الجمعة، 8 فبراير 2019

Christ is a man and a messenger: Christ is a man and a messenger:

Christ is a man and a messenger: Christ is a man and a messenger:
The Gospels have confirmed the human nature of Jesus Christ and that he is the Son of Man in dozens of places. In the Gospel of Matthew (8/20), "The birds of the sky have caves, but the Son of man has no head to support." In John 8/40, "I am a man who has spoken to you the truth which I have heard from God."
Christ was peace be upon him like others, hungry to eat food ("Christ is the son of Mary only a messenger has been freed by the Apostles and his mother a friend who ate food)" (8).
In the Gospel of Matthew (21/18) "In the morning, when he came back to the city, he was hungry."
This great man was a charismatic and The creation of cream, chosen by God to be a messenger to the children of Israel, ruled by the law of the Torah and the guidance of the Gospel called them to faith in God alone, and to faithfully worship him, and after that deviated the children of Israel, some of them Abdul calf, and some of them said: Uzair son of God, and some of them killed the prophets, or invents them great to say, and the message of Christ peace be upon him was a special Beni Israel God says: ((and teach him the book and wisdom and the Torah and the Bible, and a messenger to the Children of Israel)) (9), and in the Gospel of Matthew responded: "I did not Sent only to the sheep of Ben S. Aial stray "(10),
Christ's Mission in the Holy Qur'an (Jesus Christ the Son of Mary, the Apostle of God, and His Word to Mary and Spirit) (11), as mentioned in the Gospels, is mentioned in the Gospel of John (17/3) "to know you the true God Alone and Jesus Christ whom I sent ", and in the Gospel of Luke (24/19)" Jesus of Nazareth, who was a human being. "
Like all the other prophets, God supported His Messenger with miracles and signs, for He absolved the wise and the leper and gave life to the dead.

The call of Christ is the unification of God:
Christ toured peace in the country, tourists calling people to the pure monotheism and to the worship of God alone, and claimed the children of Israel calls the verses of the Bible, and business lecturing enchant minds, it was peace be upon him Kgmh community and Canvas life, cultivating good and instill uniformity tree and servitude to God, the One ((said Christ, O Children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and your Lord. "(12) Christ will not be a slave to God or close angels.
In the Gospel of Luke (4/8) "It is written to the Lord your God prostrate, and you alone worship."
In Mark (2/7): "Who can forgive sins except God alone?" , In which (12/9): "The Lord our God is one Lord".
We have already read this word: "To know you only the true God, and the Jesus Christ whom you sent", which we can also read: "There is no God but God, and Christ is the Messenger of God."
"The Lord is one and not born as Christ, he is the only God," says the famous orientalist Gustav Le Bon. "There is nothing to indicate that people were the enemy of Jesus in the first century of Christianity" (14) Johann Goethe says: "Jesus was pure of feeling and believed only in the one God Sunday, and whoever made him a God has abused him, and so the truth is what he called Muhammad" (15).
"Do you want to present me with this miserable picture of the crucifixion of the wood as God?" (16). If the Lord had ceased to be one, then would he be Lord? (17), and at the conference held by the Anglican bishops in England in 1984 and attended by (31) bishops, nineteen of them decided that it is sufficient to consider Christ as a great messenger only.

The Gospel of Christ in the mission of Muhammad peace be upon them:
God sent down (the Bible) to Christ ((and Agafina on their tracks in Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the hands of the Torah and gave him the Gospel in which guidance and light)) (19), and the word (the Bible) means Greek (good news) or (good gospel) which seems That he was named by this name because it was the last book of heavenly mortals approaching the date of the descent of the immortal divine book (the Holy Quran), and because he also preached the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, as evidenced by the words of Jesus (peace be upon him) DVD of the Bible and promising a Messenger to come after me, named Ahmad)) (20).
The Qur'an derives its name from reading in the sense of extrapolation, analysis and understanding, and this meaning is confirmed by the fact that the first word that came out of the Qur'an is (read) and the first instrument mentioned is (pen).
In the Gospel of Barnabas (21) (36/6): "All the prophets have come but the Messenger of Allah who will come after me, because God wants it until I prepare his way." (44/19): "The Messenger God is filled with the spirit of understanding and counsel, the spirit of wisdom and strength, the spirit of fear and love, the spirit of foresight and moderation, the happiest time that will come to the world. "
And there were frequent Bishara says, "The kingdom of heaven" (22), and "Thy kingdom come" (23), who preached the kingdom of heaven are approaching Yahya and Jesus peace be upon them, and the apostles and disciples Tabahma, and in the Gospel of Matthew we read the words of Christ:
"The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner, so I say to you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation that does its fruit, and whoever falls upon this stone will be rebuffed and whoever falls upon it will crush it" (24).
The mission of Jesus Christ was then the last introduction to the arrival of the Apostle, who became the head of the corner .. The Prophet, peace be upon him, the messages of heaven in the best of the best picture when he said:
"But like me and like the prophets before me like a man built a house, so he improved it and made it only a brick, so he made people walk around it, and they marveled and said, 'Have you put this brick?'

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