الجمعة، 4 سبتمبر 2020

What do Muslims believe about Allah?

What do Muslims believe about Allah? 

1. He is the one God, Who has no partner. 

2. Nothing is like Him. He is the Creator, not created, nor a part of His creation. 

3. He is All-Powerful, absolutely Just. 

4. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of worship besides Him. 

5. He is First, Last, and Everlasting; He was when nothing was, and will be when nothing else remains. 

6. He is the All-Knowing, and All-Merciful,the Supreme, the Sovereign. 

7. It is only He Who is capable of granting life to anything. 

8. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon them) to guide all of mankind. 

9. He sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last Prophet and Messenger for all mankind. 

10. His book is the Holy Qur’an, the only authentic revealed book in the world that has been kept without change. 

11. Allah knows what is in our hearts. 

These are some of the basic guidelines Muslims follow in their knowledge of God: 

1. Eliminate any anthropomorphism (human qualities) from their conception of Allah. His attributes are not like human attributes, despite similar labels or appellations. 

2. Have unwavering faith in exactly what Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described Allah to be, no more, no less. 

3. Eradicate any hope or desire of learning or knowing the modality of His names and attributes. 

4. Believe totally in all the names and attributes of Allah; one cannot believe in some and disbelieve the others. 

5. One cannot accept the names of Allah without their associated attributes, i.e. one cannot say He is Al-Hayy - ‘The Living’ and then say that He is without life. 

6. Similarity in names (or meanings) does not imply similarity in what is being described (referents). As a robotics arm differs from a human arm, so the “hand” of Allah is nothing like a human hand, His speech is nothing like human speech, etc. 

7. Certain words are ambiguous or vague in their meanings, and thus may be susceptible to misinterpretation. Only those meanings that are in accordance with what is specified by Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) are acceptable.

A Complete Way Of Life !

Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of religion. The western connotation of the term “religion” is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion that organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels. 

Islam organizes your relations with God, with yourself, with your children, with your relatives, with your neighbor, with your guest, and with other brethren. Islam clearly establishes your duties and rights in all those relationships. 

Islam establishes a clear system of worship, civil rights, laws of marriage and divorce, laws of inheritance, code of behavior, what not to drink, what to wear, and what not to wear, how to worship God, how to govern, the laws of war and peace, when to go to war, when to make peace, the law of economics, and the laws of buying and selling. Islam is a complete code of life. 

Islam is not practiced in the mosque only, it is for daily life, a guide to life in all its aspects: socially, economically, and politically. 

Islam is complete constitution. Thus Islam keeps the Muslim away from confusion, because Islam is logical and rational. Allah is one. Allah is one Allah has no sons. Allah is not associated with trinity. Allah does not kill to save. No mediation is required between Allah and man. Islam organizes human nature, but does not go against it. There is not a class of clergy in Islam; nor is there celibacy. Islam is complete way of human life.

Definition Of Islam

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