الثلاثاء، 24 سبتمبر 2019

Happiness: to find

Happiness: to find
Who takes care of your details when you forget yourself. "
I don't care what people talk about you
Be beautiful with me.
Only the one who saw the beauty in your soul will stay with you. "
Congratulations to those who have found a heart that will be saved in secret and in public. "
We will be patient and we will be told one day:
Life will force you sometimes
To meet people in the form of a lesson. "
Then they all leave
And you keep yourself that you killed for them. "
Attitude friends
It's not a number of years that you will ever realize. ”
Mo forced to justify one
Whoever understands you is a mistake who can understand you rightly. "
true happiness
Is to find someone who resembles your soul very much. "
Every joy you make for others will come back to you and it is more beautiful. "
We were satisfied with people in the form of lessons
God has people in the form of life. "
Those who love us and we are at our worst
Who deserve to remain in our hearts forever. "
Sometimes you should apologize to yourself
About your bad selection of some people. "

I have nothing precious except my mother. ”

We are not obliged to justify the positions of those who misunderstand us, those who know us well understand us well, because the eye lies itself to love and the ear believes others if I hated. ”

Keep the one you love, the heart doesn't always open. "

It is said that who you feel
He also feels, the language of spirits is not wrong. "

Some things may hurt but they are
Will let you know that you were going too much. "

Don't force yourself to something
Cause you anxiety, make your base in
Life is something that I am not happy I do not need.

Don't trust sweet words, just trust actions. "

Aladdin and the magic lamp
After Aladdin saw the princess, he asked to reap

Lamp to build a palace that is larger than the palace of the king

So he built him.

But the next day the province came and closed

The palace with red wax was imposed on Aladdin

Large fines for building the palace without a license

Alaa rubbed the lamp with his hands and the genie came out of the lamp

Aladdin said to him: I want enough to pay

Preservation fine and bribes.

The genie said: Sir, the amount is very large and even

I can't pay it.

Alauddin said: If I take the palace and run away

Him to distant lands.

But Aladdin could not get rid of a fine


Although the palace was hidden, the fine was recorded

He has to pay it and then object.

A new charge of sabotage was added to Aladdin

The national economy smuggles palaces out


Aladdin went to jail and died there

Doaa Yousef "peace be upon him":
((Oh God, make me of all that mattered to me and Akrbni of the world and ordered another Faraj and director, and provide me from where I do not count, and forgive me my sin
Cinderella story
Cinderella waited a long time did not show the witch, so he risked

Baleha risked and she cut her skirt to become short

She cut the sleeves of her shirt and cut her shirt and then stepped into

Her sister's room filled her face with makeup and she went

To the concert

When she arrived at the party she thought she would be captured

The heart of the Prince dressed her surprised that all the girls

They wear like her and it is only one of them.

The prince was waiting for his girlfriend at the university

To know her on his family and announce their engagement.

Cinderella was disappointed but returned from a man

The Prince's companions impressed her and offered her marriage

I agreed immediately but it turned out

He wants to laugh at her and does not want to marry her

She returned home with her dignity.

Cinderella lived in

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