الخميس، 12 سبتمبر 2019


When a person is angry with what he deserves
I know that before silent about a million need worthy

The most beautiful thing in existence is the love of God ..
True happiness is not obtained from the broader than God
One of the signs of your love for God is to magnify him in yourself
And abound by mentioning your tongue!
Signs of God's love for you

To help you seal your day

Mentioning and forgiveness and praise

Witr prayer and the safety of Sadr
I love three dunya:
Sit between your hands and look at you and spend money on you.

This is the love of our master Abu Bakr, the beloved of our beloved Prophet (sas).
Signs of God's love for man affliction in this world
God afflicted all the prophets with multiple and great afflictions
It is true that the linkage is not absolute, but the most likely and the closest to the interpretation
Hence perhaps God's love afflicted her affliction
Be patient because it is probably a proof of God's love for you *
God said:
* He loves them and loves him humiliating the believers. *

One of the greatest signs of love of the believer to his Lord .. Linh to the believers and humility to them.


It consists of five letters each of the five letters indicate the movement of the movements that come from the person confident of himself strong personal and calculated by the people as well: -
1- Thousand characters: - The first movement is a smile
2 - letter B: - Initiated the movement and with the movement Pond and with the movement dispels fear and confusion
3 - letter T: - Progress to the first row and make sure the first row has a halo and has a certain sanctity
4 - character Seine: - Hurried pace while walking until you feel others that you are confident of yourself
5 - letter L: - March good stature comes the second strongest movement by the person confident of himself

 A person who is confident of himself is a strong person who stands tall looking for his talk and does not worry about him and gives him all his attention until he empties without interrupting or intervening or minimizing the opinion of Osket. It is estimated large and compassionate on the small
The general appearance and good clothing is necessary for the person who is confident of himself, which is the guidance of the Prophet peace be upon him. Through the general appearance people judge us whether we are sure of ourselves or uncertain.

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