الثلاثاء، 6 أغسطس 2019

I need a vacation from life
Leave it all
I need not to think about what is happening and what will happen
I need not know not to understand not feel
I need time out of everything,
For a time when my evening and my day is not important tomorrow.

If you find it difficult to smile, who will not return, and who will hurt one day, Abakak will find him crying, and narrowed you prostrate to your Lord and will compensate you a lot.

If you hear someone singing around you or you hear a song, there is a 90% chance that you will sing it later on the same day. !!
If your relationship ended someday human loved him make your heart a secret hideout for all his secrets and tales of relations ethics. !!

Do not be shameful Vtptly !!
"And they ask you about the mountains.
Who can blow up the mountains in a moment
Able to remove your concern in a moment ..
Promise and do not be sad and entrust your command to God and say, O Lord.
Inherent to say "
There is no power but from God "

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