الأربعاء، 22 أبريل 2020

fraternal with him.

It is the conceit of people, who looks at the animal and bird classes, so that he does not touch the bond of life that is fraternal with him.
Life continues as long as our emotions continue, and without it life becomes only dust. -
Life begins when we set aside our own ego, and give way to loving others.

The human race is divided into two types of people: 95% of them know that they are not great and will not be and accept their position in life and continue their daily work without many questions, and the rest of 5% have a specific feeling that they should be great and may not know how to achieve this .. except that they They look around and are not simply convinced to be like others

Sometimes the most beautiful thing in life comes to me without expecting it or working for it so it is the gift of life. Anna Freud If someone's longings are not met, do not be surprised, that is what we call life

Life taught me that whoever puts himself in a position of suspicion does not blame those who misrepresented him. Life has taught me that when one hardens time, then only you know what mercy is. He who always mentions friendship and never forgets that he is one of the best friends. Love: it is the warmth of hearts and the tone that the lovers play on the strings of joy and its candle of existence, and it is chains and restrictions, yet the great one needs it before the little one. Love is not born but rather penetrates the eyes like lightning flash !!!! Life taught me not to love to be close to the one you love but to love to be confident that you are in the heart of the one you love. The sea: I feel before him that there is no limit to this universe. The future: a ghost that sleeps every eye if it sleeps. Despair: a black spot in a bright world. Truthful Sadness: Smiling in an eye is crying at the top of sadness: To smile and in your eyes create a tear. It is unfortunate that we search for loyalty in the era of treachery and search for love in the hearts of his coward. Life has taught me: to make my heart the city of its homes, love and the paths of tolerance. The most beautiful engineering in life is: building a bridge of hope over a sea of ​​despair. Life taught us: To say to ourselves before we sleep: We are not the only grief in this world and not all people are as happy as we think. Reality of days: The smile must appear, and if the wounds are long, and whatever sadness lives in our depths, a moment of joy must be forgotten by the sad days. Friendship: a pen that is incapable of expression and is the supreme thing in existence. It is very difficult for a person to love silently, to leave silently, to miss silently, to suffer in silence, without crying, crying, but tears, suffering without comfort, and living without hope. Sensitive people are the most understanding and least harmful to others. The world is the most beautiful tears in the meeting, the most difficult part is separation, but the memory is the bond. Our life is just daily memories, record the events, and our days write down the memories, and unfortunately, the surgeon. Life is a tape ... and the memory is its content, the past is a page ... the present is folded, and the pain is separated. The top of the challenge is to laugh while others wait for you to cry.

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...