الخميس، 24 أكتوبر 2019

The four thinking skills:

He was trying to cut it with an ax and when tired
Nam under its shadow .. !!
This is how some chirps deal with their homeland
Don't be surprised. !!

The four thinking skills:
Creative, critical, analytical, emotional

Lying, denial, justification, projection
All ways to deceive ourselves to protect ourselves !!
"When we lie to others, we actually lie to ourselves because we are not prepared to accept the consequences of truth."

Monotonous life and the usual daily routine of the worst enemies of "mental health" to the extent possible ...
Whenever you feel your life is stagnant and almost stuck at some point, be aware there is something you are clinging to.

Let him !!

Why do we always believe our first impression of people? Why is it so difficult for us to change that idea?

This is explained by social psychology ??

Of the many people around you thinking:
Why are you employed? Why is she married? Les divorced? Les delayed what gave birth? Why do you have only a child? Why did you have this? Les your face such? Les Cement / slimmed?

Feel that you are straining them their lives ??

disadvantage !
If the person said what they are, do not get tired and Ttfnun Balstkaz otherwise bear Mijikm:
Oh embarrassment, discharge!
(Awareness) A word that is widely circulated and defined by life coaches and self-development and interested in this aspect ..

But the scientific method has a look in this matter and explained through his studies: what is awareness and what its source ??

If you want to test someone's metal:
You have to listen to him as he talks about his positions.
What he did, what he gave, what he responded, how he acted and what his reaction ... focused in it because it reveals the cover of his hidden self!

Do not believe the claims of idealism and pretend to mature mentality, because everyone is good in polishing their images!

And when you have a positive impact on their lives, this is proof that you are the high awareness "in the sense of your foot them sweet" They benefited from you in the repair of their destiny and revive their fortunes ..

While their presence with you as a "filter" for some of the impurities that mingled your consciousness at the time, their presence was necessary to grow and grow more mature and wisdom .. For this reason we need to get rid of his contract loss and we can not complete only Bahchalkhas
The whole story is that for every stage in your life people suitable for the stage

Approaching new people in your life in a period, I consider - personally - a measure commensurate with the level of your awareness of this period!
The gradual exit from your life; the indication that fate will open new fateful gates, so this exit is a message that “prepare for a more exciting future experience”

I go back and say, the effort to try to stick to them, more pain and tired and harsh than dropping your hands, and let them spend!
We must make a new material called the philosophy of health parting, and we must understand that we are bound to overcome them, and continue to live without them, but we continue to die for them!

The only possible parting hurts me, kidnapping death to them!

The key to your personality is strength, as if you were the great mountain of Tuwaiq in the center of the kingdom, where the parable of greatness, extension, prestige and strength is exemplified.

Do not confuse fame and excellence !!

Fame is to be known to everyone, and excellence is to be known among all ..

Fame is to know you a thousand people, and excellence is to excel a thousand people ..

Fame can be attained by any abnormality from the ordinary, and excellence can be achieved only by developing the familiar "

Which one do you prefer?

Be realistic and not "positive"
Live your skin as it is to balance.

It is impossible to keep your feelings silent in order to look positive and inside you are burning!
You are hurting yourself and dragging you into depression.

Remember: No one's life is complete, but everyone's life has a lot of discomfort, but your reaction to it is what amplifies it or dwarfs it!

"Be selective .. Selection art !!
And choose carefully what is worth to be within the framework of your life .. Do not and drain yourself and your time in places or relationships or paths or friendships or interests that are not for you and do not resemble you and do not express you .. Who knows the same extent; dear to go in ways that do not belong to them. Do not believe people who write and speak in ideals, because they are liars ??

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