الخميس، 7 نوفمبر 2019

The manifestations of weak faith

The manifestations of weak faith
The disease of weak faith has several symptoms and manifestations, including:
1 - falling into sin and committing taboos: It is the disobedient who commits sin insists on them and some of those who commit types of sin, and frequent falling into sin leads to the transformation of a habit and then usually remove ugliness of the heart gradually until the sinner falls in the profession and enter into the hadeeth (every nation is healthy However, the outspoken, and it is professed to work the man at night work and then has been concealed by God says: O so and I worked yesterday and so, and so, has become his lord God and reveals the concealment of God about him) Narrated by al-Bukhaari: Open 10/486.
2 - Including: The feeling of the cruelty of the heart and roughness: Even to feel that his heart has turned a stone hard does not run from him and is not affected by something, and God Almighty says: (and then measured your hearts after that they are stones or more cruel) Baqarah 74 / The cruel does not affect the sermon of death or seeing the dead or funerals, and perhaps carried the funeral himself and saw it in the dust, but his walk between the graves as a fraction among the stones.
3 - Including: the lack of mastery of worship: This is the straying of the mind during prayer and the recitation of the Koran and prayers and so on, and not reflect and reflect on the meanings of dhikr, read it in a monotonous way boring this if preserved, even if he used to call a particular du'aa 'at a certain time brought by the year it does not think In the meanings of this prayer and God Almighty: (... does not accept a prayer from the heart of the inattentive Lah) Narrated by Tirmidhi No. 3479, which is in the right series 594.
4 - One of the manifestations of the weakness of faith: laziness for obedience and worship, and lost, and if performed, but hollow movements are not spirit, has been described by God Almighty hypocrites saying: (and if they rise to prayer they lazy) women / 142. This includes non-indifference to the late seasons of good and times of worship and this indicates the lack of interest in the person to collect the wage, it may delay the pilgrimage is capable and Tvart invasion is a rule, and delayed the prayer of the congregation and then the Friday prayer has said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (people are still delayed Narrated by Abu Dawood, No. 679. Such a person does not feel guilty if he falls asleep from the written prayer, and if he misses one year of salary or one of his rituals, he does not wish to spend it or compensate for what he has missed, as well as deliberately missing all that is Sunnah or obligatory enough, he may not witness Eid prayer (with Some of the uncle's saying that the witnesses are obligatory) and does not pray eclipses and eclipses, and does not care about attending the funeral or praying on them, he is willing to pay, in contrast to those described by God saying: (They were rushing in good things and call us desire and awe and they were humbled) Prophets / 90 .
Among the manifestations of laziness in obedience, laziness for the act of Sunan salaries, and the night, and early to the mosques and other naafil, for example, Duha prayer does not occur to him as well as the rak'ahs of repentance and Istikhaarah prayer.
5 - It is manifestations: narrow chest and mood change and confinement of printing even if the human weight is large to suffer, it becomes fast and weary of the slightest thing, and feel distress from the actions of people around him and go His Eminence, has described the Prophet peace be upon him, faith by saying: ( Faith: patience and tolerance) righteous series No. 554, 2/86. He described the believer as: (compose and compose and no good in those who do not compose or compose) the correct series No. 427
6 - One of the manifestations of weakness of faith: not affected by the verses of the Koran, not by his promise or by his promises, or by his order or forbidden or in the description of the resurrection, weak faith tends to hear the Koran, and can not bear himself to continue to read whenever the Koran almost closed.
7 - Including: inattention to God Almighty in his remembrance and prayers Almighty: Vtzkr mentioned on the memory, and if he raises his hand to pray quickly catch them and goes on has described the hypocrites, saying: (They do not remember God only) women / 142.
8 - One of the manifestations of weakness of faith: non-anger if violated the incest of God Almighty because the flame of jealousy in the heart has been extinguished and disrupted prey for denial does not order the owner of a known and does not end evil and never reverts his face in God Almighty, and the Prophet peace be upon him describes this The heart of the weak by saying in the correct hadeeth: (offering sedition on the hearts, like a stick, a stick, any heart I drink it) ie: entered into a full entry (jokes in which a black joke) ie: points where a point {until it becomes to tell him peace be upon him At the end of the hadeeth: (Black Marbada (whiteness is mixed with blackness) Kalkoz Almjjh (sloping inclined) does not know Maar This is removed from his heart by the love of the known and the hatred of evil and the things that motivate him to do something that forbids him to do something. He acknowledged it as mentioned in the hadeeth, “If sin worked in the land, it was the one who witnessed it, and he once said it was denied, like someone who missed it, and the one who missed it is the one who witnessed it.” Narrated by Abu Dawood No. 4345, which is saheeh in the whole 689. This satisfaction of it is - the work of my heart - I inherit the status of the witness in sin.
9 - and love of appearances and this has pictures of them:
- The desire for the presidency and the emirate and the lack of appreciation of responsibility and danger, and this, which warned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, saying: (You will be keen on the emirate and will be a regret on the Day of Resurrection, yes, breastfeeding and misery of Fatima) And saying: Bad Fatima, ie: the last because with him killing and isolation and claim the consequences on the Day of Resurrection) Narrated by Bukhari No. 6729. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (If you wish, I told you about the Principality and what it is, the first is blame, the second is regret, and the third is the torment of the Day of Resurrection except from justice). Had it been a mother

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