9. Seventh Skill Activities / Involvement of Listener:
Try to answer the following questions:
Q 1 / What are the three forms of the question?
Q2 / Do you move when you talk?
Q3 / Do you realize the need to run the right side of your brain with your listeners?
Q4: If you provide a lot of information, will you receive a signal that your audience will respond and subscribe to it?
Q5: What are the important elements of the content of what we say and through which you can engage the listener as you speak?
Morning is the most time of greeting and peace, perhaps because it represents the beginning of a beautiful, bright day with all good meanings
And love
O Allah, make this day good for us, and you are forgiven of sins, so that you may make a living full of reward, accompanied by wellness and sealed with forgiveness.
You create hobbies and activities that consume a large part of your mental and physical energy
You think of my words and try to think that the world needs other than desire
You respect yourself and think that you are better than animals and you need to control your instinct
And what I said to you is that you are all legitimate, but the obsession with you is the one that will destroy your life
World Sex and the Internet
My daughter has nude photos online
Written by Marwa Rakha Friday, 05/12/2017 - 08:46 PM
Dear Marwa, I have discovered that my 14-year-old daughter has nude photos being circulated among her colleagues on the net. I have encountered it
She did not deny
My daughter has admitted that many of her classmates also reveal their breasts at school to their classmates, and who does not do this or that
Be pariah and ironic.
She does not look regretful, and her reputation is at the bottom. I want to tell her father but I'm confused and do not know what to do. Remorse and reprimand
Conscience kills me. I feel that I am failing and do not know how to deal with this calamity.
Dear confused,
Join the discussion
I will not deny that what has really happened is a disaster but I will not waste this space in slapping and hitting the chest and I will give you practical steps to ease
First: There is no room for remorse, self-flagellation and reprimand of conscience
What is required of you is to review the past years of your relationship with your daughter and correct the mistakes. The goal of this training is to learn from mistakes
And lessons learned.
Your relationship with your daughter has many cracks and through it leaked this problem and its motives. Your daughter lacks self-confidence and misses attention and will do any
Something to get attention and love even if they are fake.
Your daughter hugged you and did not disown her with cruelty, blame or reproach. Make sure you love her and that she is still your darling child and Badri apologize
About your mistakes in her right - those mistakes that made her an easy prey for manipulators without my self-confidence.
Second: Their salts
Before it was blamed for its weapons against social pressures. Put yourself in their place! All of us are the pursuit
Beyond social acceptance and companionship and the formation of friendships.
At this very age, the need for acceptance is the highest and remember that no one wants to live a marginalized nomad.
Your daughter does not want to be ridiculed and do not want to be excluded from activities and do not want nobody to attend her birthday and do not want to
She deals with her meals in silence and unity. This is a tax differential and a tax flight away from the squadron.
Have you ever taught them to be themselves? Do not follow fashion? To choose her friends? To choose the right even if everyone chose the error?
Did you teach her how to deal with peer pressure? Do you teach her self-satisfaction and love of self?
Have you been an example to her in choosing the right thing, no matter how much it costs you to make friends or pleasures?
Naked photos
Unfortunately, this kind of weapon can not be bought with money and can not be taught by words. Your daughter learns to be herself through your observation.
Do you put make-up because all your friends put it? Do you dye your hair to be like them?
Do you choose your clothes to satisfy their tastes? Do you lie as a courtesy?
Would you please peer pressure?
Third: The school
Boy your anger and your vengeance and curses on the school and its management!
Any school where there are no teachers or supervisors? How did the students and students disappear together?
How did you know the existence of these images and the school in complete disregard of what is going on in the chapters?
Ask for an official investigation into this incident and all the facts that your daughter has investigated and ask for the confiscation of student mobile phones and make sure to delete
Photos of your daughter and her colleagues.
Asking for a penalty for those who publish or circulate these images.
Fourth: Father
Do not tell him anything because he will kill you and will not do anything that changes what happened.
Fifth: Your daughter
Your daughter needs to know that what is published on the net remains on the net and a period may disappear but it will inevitably emerge after a while. This fact is
The consequences of its choice and to bear it.
You should also know that what happened is not the end of the world for her and her reputation and self-determination.
If these acts are repeated, they will be branded forever, but if their attitude changes and their behavior changes, the society will accept its new image and deal with it
With what happened as a slip of the teenage girl does not agree in life.
You need to know that the repetition of the verb affixs the trait ... Repetition of lying turns it into falsehood and repetition of deception turns it into deceit and repetition of ill
Exploitation of confidence turns it into an unreliable person.
Do not treat her as a prostitute so as not to act as a prostitute and do not deal with her as a drop so as not to continue to fall.
Treat her as your daughter, your sweetheart, who abused the choice and helped her regain her self-confidence until she improved her choice
Sixth: Accidents
There are many similar incidents unfortunately ended with the suicide of the girl who faced bullying in school and scandal in the street and let down in
In the depth of each man flowered side 🌹
And dry side 🍂want What is the deep inside you?
How many times you broke yourself and you open a conversation waiting for the owner to write something and not write, tighten your heart and close the conversation and say with a smile
Cool is okay?
Why not clean memory is easy
Such as cleaning the drawers
Try to answer the following questions:
Q 1 / What are the three forms of the question?
Q2 / Do you move when you talk?
Q3 / Do you realize the need to run the right side of your brain with your listeners?
Q4: If you provide a lot of information, will you receive a signal that your audience will respond and subscribe to it?
Q5: What are the important elements of the content of what we say and through which you can engage the listener as you speak?
Morning is the most time of greeting and peace, perhaps because it represents the beginning of a beautiful, bright day with all good meanings
And love
O Allah, make this day good for us, and you are forgiven of sins, so that you may make a living full of reward, accompanied by wellness and sealed with forgiveness.
You create hobbies and activities that consume a large part of your mental and physical energy
You think of my words and try to think that the world needs other than desire
You respect yourself and think that you are better than animals and you need to control your instinct
And what I said to you is that you are all legitimate, but the obsession with you is the one that will destroy your life
World Sex and the Internet
My daughter has nude photos online
Written by Marwa Rakha Friday, 05/12/2017 - 08:46 PM
Dear Marwa, I have discovered that my 14-year-old daughter has nude photos being circulated among her colleagues on the net. I have encountered it
She did not deny
My daughter has admitted that many of her classmates also reveal their breasts at school to their classmates, and who does not do this or that
Be pariah and ironic.
She does not look regretful, and her reputation is at the bottom. I want to tell her father but I'm confused and do not know what to do. Remorse and reprimand
Conscience kills me. I feel that I am failing and do not know how to deal with this calamity.
Dear confused,
Join the discussion
I will not deny that what has really happened is a disaster but I will not waste this space in slapping and hitting the chest and I will give you practical steps to ease
First: There is no room for remorse, self-flagellation and reprimand of conscience
What is required of you is to review the past years of your relationship with your daughter and correct the mistakes. The goal of this training is to learn from mistakes
And lessons learned.
Your relationship with your daughter has many cracks and through it leaked this problem and its motives. Your daughter lacks self-confidence and misses attention and will do any
Something to get attention and love even if they are fake.
Your daughter hugged you and did not disown her with cruelty, blame or reproach. Make sure you love her and that she is still your darling child and Badri apologize
About your mistakes in her right - those mistakes that made her an easy prey for manipulators without my self-confidence.
Second: Their salts
Before it was blamed for its weapons against social pressures. Put yourself in their place! All of us are the pursuit
Beyond social acceptance and companionship and the formation of friendships.
At this very age, the need for acceptance is the highest and remember that no one wants to live a marginalized nomad.
Your daughter does not want to be ridiculed and do not want to be excluded from activities and do not want nobody to attend her birthday and do not want to
She deals with her meals in silence and unity. This is a tax differential and a tax flight away from the squadron.
Have you ever taught them to be themselves? Do not follow fashion? To choose her friends? To choose the right even if everyone chose the error?
Did you teach her how to deal with peer pressure? Do you teach her self-satisfaction and love of self?
Have you been an example to her in choosing the right thing, no matter how much it costs you to make friends or pleasures?
Naked photos
Unfortunately, this kind of weapon can not be bought with money and can not be taught by words. Your daughter learns to be herself through your observation.
Do you put make-up because all your friends put it? Do you dye your hair to be like them?
Do you choose your clothes to satisfy their tastes? Do you lie as a courtesy?
Would you please peer pressure?
Third: The school
Boy your anger and your vengeance and curses on the school and its management!
Any school where there are no teachers or supervisors? How did the students and students disappear together?
How did you know the existence of these images and the school in complete disregard of what is going on in the chapters?
Ask for an official investigation into this incident and all the facts that your daughter has investigated and ask for the confiscation of student mobile phones and make sure to delete
Photos of your daughter and her colleagues.
Asking for a penalty for those who publish or circulate these images.
Fourth: Father
Do not tell him anything because he will kill you and will not do anything that changes what happened.
Fifth: Your daughter
Your daughter needs to know that what is published on the net remains on the net and a period may disappear but it will inevitably emerge after a while. This fact is
The consequences of its choice and to bear it.
You should also know that what happened is not the end of the world for her and her reputation and self-determination.
If these acts are repeated, they will be branded forever, but if their attitude changes and their behavior changes, the society will accept its new image and deal with it
With what happened as a slip of the teenage girl does not agree in life.
You need to know that the repetition of the verb affixs the trait ... Repetition of lying turns it into falsehood and repetition of deception turns it into deceit and repetition of ill
Exploitation of confidence turns it into an unreliable person.
Do not treat her as a prostitute so as not to act as a prostitute and do not deal with her as a drop so as not to continue to fall.
Treat her as your daughter, your sweetheart, who abused the choice and helped her regain her self-confidence until she improved her choice
Sixth: Accidents
There are many similar incidents unfortunately ended with the suicide of the girl who faced bullying in school and scandal in the street and let down in
In the depth of each man flowered side 🌹
And dry side 🍂want What is the deep inside you?
How many times you broke yourself and you open a conversation waiting for the owner to write something and not write, tighten your heart and close the conversation and say with a smile
Cool is okay?
Why not clean memory is easy
Such as cleaning the drawers
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