الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2020

Thinking suicide when is it ..?

Thinking suicide when is it ..?
When you taste difficulties in your life, your mind will become much older than your age, for every harm is a new level of maturity and whoever does not suffer will not learn. When will you really know that you are caught up in one of them?
When you find him in your thoughts, he salutes
Whenever it pops into your mind between the lyrics of the song
When the first thought is when you wake up
Then you cannot see his eyes without your lips being arched
When your heart jumps to a name similar to its name
When you want to see him all the time.
This verse is a scientific miracle: “Do they not walk on the earth, and they will have hearts that think ..”
The word "heart" came with "Yaqoon".
If you were to control your feelings and control your mind to think before you judge your emotions and your heart was a mind before it was a heart and you learned when and where to use the mind and emotion, you would have achieved what you want.
There is a lot of wonder when your convictions, thinking, and interests change with time, and your mind grows while you feel and ask yourself when it has changed and how, and times your interest in a certain thing was different from how many months ago! And you ask how your thinking will be after 5 or 10 years while you feel that you are fully mature?
Rubbing fingers is a sign of discomfort
If you are talking to a person and you notice that he is rubbing or intertwining his fingers, know that he is uncomfortable, or tense. In psychology, this is called self-touch to get relief. As for your taking this movement, it is evidence of your confusion.
And you should avoid them, in situations that require self-confidence

 Scratching the ear, nose, or chin with the words I understand you is a sign of lack of understanding.
If you are explaining a certain idea, and you notice that the person you are interviewing is rubbing his nose, ear, or chin while moving his head down and up, suggesting that he understood what you mean, then know that he did not understand anything of what you said.

When do you feel that your mind is sitting around itself? One day you have words and you don’t know how to say it.
When is your mind your enemy?
55% of communication between people depends on body language
Some or most of us mistakenly believe that words and sentences represent the largest and main part of the way individuals communicate with each other, but numerous research and studies indicate that words and sentences represent only 7% of the way we communicate with our world.
4) The eyes do not lie.
Eye gestures are the most important thing experts rely on in reading body language, because it is difficult to control them voluntarily when eyes meet directly,
Physically ..!
Close eyes ..!
 It is an expression of the desire to stop receiving visual signals from the environment in order to focus on an idea or speech taking place within him, and often when someone closes his eyes he does not listen to the speech of others as well, as he enters into a state of deep thinking that separates him from the external environment

Thinking suicide when is it ..?

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