الثلاثاء، 3 سبتمبر 2019

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Sometimes when you advise someone to leave a sin, they respond with “But most people do it, it’s not just me!” But if you look for the words “most people” in the Qur’aan, you will find that most people:

“do not know” ~ [7:187]
“do not give thanks” ~ [2:243]
and “do not believe” ~ [11:17]

And if you look for “most of them”, you will find that most of them are:

“defiantly disobedient” ~ [5:59]
“ignorant” ~[6:111]
“turning away” ~ [21:24]
“do not reason” ~ [29:23]
and “do not listen” ~ [8:21]

So be of the “few”, whom Allaah says about them:

“And few of My servants are grateful.” ~ [34:13]
“But none had believed with him, except a few.” ~ [11:40]
“In the Gardens of Pleasure, A (large) company of the former peoples, And a few of the later peoples.” ~ [56:12-14]

Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said, “Go on the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few who take that path, and beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the greatness of the perishers.”

Case Study...Is Dry Cleaning Enough to rid clothing of Impurity?

According to the majority (Malik, Shafi'ee & Ahmed) only water removes najasah (Something that ends Ritual Purity) – off the body and Clothing.
Imam Abu Hanifa differs and says that anything that completely removes the Najaasah, is sufficient.

Accordingly, to the Hanafis it is sufficient to Dry Clean clothing that has been soiled with Najasah as long as it effectively removes the Impurity. The same applies to removing the filth with stain removers and other chemical substances and disinfectants.

The Hanafi opinion is strong. It is logical to understand that a cleaning solution can be effective in cleaning PHYSICALLY...but is it enough RITUALLY (so Ibadah is accepted)?

These issues have a direct impact on our life and therefore understanding these issues is important in our relationship with Allah.

So lets get started:Imam Ibn Qudamah teaches in 'Umdat al-Fiqh

عمدة الفقهموفق الدين عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمد بن قدامة المقدسي....خلق الماء طهوراً، يطهر من الأحداث والنجاسات، ولا تحصل الطهارة بمائع غيره، فإذا بلغ الماء قلتين أو كان جارياً لم ينجسه شئ، إلا ما غير لونه أو طعمه أو ريحه، وما سوى ذلك ينجس بمخالطة النجاسة، والقلتان ما قارب مائة وثمانية أرطال بالدمشقي

"Water was created pure and purifying, it purifies from ritual impurities and physical impurities. Purity cannot be attained from any liquid other than it. When the water reaches qullatayn (two large containers)or it's flowing, then nothing can render it impure, except what changes its color, taste, or odor; other than that would be rendered impure by any mixing with impurities qullataan (190 litres) is approximately 108 Damascene pounds."

What can we take from this:

This is water that retains its original innate characteristics. Water is pure in and of itself. It can also be used to purify and is therefore acceptable to employ for ritual ablution or ritual bath. This is applicable equally to fresh water, seawater, rain and large or small quantities of water.This is derived from the statement of Rasool ul Allah (saaw: Sala Allahu ‘alihi wa Salaam): “Water is pure and nothing can make it impure.” Reported by Ahmed, At-Tirmithi, and Abu Dawoud on the authority of Abi Sa‘eed al-Khudri (ra: Radia Allahu ‘anhu).
Some of these Tahir (pure) additions to water are tea leaves, rosewater and things of that nature.

On the authority of Ibn ‘Umar (ra) that Rasool ul Allah (saaw) said: “If there is enough water to fill two Qullah (large earthen pots that carry about one hundred Kilograms of water), it can carry no impurity.” Another version of the Hadeeth states: “It does not become unclean.” At-Tirmithi, An-Nisaai, Abu Dawoud, Ibn Majah reported the hadeeth and it is guarded as Saheeh by Al-Hakim.

Water, whether less or more (than two Qullah) in quantity is pure as long as no impurity alters its innate characteristics. But, once water experiences a change of color, odor, or taste it immediately becomes impure regardless of its amount or lack of. It is important to note, that if water is less than two Qullah (227 kilograms of water) then mere filth can render it impure even if there is no noticed change in taste, color and or smell. If water is more than two Qullah, it can be judged impure only if one of its three qualities (color, smell, and taste) change.

Jibreel's Displeasure at Firaun

Ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When Allah drowned Firaun, he said (while drowning), ‘I believe that there is no God but He in whom the Children of Israil believe.’ Jibreel said to me, ‘O Muhammad! If you could have seen me when I took the mud from the sea and shoved it into his mouth, fearing that the mercy of Allah might save him.’” [Tirmidhi]

It is mentioned in Surah Yunus of the Quran that Firaun confessed to the unity of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) when he saw death before his eyes. Previously he had been claiming divinity for himself and had caused untold suffering throughout the land under his dominion. His cruelty against humans and rebellion against Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) was of the highest order. However, even a person as evil as he would have been entitled to Allah’s Mercy had he made repentance in time. This shows us how vast Allah’s Mercy is. But, when one begins to experience the pangs of death, it is then too late to ask for Allah’s forgiveness.

This hadith also tells us that because of the angels’ closeness to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) they despise the enemies of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). They hate those evil people who rebel against Him and cause corruption in the land. Since Jibreel (alaihis salam) is the chief of the angels and thus closest of them to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) his hatred for Firaun was also the greatest for this enemy of Allah.

Jibreel (alaihis salam) is the angel commissioned by Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) to bring down His punishment. All the people of the past who were punished, received their punishment through Jibreel (alaihis salam).

Other ahadith tell us that angels pray for the pious servants of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). Thus, angels love those who love Allah and hate those who hate Him.

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"Is it appropriate for you to kill the likes of me? I am the son of the daughter of your Prophet. There is no other grandson of a prophet who remains on the face of the earth aside from me."

Journey back in history to revisit one of the most controversial and misconstrued events in Islamic history: The Massacre of Karbala.

Join Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he analyzes and contextualizes the events that led up to the martyrdom of al-Husayn (radiAllahu `anhu), its occurrence and aftermath, in an exclusive AlMaghrib Ilminar.

What: Live Online Broadcast - The Massacre of Karbala
When: This Sunday, November 10th, 12PM LA Time/3PM NYC Time/8PM London Time
Where: Online at www.almaghrib.org/live
Who: Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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