1. what the status of women in Islam?
The answer: The Women of Islam Akram and daughter, a sister, Okremaa either: It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said a man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said: O Messenger of God, deserving people in good Sahapti? He said: your mother, said then who? He said: Then your mother, said: Then who? He said: Then your mother, said: Then who? He said: Then your father. "Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5626) and Muslim (2548). And honors a daughter: Khudri that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him said:" Whoever has three daughters or three sisters or daughters or sisters so well Sahpthen and fearing God therein entered Paradise "Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh (2/190). and honors wife: It was narrated from Aisha said, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" the best of best to his family and I'm good for my family. "Narrated by Tirmidhi and classed (3895).
Source: Islam Question and Answer
2 How to call a Christian to Islam?
The answer: - thou roll instinct appropriate Oneness of God, and inconsistent with common sense and reason of the doctrine of the Trinity.
- Between his status Isa peace be upon him and his mother when Muslims, and that Abd Allah and His Messenger and his speech was delivered to Mary and the spirit of it.
- Between him that the religion of God and one from Adam to Muhammad peace be upon him which is Islam and that the difference lies in the laws, and that Muhammad peace be upon him Seal of the Prophets, and his book scribe for him of the provisions, certified because of the beliefs and the news is correct. - Answer his questions calmly and gave him the necessary books and some videos of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
3 Do you spend the new Muslim Islamic hypotheses?
The answer is: Do not spend what of the safest death of prayer, fasting and alms-day Hamlet, says: (Say to those who disbelieve that finished what may forgive them ancestor) Al-Anfal / 38. The words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (Islam must earlier) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh / 121, and because the Prophet peace be upon him did not order anyone who safest spend what death rituals of Islam and kufr days scholarly consensus to do so.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
4 Is the color and beauty of the balance of preference in Islam?
The answer is not a beauty moral standard differential in Islam among the people, but the standard is based on the basis of differentiation is piety Almighty said: (O people, I have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert) closets / 13 so, the law corrects the basis of dealing which is based on forms and manifestations sucker deal that laid down by God Almighty, a piety, and conversations in this are many, including: what came in right from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: (God does not seen your photos and your money, but look into your hearts and your deeds) Narrated by Muslim
Source: Islam Question and Answer
5. how to help the child to recognize his Lord?
The answer: the child knows God in an appropriate manner, with the perception and level, teaches that there is one God with no partner, and he knows that the Creator of all things He is the creator of heaven and earth, people and animals, trees, rivers, etc., and can take advantage of the breeder some situations asks the child to walk in the garden or in the wild Creator of water and rivers and around the manifestation of the natural draw of view to the greatness of the Creator Almighty may be the father or mother or teacher in general with a child or group of children in a car in the travel or trip at sunset, which is hidden from sight gradually what the breeder then only to draw the attention of his ability to Almighty God in it.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
6. you could participate in Jihad, if we did not have successor Anizna or we do not have the strength to fight? You must act Kalrcol peace be upon him, and have the patience and trust in God before getting the strength to fight the infidels?.
The answer: Jihad in the way of Allah Almighty pinnacle of Islam and Rite phenomenon of religious rituals is not dependent on the presence of Imam .. but it is known a priori that jihad needs to prepare and arrange the presence of the commander of the army and take into account the pros and cons and this course of justice between the temerity not regimented controls Shara The provisions of neglected and between this ritual and disrupted note pursuant ..
Pathos and duty of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in all its affairs including preparation of the equipment and the power ..
Sheikh Mohammed Al Abdul Latif
Source: Islam Question and Answer
7 Is the meaning of talk (from evil Vlagerh you saw his hand ...) we begin directly by hand, even if the change was possible to speak?
The answer is: change his evil mattresses, as ranging from alarm and reminders to preaching and intimidation, then rebuke and reprimand, then the change by hand, then the rhythm Balnekal punishment beatings, and finally Alastaadae and raise it to the Governor.
Mawsoo'ah - c / 39, p 127.
Source: Islam Question and Answer
8 If the husband does not his responsibility towards his wife since they were married 5 years ago, what a wife should do in such a situation? Do you have the expense of it? If you decide to secede, what are the procedures for divorce, according to the Book and the Sunnah?
The answer: There is no doubt that the duty of the husband to spend on the wife, and the right, giving it their full rights, the Palace of it, and a lack of the right, or harmed by it may request separation, a divorce, and her earlier claim alimony and housing for the verse: (Asknuhen from where you dwell, and grandfather) and says: (to spend with a capacity of as much as its capacity and making it a living Vlenevq to whom God does not cost the breath of God, but what Ataha). Virtue, he should intimate partner, he says: (interpretation of the meaning and the Ltamohen may be that you dislike a thing and Allah makes it much good).
And if her husband gives them their legitimate rights, forbidden by asking for a divorce for saying peace be upon him: "Any woman who asks for divorce from is not absolutely necessary by the smell of paradise", but if damaged, and intensified by the case and the Palace in the expense or did not give it right, she may ask for a divorce , and submitted to the judge and explain it to him, which in turn calls for the pair to perform their rights or to divorce her.
Sheikh / Abdullah ibn Jibreen
Source: Islam Question and Answer
9 km spotter Zakat for banknote Will be appreciated quorum in paper currency based on gold or spotter based on quorum silver?
The answer is: The amount of a quorum of Zakat in the dollar and other paper currencies is equivalent to the value of twenty; anyone of gold or one hundred and forty; anyone of silver at a time and is obliged to pay Zakat in dollars and the like of the Currency, and be Balahz for the poor of a swindlers and that due to the difference Saarama different times and countries. Daa'imah 9/257 but that is more beneficial to the poor. Daa'imah 9/254
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