Soal and answer
Prayer protection?
1. What is the status of women in Islam?
Answer: Islam honored women as a mother, daughter and sister, honored her mother: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, who deserves good people? He said: Your mother, then who said? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5626) and Muslim (2548). The most honorable daughter is that of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or two daughters or two sisters is the best of their companions. Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in Saheeh (2/190). The most honorable wife: Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Your good is good for his family and I am good for my family." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Hasan (3895).
Source: Islam Question and Answer
2. How do you call a Christian to Islam?
Answer: - Addressed the call of instinct required unification of God, and contrary to instinct and reason for the doctrine of the Trinity.
- Show him the status of Jesus peace be upon him and his mother to Muslims, and that Abdullah and His Messenger and his speech delivered to Mary and the spirit of it.
- Show him that the religion of God is one of Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him, which is Islam and that the difference is in the laws, and that Muhammad peace be upon him the seal of the prophets, and his book a copy of the provisions before him, certified because of the correct beliefs and news. - Answer his questions quietly, and provided him with some books and videos of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
3. Does the new Muslim serve Islamic duties?
Answer: It is not prescribed for the one who has missed the safest prayer, fasting and zakaah on the days of his disbelief. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (Islam must be before him). It was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (121).
Source: Islam Question and Answer
4. Is color and beauty a balance of preference in Islam?
The answer is not considered a moral beauty standard differentiation in Islam among the people, but the standard that is based on the basis of differentiation is piety, the Almighty said: (O people, we created you from a male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert) closets / 13 Therefore, the Shariah corrects the basis of dealing which is based on forms and manifestations, ignoring the deal that Allaah has prescribed, which is piety, and there are many ahaadeeth about it, including the following: And for Allah, peace be upon him: (God does not look at your photos and your money but look to your hearts and your deeds) Narrated by Muslim
Source: Islam Question and Answer
5. How can we help the child to recognize his Lord?
Answer: The child knows God in a proper way, with his awareness and level, he knows that God is one partner and he knows that he is the creator of everything, he is the creator of the earth, the sky, people, animals, trees, rivers, and others. The creator of water and rivers and the natural manifestations to draw attention to the greatness of the Creator Almighty may be the father or mother or educator in general with a child or a group of children in a car in a travel or trip at sunset, and they gradually disappear from view what the educator then only To draw the attention of those with the ability to His Almighty in it.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
6. Can we participate in jihad if we do not have a successor to organize us or have no force to fight? Should we behave like the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and have the patience and trust in Allah before getting the strength to fight the infidels ?.
Answer: Jihad for the sake of Allah Almighty is the height of the hump of Islam and the ritual phenomenon of religion does not depend on the presence of an imam .. But it is known a priori that jihad needs to prepare, arrange and the presence of the commander of the army and take into account the interests and evil and this course of justice among those who reckless and disciplined Sharia And its provisions and among those who neglect this ritual and disrupted science and action ..
The duty is to make the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forget in all his affairs, including the preparation of power and equipment.
Sheikh Mohammed Al Abdul Latif
Source: Islam Question and Answer
7. Does the meaning of the hadeeth (of those who deny you deny it by hand ...) that we start directly by hand, even if the change in words is possible?
Answer: Changing evil has ranks, ranging from alert and reminders to preaching and intimidation, then restraint and reprimand, and then change by hand, then inflicted punishment with nickel and beatings, and finally antagonism and raise the matter to the ruler.
Jurisprudence Encyclopedia - c / 39, p. 127.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
8. If the husband has not been responsible for his wife since they got married 5 years ago, what should the wife do in such a situation? Does she have alimony? If you decide to separate, what are the divorce procedures according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah?
Answer: There is no doubt that the duty of the husband to spend on the wife, and the right, and gives her full rights, if it defaults, and lack of her right, or harmed her request for separation, which is divorce, and before that can claim alimony and housing for the Almighty said: In terms of the inhabitants of your grandfather) and the Almighty said: (to spend with a capacity of its capacity and it is estimated to make a living to spend what God has given God does not cost a breath except what came). He has to live with her in the best known, the Almighty said: (and Aasroohn Virtue, if you hate them, you may hate something and make God in it much good).
If her husband gives her legitimate rights, then it is haraam for her to seek a divorce because he says that he should pray
Prayer protection?
1. What is the status of women in Islam?
Answer: Islam honored women as a mother, daughter and sister, honored her mother: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, who deserves good people? He said: Your mother, then who said? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? He said: Then your mother, he said: Then who? Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5626) and Muslim (2548). The most honorable daughter is that of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri, the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or two daughters or two sisters is the best of their companions. Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in Saheeh (2/190). The most honorable wife: Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "Your good is good for his family and I am good for my family." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Hasan (3895).
Source: Islam Question and Answer
2. How do you call a Christian to Islam?
Answer: - Addressed the call of instinct required unification of God, and contrary to instinct and reason for the doctrine of the Trinity.
- Show him the status of Jesus peace be upon him and his mother to Muslims, and that Abdullah and His Messenger and his speech delivered to Mary and the spirit of it.
- Show him that the religion of God is one of Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him, which is Islam and that the difference is in the laws, and that Muhammad peace be upon him the seal of the prophets, and his book a copy of the provisions before him, certified because of the correct beliefs and news. - Answer his questions quietly, and provided him with some books and videos of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
3. Does the new Muslim serve Islamic duties?
Answer: It is not prescribed for the one who has missed the safest prayer, fasting and zakaah on the days of his disbelief. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: (Islam must be before him). It was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh (121).
Source: Islam Question and Answer
4. Is color and beauty a balance of preference in Islam?
The answer is not considered a moral beauty standard differentiation in Islam among the people, but the standard that is based on the basis of differentiation is piety, the Almighty said: (O people, we created you from a male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert) closets / 13 Therefore, the Shariah corrects the basis of dealing which is based on forms and manifestations, ignoring the deal that Allaah has prescribed, which is piety, and there are many ahaadeeth about it, including the following: And for Allah, peace be upon him: (God does not look at your photos and your money but look to your hearts and your deeds) Narrated by Muslim
Source: Islam Question and Answer
5. How can we help the child to recognize his Lord?
Answer: The child knows God in a proper way, with his awareness and level, he knows that God is one partner and he knows that he is the creator of everything, he is the creator of the earth, the sky, people, animals, trees, rivers, and others. The creator of water and rivers and the natural manifestations to draw attention to the greatness of the Creator Almighty may be the father or mother or educator in general with a child or a group of children in a car in a travel or trip at sunset, and they gradually disappear from view what the educator then only To draw the attention of those with the ability to His Almighty in it.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
6. Can we participate in jihad if we do not have a successor to organize us or have no force to fight? Should we behave like the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and have the patience and trust in Allah before getting the strength to fight the infidels ?.
Answer: Jihad for the sake of Allah Almighty is the height of the hump of Islam and the ritual phenomenon of religion does not depend on the presence of an imam .. But it is known a priori that jihad needs to prepare, arrange and the presence of the commander of the army and take into account the interests and evil and this course of justice among those who reckless and disciplined Sharia And its provisions and among those who neglect this ritual and disrupted science and action ..
The duty is to make the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forget in all his affairs, including the preparation of power and equipment.
Sheikh Mohammed Al Abdul Latif
Source: Islam Question and Answer
7. Does the meaning of the hadeeth (of those who deny you deny it by hand ...) that we start directly by hand, even if the change in words is possible?
Answer: Changing evil has ranks, ranging from alert and reminders to preaching and intimidation, then restraint and reprimand, and then change by hand, then inflicted punishment with nickel and beatings, and finally antagonism and raise the matter to the ruler.
Jurisprudence Encyclopedia - c / 39, p. 127.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
8. If the husband has not been responsible for his wife since they got married 5 years ago, what should the wife do in such a situation? Does she have alimony? If you decide to separate, what are the divorce procedures according to the Qur'aan and Sunnah?
Answer: There is no doubt that the duty of the husband to spend on the wife, and the right, and gives her full rights, if it defaults, and lack of her right, or harmed her request for separation, which is divorce, and before that can claim alimony and housing for the Almighty said: In terms of the inhabitants of your grandfather) and the Almighty said: (to spend with a capacity of its capacity and it is estimated to make a living to spend what God has given God does not cost a breath except what came). He has to live with her in the best known, the Almighty said: (and Aasroohn Virtue, if you hate them, you may hate something and make God in it much good).
If her husband gives her legitimate rights, then it is haraam for her to seek a divorce because he says that he should pray
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