الخميس، 24 سبتمبر 2020


The insider must be an outward Muslim
Every sin has an effect on the slave’s heart and has an effect on the slave’s faith, and the effect of sins on the heart and faith is like wounds on the body - and the Lord of a wound that occurred in death, a slave may fall into a sin that is a cause of his perdition and delusion. Pardon and wellness
Heart function: mind and understanding.

For God Almighty and His Messenger? ..

And belief in what is stated in the Qur’an and Sunnah ..

God has described the infidels otherwise

He said:

(They have unimaginable hearts
Fear bears piety, help and shortness of hope. And the strength of faith in encounter yields asceticism. Knowledge yields love, fear and hope. Contentment pays off. And the male bears the life of the heart. Belief in fate bears reliance on it.
Houses are not supported by walls or pillars, but by the laughter of our brothers, the prayers of our parents, our intermittent quarrels, the smell of our favorite food, the rituals of occasions or even sorrows.
Homes are backed by the spirit of family always and forever?

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