الثلاثاء، 3 سبتمبر 2019

"Information that matters to you and your family"

"Information that matters to you and your family"

The danger of leaving the bathroom door open and what are the consequences

"Regarding the water cycle"
1 - clean toilet must be cleaned continuously and get rid of odors

2 - Clean the water cycle and disinfected before bedtime.

3 - Ensure the closure of the toilet door continuously

4 - Do not hang clothes in the toilet
Keeping the clothes for a whole night in the bathroom will be filled with negative energy and therefore difficult to get rid of them only after putting them for 72 hours in the sun

5 - soiled clothes must be in a basket outside the toilet

6 - Perfumes should be kept away from the toilet and do not evaporate the toilet

7 - not to talk inside the toilet for any reason

Warning for every girl "crying in the bathroom"
Let your brother cry in the toilet as an invitation from you and welcome to enter the demons and wear jinn in your body
Thus delayed in your livelihood and your marriage and troubles in your life and the many problems and a sense of sadness and depression for no reason
It may have been the cause of epilepsy

Some things that help get rid of negative energy and weaken demons inside the house

1 - Every three days open the doors and windows and occupy "Al-Baqarah"
You will notice the difference yourself
And the people of the house in terms of psychological and dealing

2 - evaporated the house with black seed to expel demons and germs as recommended by Mustafa peace be upon him and his family and peace

3. Never assemble items under the bed or over the cupboard
They even arranged it inside closed drawers

4 - Do not evaporate the house and windows closed but opened

5 - Do not multiply the mirrors in the house
If you find mirrors, the best place for them at the entrance

6 - And do not sit in a place from which the owner has just

7 - Breathe deeply when you wake up from sleep and before you get up

8 - And make the bed time fixed regularly and be at night

9 - And do not leave the reading of Surat Al-Mulk before sleeping
So congratulations to those who made it a habit to read it, so be careful because it survives the torment of the grave

10 - And know that when you read the verse of the chair after each prayer becomes between you and Paradise Paradise death.

Tell them who you love and because I love you

Oh God, make it his ongoing charity about me and my family and everyone who applies it

Spread it may enter paradise.

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