الأحد، 20 أكتوبر 2019

To all those who watch

To all those who watch pornographic films
It is advice to him, no more and no less
1. Did you know that you are watching nude pictures from?
2. Did you know that watching these scenes leaves humiliation?
And vulnerability.
3. Did you know that seeing these adulterers makes you
In people's eyes.
4. Did you know that that disobedience drops the slave from
5. Has the image of these adulterers settled in this?
We all remember the story of Abed Bani
Called by his mother
To see only (faces of hookers).
6. Did you know that watching these scenes makes you
Of the simplest.
7. Did you know that you will not know if you are watching
8. Did you know that you will be deprived of a married life
With a wife she loves and loves you.
9. Did you know that this heinous act you are doing?
Good people hate you; even if you do not tell them
10. Did you know that it is your duty to look at them?
Adultery; but when they are stoned to death.
11. Did you know that everything you watched will pay for it?
Most often;
If you do not repent to Allah; and that Allah is dear and vengeance.
12. Would you please tell someone you love to die;
You are sitting on those sites.
13. Did you know that this sin is ugly;
God can dilute you with the earth.
14. Did you know you could die on this?
Mode (bad conclusion).
15 - Your Lord is good; he leaves you; but do not rejoice in this;
Pay the price; even after a while, if you do not repent.
16. Did you know that someone left something for him;
Of it.
17. Did you know that the rich and good God rejoices with a repentance?
His servants.
18. Did you know that God will enrich you by His grace?
I stopped

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