الأحد، 17 يناير 2021


aly.matrix: aslam alukoom

kastlestar14: alukoom salam

aly.matrix: Why do not you go talk to when the net

  Abeche is busy

aly.matrix: How is your health and to inform you of

kastlestar14: I didn't see u were on line I was actually doing laundry 

kastlestar14: I just sat down

aly.matrix: I hope that you may be fine

kastlestar14: thank u 

kastlestar14: u as well

aly.matrix: yes

aly.matrix: thanks

kastlestar14: good

aly.matrix: How is the family and all that you have

kastlestar14: all is fine

kastlestar14: brb need to get a drink 

kastlestar14: ok

aly.matrix: Do you drink alcohol

aly.matrix: Are the words of advice in order to

aly.matrix: ?

kastlestar14: no juice

aly.matrix: ok

kastlestar14: u don't drink I take it

aly.matrix: I do not drink what God hath

kastlestar14 is typing...

kastlestar14: what god hath?

aly.matrix: In Islamic law, Allah has forbidden for a Muslim to drink alcoholBookmark

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