السبت، 23 يناير 2021

I taught my heart, but only your love ==== Even

 I taught my heart, but only your love ==== Even my soul got lost with you

And my mind kept me from my longing with you === Don't ask me who was in your love and your passion

How I love you, my pen, when you write in spite

About me what my heart could not reveal

On papers underlined by my chest,

With the most wonderful tunes my heart plays.

From weaving words my mind gets out.

Wonderful feeling I did not feel my life

How I love you, my pen, when you write in spite

About me what my heart could not reveal

On papers underlined by my chest,

With the most wonderful tunes my heart plays.

From weaving words my mind gets out.

Wonderful feeling I did not feel my life

She flirted with me with her beautiful spirit - it was the newborn of her baby

She revealed how beautiful she felt --- I was drowning in her breath

She said to me, I want to give you my soul, and I want to give you my longing

She made me and my heart happy --- until I watched her river

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