'The date of a girl loves stars. Dating a girl who can not help her but you are excited every time the sky begins to dark. Select a girl's date that has her favorite history when she lies above your troubled old car under a blanket and you see the sky talking about life. The date of a girl loves storms. The date of a stormy girl. The history of the girl who lights her eyes every time the light shines and the spirit calms when the sky is in a fuss. Dating a girl loves to listen to the rumble Thunder and rain flow to the surface more than her favorite songs. The date of a girl loves clouds. The dating of the girl who will sit on the beach with her eyes open rather than closing so she can watch the clouds roll over. A date for a girl who likes to tell you the shapes she sees in floating water vapor in the sky. The date of the girl loves the winter because of the beautiful snow that comes from flat gray clouds. The date of a girl loves the moon. A girl's date changes her life and mood like the phases of the moon. The date of a girl never stopped seeing a man on the moon. The dating of the girl who remains late just to watch the moon slowly spin around the earth. The date of a girl loves the sun. Dating a girl who does not mind getting skins for spots and sun in old age as long as it means she was under the sun all the time. A girl's date loves the brightness and optimism that the sun brings more than anything else. The history of a girl who loves the sky, be it blue, black, pink, gray or countless of all these ... The history of a girl loves all this and will be dating a girl who loves the simple details and the biggest parts of everything you love. '' The date of a girl who loves heaven and every piece of it ''
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