الأحد، 21 أبريل 2019

A man whose mother worked in sewing and gave him money and prevented him from working

And urges him to complete the study and did what he wanted and God approved and employed

And his intention was to give the bulk of his salary to his mother to fill some of its communities.

But God willing and died, may God have mercy on him.

And a vow to Allaah to pay a quarter of his salary to the poor and pay his mother.

Thirty years passed from the death of his mother did not cease prostration except had called her

He would have coveted water and dug wells for her

And placed in a number of mosques water coolers and a moratorium

On the day he went out to pray, he saw a group of men lying

A water cooler in the neighborhood mosque where he lives.

He tightened his chest and put the water coolers in the east

The West and I forgot to put Brad in a mosque

And while he is thinking, he is going to follow him and say

O God, God reward you good for the water cooler !!

He was surprised and said to Allah that it was not from me

Today your son brought it and said it was you.

And if his son accept his head, and say, Father, that she is mine, and that she will pay her wages to you, and she will receive her

God rewarded her from her wages with the scephel of Paradise, and his father asked him, How did you get the price for it?

And you are still in the first grade secondary and do not work

And he said to him, Five years, I will gather my money for the noblest

I also justified my grandmother, may God have mercy on her, and put you to a halt

Praise be to Allah

Righteous righteousness will return you in your children

Your disobedience will return to you someday

My Lord, grant me righteousness in my parents' lives and after their death

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