الاثنين، 15 يوليو 2019

سألتهُ : لماذآ احببتني ؟ فـ قال : أما والله أنّي كنتُ للحبّ كارهاً ولكنّني إبتليتُ بك بلاءً جميلاً فـ الله أراد ، والقلب أطاع 💙If you want to live a quiet life away from any frustration .. Do not put yourself high in the hearts of others and do not expect them to sacrifice for you so as not to hurt the reality .. Be sure to reduce the ceiling of your expectations so as not to shock in one. Observe the days that brought you together and those memories, be kind and peaceful until the end - ================================= ================= Happiness: is to find
A person who does not leave, does not neglect and does not change. " ===========================================
"No one understands the meaning of being shocked in silence, smiling at situations that lead you to cry, no one understands the meaning of boiling inside you and you are at the top of consistency." ================== ==========
"I have always been successful in inventing new ways to overcome my pain, but now I'm exhausted. I've been tired of thinking so much, and always ask what I did to deserve all this harm?" =================== ================================================= I asked him : why you loved me ?
 He said: "But God, I was for love, but I was plagued by a beautiful scourge, God wanted, and heart obey
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"When you get into a conversation with someone you love every day or every day, your brain becomes literally addicted to it, so it will be hard to leave it one day and if you break up with it you will feel a very painful emptiness and distress similar to addiction

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