الأربعاء، 27 مارس 2019

Your principles with your religion

Live your life and you and these three:
- Cash
- And blame
- Comparison with others

Stay away from it for rest .. All of them feel negative card, and frustration.

There are things you do not buy:
- true feelings
- spontaneous talk
- Love and friends.

"One of the most beautiful things ..
Spend your time with someone who speaks innocently .. and acts spontaneously .. and laughs in a way you feel that the pain of life is over. "

If you want to live happy ..
Do not explain everything ..
Do not check everything ..
And do not analyze everything ..
Those who analyzed the diamonds found it to be hot.

Yusuf (peace be upon him) says (do not be dismayed)
Shuaib (peace be upon him) says (do not be afraid)
Mohammed ﷺ say (do not grieve)
The Prophets Prophecy.

In the Law of Relations of this Time:
Accept the idea that you are replaceable at any moment .. But at the same time make you believe that it is impossible to compensate.

When you talk a lot about you whether praise or blame .. Make sure that you worked around you so that they left what they mean and cared for you .. Break your success and let them have fun talking.

Imam al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him)

In the province of the needs of people is a pleasure not known only tried it, do good whatever Iststrtha you do not know any good intervention Paradise.

The power of personality does not mean obstinacy, determination and persistence if it is wrong.
Strong personality, brave and flexible in his dialogue, and change his opinion if it turns out right.

The lucky ones are three:
Who left the world before you leave it
From the righteousness of his parents before they leave him
From the ground of his Creator before he received him

If a period of time keeps us away from the fire .. And charity will extinguish the wrath of the Lord .. And two words weigh the balance of our work .. And light removes from our wounds sins .. And good multiply to ten times ..
So why believe that Paradise is far from reachable.

"The soul tends to those who demonstrate .. cares about and appreciate .. Contains and enjoy them .. Improves them and the ten of the tenth .. Does not detract from its .. Self tends to those who have mercy

Thank you letter to another kind of people:
For those who have sinned, who sinned against us one day, they gave us free lessons, made us stronger, and made us look differently.
Thanks to them .. foolish people when people cross and lessons .. And in their mistakes that .. Save us from the evil of those who are worse than them.

Where do we find wellness?

"Anxiety" does not prevent the pain of tomorrow ..
But steals fun today !!

Do not carry yourself a concern you will not reap anything from them.

"Anxiety" does not prevent the pain of tomorrow ..
But steals fun today !!

Do not carry yourself a concern you will not reap anything from them.

There is a wonderful saying:
If you do not know me, then thank me for your good judgment, so it is good to think of a comfort that only the person who tried it will know.

"You have a family that loves you ..
And a few good friends ..
Food is available when you are hungry ..
And roof over your head ..
If you're richer than you think. "

Three guests come without a date:
the death
Oh God, make our living halal, and make our fate beautiful, and take us only you satisfied with us.

When you live to make others happy, God will send you to live to make you happy. What is the reward of charity, but charity (be beautiful creatures love you hearts).

If you do not live for yourself, the world will not come to guide you on the right path.
 Everyone has priorities that are far from you, if you do not love yourself, others will not like you.

If you want to stop worrying and start life, here is this simple rule: the number of your blessings and not your feelings.

Nu'ma need to be thanked, and the scourge needs patience, and the sin needs to ask forgiveness, it is thanks and patience and ask forgiveness: happiness.

Your clothes decorate your appearance, and the remembrance of God adorns your soles, so it is beautiful to see you elegant people, but the most beautiful to see your heart ruthless with his memory, elegant in love.

If you want to influence others, be positive with them, encourage them, acknowledge their efforts, give them hope.

One of the greatest reasons for self-comfort: agree your steps with your principles, and agree

Your principles with your religion

To learn the power of embrace, embrace your children a lot as well as your parents and friends where cortisol hormone is lower hormone tension in the brain and will feel better.

The worst people who treat you according to their temperament: If he is happy to treat you gently, if he is unhappy with your work,

Three described God with beauty: beautiful patience, beautiful abandonment, beautiful laminate .. Let us take it to increase beauty .. patience without complaint, and abandonment without harm and forgiveness without reproach.

A woman was telling her daughter to bathe her mouth when she said a bad word. A sophisticated and beautiful educational style, the child senses how dirty the bad word is.

"You need three things in your life to succeed: trust yourself, insist on implementation, and ignore the discouraged."

 Four things if you go not back? The word if it is launched, the arrow if thrown, the time if it passed, and the confidence if lost. "

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