السبت، 2 فبراير 2019

Great minds

Great minds regardless of age, physiologically develops more protrusions on the cerebral cortex, and these protrusions increase the number of connections within the human brain. )
Along with these scientific discoveries, history has witnessed great minds that proved that mental abilities are not age-related. These are the great Guin, who did not start drawing until his thirty-fifth year, Michel Angelo, who produced his sculptures and great writings at the age of 80, and Haydn, who produced some of his most beautiful music in recent years, and recently Picasso, which continued to proliferate until the nineties.
As evidenced in other societies, urged that elders were always considered "wise", a description that not only covered their knowledge and experience, but also their ability to use it.
(In the light of this knowledge, the old belief is that we lose brain cells as we age, leading to serious mental deterioration). This is in addition to the fact that we can generate new brain connections much faster than the brain brain deficits. That if we lost 10,000 brain cells a day from birth to age 80, the number we lost would be no more than 3 percent of our brain cells.)

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