الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2020

The Almighty said: [And seek the help of








The Almighty said: [And seek the help of patience and prayer, and it is great except for those who are humble.] (Al-Baqarah 54) To pray the greatest merit in relieving the worries of the soul, making the heart happy and strengthening it, and in explaining what the heart has in connection with the heart. He said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in what Ibn Majah and al-Hakim narrated on the authority of Thauban, may God be pleased with him, “Know that the best of your deeds is prayer.” To stand between the hands of God in prayer in the form of great secrets in bringing health and well-being, he said. On obscenity and evils, and he mentioned “akbar, and he knows what you do” (The Spider 54), and prayer is a sure cure for the soul. It has been proven that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was like if he was sad about a matter of fear that he would pray, For the body as well. Ibn Majah narrated from a mujahid hadith on the authority of Abu Huraira. He said: “A Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, saw me while I was sleeping, complaining of my stomach ache, and he said to me: O Abu Huraira, does your stomach hurt? The Messenger of Allah, said: Arise, separate, for in prayer there is a cure. “Prayer is a vital process that raises the performance of a person’s psychological and physical functions to the highest level. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said in what Ahmad narrated:“ It is an example of prayer as narrated by Ahmad: A fresh river bursts into someone's door On it every day five times, is there anything left of its dirhams? .. The hadeeth, “The prayer according to the right is a unique model that confirms the greatness of the Qur’anic method for this religion * Tell us (M.S.) from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia his story:

I did not know the way to the mosque even though my father was an old man who knew the Qur’an. The money that was in my hands spoiled me and drove me away from. Then he wanted to have a car accident in which I lost the ability to walk completely, and I was unable to walk completely. There is





An obvious reason for this disability was that it was a nervous shock that resulted in my ability to move, and one day I was on my way to my new friend, that wheelchair to which I moved as soon as I left my car equipped for the handicapped, holding me back The muezzin for the Maghrib prayer, his voice was beautiful. It touched my heart suddenly and shook my face with intensity. It was as if I had listened to the call to prayer in my life. My eyes teared up. My brother marveled, and I ask him to take me to the mosque. I continued to pray in the mosque, until the dawn prayer, I did not let it pass me by, and despite my great suffering, I had been determined never to return by returning to God, and on one of the nights and before the dawn prayer I saw my father from his grave, and I saw my father in his grave. I was crying and he said to me: My son, do not be sad. He has forgiven me for your reason. So I rejoiced very much for this good news and went to pray and praise him, and my vision was repeated several times, and after years I prayed at dawn. Sitting on a chair at the end of the first row, the imam was praying for a long time the qanawt supplication, my heart made a lot of paper for his supplication, and my tears broke down, and I found my body trembling and my heart almost jumping from my chest, shining I passed by death approaching me, I suddenly calmed down and continued my prayer,

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