الاثنين، 15 يوليو 2019

I am the psychological pressure: psychological stress: is the anxiety and fear, frustration, incompatibility and psychological adjustment
Social pressures: The weakness of social relations and isolation
The stresses of everyday life are the ones that are exposed to the individual on a daily basis and their effects vary.

As a result of the above, in addition to the physical problems caused by stress, we find that there is a range of mental disorders that are related to the pressures on the individual, for example, we find that depression and anxiety of those associated with the stress of life experienced by individuals, such as the death of a loved one .. Etc.

 Behavioral influences:
As a result of previous changes, whether psychological or physical, we find that there is a range of behavioral changes that are produced in the individual as a reaction to the process of pressure, including:
1. Low level of motivation.
2. Low level of achievement.
3. Changes in sleep and appetite.
4. Low interest.

Psychological effects:
A set of changes that occur in the individual and affect the general mood, including poor attention and concentration, memory disorder, weak ability to govern, and tension and anger and ease of arousal, pessimism and the sense of helplessness.

Stress is the primary engine of life. The potential, the human potential that drives an individual to work, persevere, challenge, and confront are stretched. Stress can not be seen from a negative angle only in terms of its impact on the mental health of the individual and his compatibility.

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