الأحد، 20 أكتوبر 2019



- Attention to the teaching of special programs for adolescents help them to suppress their anger because of the anger associated with many behavioral problems.

 She needs many opportunities to learn from her mistakes before coming into contact with society and before she finds herself obliged to solve her problems without support.

* Avoid criticism; often the challenge of adolescent adults in the style and style of their clothes and hairstyles innovative and strange, causing a state of provocation to parents
: When your daughter is twelve years of age you have to formulate a new relationship with her strength of respect, encouragement and listening
Let her take responsibility: The girl must learn at this stage to take responsibility through the method of trial and error
 Frequent praise and praise for your teenage girl supports her self-confidence and makes her more stable in the face of life and volatility
* Make sure to give your teenage daughter lessons in life through your different experiences and indirectly

You will find your teenager once again rebellious and angry, the third fun coming to life, and do not worry if you find it at the beginning of depression, caused by all this physical and psychological changes undergoing at this stage.

Scientists confirm that this stage begins at the age of twelve years and continue until the age of twenty-first and witness disorders of varying degrees in adolescents. Ain Shams under the title "the effectiveness of a guide program to reduce anger in a sample of adolescents" and supervised by Dr. "Sawsan Ismail Abdel Hadi" assistant professor of psychology at the Faculty of Girls in the same university, according to Al-Ahram newspaper.

The research was conducted on a sample of 20 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 15 years were divided into two groups, the researcher used scientific methods to measure the degree of anger and economic and social level.

The researcher also concluded that there are statistically significant differences after applying a guide program to reduce the level of anger in the members of one group.

Finally, the researcher came up with several recommendations:

- The need to pay attention to adolescents and study their problems and identify their tendencies and abilities through research and psychological and social studies.

- Attention to the teaching of special programs for adolescents help them to suppress their anger because of the anger associated with many behavioral problems.

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