second, Valmaalj or leader of the group, which relies upon heavily in promoting and satisfy that hunger trove of fatherhood can take first place, and this dependence is decreasing gradually whenever decreasing Needing to him by Mutafi
It is also possible that the group (as a therapeutic community) is the entity that accepts large and contains homosexual Mutafi
1) the family system in which the child is born
We mean the system of domestic system of human values ​​and patterns of relationships and human interaction in the family. Possible that the family system has the following
 The concept of family for men and women (masculinity and femininity) and the relationship between them
  Power structure in this family. Family system may be inherited from generation to generation where women are a leadership role and the role of the male in which marginal or negative
 The concept of the family about sex and the sexual relationship between the parents. Perhaps the sexual relationship is weak or non-existent
 Desire mother / father in the child's sex (mother that they wish a girl and a father who was hoping for a boy)
 How this family deals with emotions, you allow the expression it or Tkptha? Repress emotions helps to convert the energy of emotions nationality.
 The nature of relationships. Is there a real differentiation between the characters and the limits of respectable personalities? Am I the child / adolescent does not find himself a single respectable figure in this house.
 How to communicate. Is vague and ambiguous, which increases the tension? Is one side in the form of orders and prohibitions? The continuing of the parties, all are allowed to express themselves?
 How to deal with reality. Are family face reality, even if the illness or loss of, or tend to deny and family myths?
 Way of thinking you tend to fear or doubt or self-blame, depression, or objective way of thinking that will help human to be realistic and relaxed?
German psychologist says Bert Hellinger specialist in the field of family systems Family Systems we inherit accumulated feelings of the family members, who know them or of previous generations that we do not know. For example there could be severe in the family refused. Father may have been rejected by his parents, for example. Feelings of rejection in the family make the child more willing than others to receive the rejection of his parents. This rejection, as we shall see later, a very pivotal role in the growth of homosexuality
2) personal
Child exhibition features for the growth of homosexual highly sensitive, also features a strong obedience and the inability to rebellion, or even to express their rights and confirmed. This of course does not mean that all children who are sensitive will grow they have homosexual tendencies, but this factor interacts with another factor which the family system and abuses that may be present in it as we will explain. If the family is delicate child abuse will be the first to be affected. Delicate child needs to be further contact, love and reassurance and protection, if he does not pay this requirement as it should, it will consist a negative self-image of the child and this encourages more and more separated from himself and others.
3) wound from the parent of the same sex
Wound primary parent of the same sex is wound of rejection and lack of communication, which thus prevents a child / her autism him / her. And therefore can not be development of male sexual identity of the boy and feminine girl. This happens in a very early age, one of the year and a half to three years (it is important here also noted that 90% of the brain consists end the third year of a lifetime!) Father who help create personal male's child is the father's strong personal and compassionate at the same time . So if this boy distant or weak hand, or cruel and offensive on the other hand, this wound occurs. To this wound occurs from the parent of the same sex, there are two key factors
- The fact the position of the parent of the same sex (which may be busy working and convinced that the responsibility of children is the responsibility of the mother only. Might also be dismissive of the Born a slave, or perhaps he also was thin (at least internally) and led his paper this to torment as a child and decided to completely rejects tenderness, this may makes him despise tenderness and sensitivity in his son.
- Sensitive personal for the child lead to a meeting of the wound more than others.
 This wound or frustration in autism parent of the same sex at this age leads to defend myself not conscious doing child and has decided (not conscious) that separated himself psychologically for this father to protect himself from the rejection or expect compassion and non-existence. This separation is early and psychological change has started personal homeopathy. This so-called child secession Aldvaaaoa be separated himself from his father and decides not it wants to protect himself from the wound and frustration
After that, we find that the weak male sexual identity formation of Born weaken generally relates to males in the House
 And school. In this case the child feels the separation of males. This separation prevents their united and considered himself one of them, and the same in the case of girls who separated from girls also because of a problem with the mother. So as not boy sexually attracted to children must feel that he is one with them. Non-autistic boys for Born opens the door for sexual attraction
Them, as well as for the girls who do not Atouhdn girls
4) wound from one of the opposite sex
Parent of the opposite sex also play an important role in the formation of a child's sexual identity / child. For boys play several roles of mother can lead to a problem in the formation of male sexual identity with the boy.
First: Mother strong dominant personality, especially when the father is spineless, account to the child and make him unite.
Second: smothering mother love and that she fears for her son too much, preventing the father to take him away from her and afraid of playing male. The mother of one of the teenagers who had been suffering from homosexual tendencies very afraid and disturbed when that happens heavy banter between her children and intervene quickly to stop it and protect child Alodgv insomnia (which is printed which became suffers from homosexual tendencies later).
Third: the mother who hates the father and disparaged him in front of her son and make him hated and rejected and therefore rejects him male identity inadvertently.
Fourth: the mother who in constant disagreement with the father and replaced by his son and make him a "doll."
5) wound of brothers
A child who appears Smata female, in his character or in the small body size or physical disability, may have been subjected to psychological abuse (humiliation or ridicule) or physical (beating) or nationality (sexual assault), of his brothers by more than others.
6) peer wounds
When the child is not united with his father and his brothers, but on the contrary, united with his mother and sisters girls, the character will be prone to allergic and non-violence are not inclined to play physical violent as the rest of the boys. This makes it isolated them and perhaps oppressed them, playing Fastsel and girls with autism. This "separation" from the boys devote separation from masculinity and ذكورته is personally. And remains separate from male and he can not consider himself one of them. This is the stage for the sexual attraction to them later. So as not boy sexually attracted to children must feel that he is one with them. Non-autistic boys for Born opens the door to sexual attraction to them, as well as for the girls who do not Atouhdn girls.
7) Special wound in the flesh
A very important relationship to the father in the composition of individual personal "self-management", where the mother often want "اشعوريا" restore the child or the child to her womb again, or at least treated as still part of it. Father has an essential role in the formation of individuality for each of the boys and girls alike. And Dad help the relationship that the child feels secession of his body from his mother and feels his body Bagtinah and life in this body stable and acceptable. When there is a problem in the relationship with the father, this affects not be a child or adolescent has a good relationship with his own body, and helps it to be his body something special Kalnhafah or obesity or extreme length or minors. This helps to configure the "wound" in relationship to the body and self-image for the body, especially that of school-age children tend to comment on each other's bodies and deal together on the basis of body size or mathematical skills in football, for example, or other. Many homosexuals have severe wounds from peers in this area. Physical abuse severely beat and psychological related to the body, such as humiliating talk about the body, or sexual abuse, all abuses lead to a bad image for the body. Perhaps marches dignity which homosexuals walking naked, is a kind of "pride" is natural and exaggerated as a kind of "backlash" for a sense of ownership of this body.
8) sexual assault
Male child is considered weak, who has a hunger for love male easy prey to fall into the hands of usurpers and violators of children. Proportion of subjected to sexual abuse who have homosexual tendencies up to 80% or 90% in some research. Sexual assault linking sex and satisfy the hunger for love, especially if you do not assault or violent compelling. The sexual pleasure creates accustomed and addicted to sex image that has practice, this sexual addiction devote strengthens homosexuality.
9) social wounds
Social wounds are wounds that deprive us of our need to accept and natural love of the community in which we live and the middle. Social wounds occur in the form of names, labels, and sarcasm, jokes and other. Most of have a tendency sexual felt pain because of the words that were directed to them personally or hear directed to those who exercise practices which they practice. Most of have a tendency homosexual, felt at one time not to social affiliation because they are different and therefore rejected. This rejection leads either to a sense of inferiority or a reaction to a feeling of inferiority through transcendence exaggerated and severe allergies.
10) cultural wounds
Social wounds are what we receive from the people and the communities in which they lived, and the cultural Wound intended. They negative messages that reach the person who has homosexual tendencies of the surrounding culture, the media and the press and the Internet, among others. And through stigmatization and shaming and ostracism and isolation. Or through ideas such as that he was born so and there is no way to change. In addition to these cultural wounds, also wounds "religious" that link to like me through
Clergy or religious institutions which are also characterized by stigma wounds and shaming and notice of guilt.

There always is a misery to you, smiled) remains the man a child, his mother until you die, if she died, aged suddenly (when you love your enemy, if you feel Btfahth stabbed in the back, then know that you are in the foreground talking soft right is obvious we all tend to the moon has a dark side .. does not challenge a man not to lose the eye that does not cry, do not see in fact, nothing defeated if you smiled, I lose the victor pleasure of winning are not good in the starboard without the left of the alarm when the catastrophe, calamity, another smile word known non-character work that loves people when they leave your position, as when you received by not challenging the taste of your wife, the first Achtartk will not be able to prevent the birds that inspired flying over your head, but you can prevent them to nest in your head ... made friends with the wolves to be ready Vacek

يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك , فابتسم )يظل الرجل طفلاً , حتى تموت أمه , فإذا ماتت ، شاخ فجأة ( عندما تحب عدوك , يحس بتفاهته إذا طعنت من الخلف , فاعلم أنك في المقدمة الكلام اللين يغلب الحق البين كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم لا تتحدى إنساناً ليس لديه ما يخسره العين التي لا تبكي , لا تبصر في الواقع شيئاً المهزوم إذا ابتسم , افقد المنتصر لذة الفوز لا خير في يمنى بغير يسار الجزع عند المصيبة , مصيبة أخرى الابتسامة كلمة معروفه من غير حروف اعمل على أن يحبك الناس عندما تغادر منصبك , كما يحبونك عندما تتسلمه لا تطعن في ذوق زوجتك , فقد اختارتك أولا لن تستطيع أن تمنع طيور الهم أن تحلق فوق رأسك و لكنك تستطيع أن تمنعها أن تعشش في رأسك تصادق مع الذئاب ... على أن يكون فأسك مستعداً

سألوني هل انت مصري ؟

سألوني هل انت مصري ؟

... ... ... ... .
قلت نعم للأبد
قالوا :مصري تعشق البلد؟
قلت :اللهم لا حسد
قالوا: الشبل المصري صامد؟
......قلت: ليس عندنا أشبال . أصغرنا أسد ..و أكبرنا يهزّ البلد ... اللهم لا حسد
اقــــســــم بـالـــذي أنــزل الـثـلج تـحـت الـهـضـاب
سأبقى مصري حتى ألبس الأبيض تحت التراب
لـولا خـوفـي مـن الـرحـمـن وخـوفـي مـن الـنـيـران
لـجـعـلـت حـب مصر سـابـع أركـان الايـمان
اقـــولـهـا بـكـل اقـتـنـاع .. عـرض .. وطـول .. وارتـفـاع


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...