الثلاثاء، 28 أبريل 2020

Trust yourself, then you will know how to live.

However, even though we are human, we live a tangible reality in most of our daily lives. We like things around us and we love the people as well . We love the mother and we love the father

And we love the wife and children.

A terrible feeling. Makes you respond ... to every lover. Nada gave you even a stranger ..

 Love has two teams ...

who are they

Al-Moayad, including the critic ..
Happy ones including crying ..

And each of them has a reason for that .... ??

What do you think ???
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These are phrases that you have to complete with what frankly expresses yourself, in short, if possible, even with one word ....
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Your respect for people does not mean that you need them, this is just a principle that I learned from your upbringing.

Do not harm people, and they will be afflicted.

It suffices you to believe at least one person to appear as dazzling as the dawn.

What you sow today will reap tomorrow, good or bad.

Don't get close to anyone's heart if your hearts are not sincere.

A "base" account was created on Instagram, we all honor you, and we wish you support الدعم

- Anything you want to get rid of, leave the focus to it.

You cannot grow on the same soil that poisoned you.

Lean on yourself, as if you were the most persistent stuff in the universe.

- Do not be hard and break, and do not be soft and squeeze.

It is not important to have a Quran in your pocket. Rather, it is important that you have a verse in your morals.

- Teach your children the relationship of the womb, teach them that uncle is a father and that the aunt is the mother and the grandmother and the grandfather is a piece of the heart, telling them that no love equals the love of the family.

Don't let anyone tell you the sky is your limit, and there are footprints on the moon.

Don't be sad when someone falls out of your eye, it gives way to you to see who is better.

It is polite not to ask anyone about anything
Hide it from you, if it is not apparent to you it is
Mostly it does not concern you.

- Do not choose a beautiful person, but choose who makes your life beautiful.

- If you want to remain in the veil of God, do not reveal the veil of a person.
Keep the one who pronounces your name as if describing a safe place.

Whoever does not be guilty of conscience, life turns him on when he turns.

- Remind God at your convenience, to remind you of your need.

- God will force you to break you even after a while, so don't doubt God's mercy.

- Always be with someone who believes in you, someone who loves you without boredom, someone who has seen all your faults and faults and still trusts you, someone who is always entrusted to you by God.

Don't mind unconstructive criticism, because insects always attack luminous lamps.

- Do not rush to judge people, you may be unfairly dear and may raise cheap.

- Optimism when things are difficult for you, because God Almighty swears twice, because with hardship it is easy, and with hardship is easy.

Be careful that throwing a hadeeth does not erase its effect easily, and that scar remains in someone’s heart forever without realizing it.

Be with those who transcend your sin for your love, and not for your love for your own.

Always be good, even if you do not receive charity, it is sufficient for you that God Almighty loves philanthropists.

Do not hate anything that God has chosen for you, for the affliction is rewarded, for sickness to be rewarded, and for loss to be rewarded, and for patience to be rewarded, for the Lord of good does not come except

Whoever loves you sincerely will make the walls a hallway.

If you do not want to regret anything, do everything for God’s sake.

- If you have a share in something, God will turn all the scales in order to get it.

Always reconcile, maybe one of you sleeps forever.

As long as God wants something for you, nothing will ever stand in your face.

No matter how bitter you feel, don't show your weakness to anyone.

Do not seek to correct someone's belief in you, because God knows what is in your heart and this is enough.

Return to God, even if you have sinned a thousand times.

- A friend will not share your pain, a lover will not bear the pain for you, a relative will not watch over you, take care of yourself, protect it and spoil it, and do not give events more

Than you deserve.

Don't fabricate, your spontaneity is always prettier.

Hold on to the relationship in which you cannot find the word I love, but you find in it everything that establishes it.

- Think best of people as if they are all good, and rely on yourself as if there is no good in people.

- The eye that is filled with you, you will not look at someone else, present or absent.

Sometimes your beauty is that you don't look like them, so don't be shy about your distinction.

Don't let the person you love go to sleep with a lot of things to say in his chest.

Trust yourself, then you will know how to live.

- Each door is closed at the will of its owner, never knocking on it.

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