الثلاثاء، 29 يناير 2019

This is my story with Islam

The journey of Soussin from darkness to light travels from darkness to light
Sawsan Hindi Egyptian
This is my story with Islam

Since I was a little girl I do not know anything about me. I started to know about things. I found myself motivated by understanding and reading in all kinds of knowledge, and the beginning was many readings, dialogues and meetings that led to an Islamic revelation.

This is confirmed by Sawsan Hindi, who was until recently a Christian girl very fanaticism of her faith before declaring Islam.
She said: I grew up in a Christian family and was the only daughter among four male brothers. So I was very pampered and related to Islam since childhood before I came to the stage of thinking. At primary level I was the only Christian in the class besides another Christian. My colleague was a teacher of Arabic language in his style loved us and his simplified explanation captures me with what he tells about Islam. In the preparatory stage I was careful to borrow the book of the Islamic religion and I was very keen to absorb everything in it. It was also currently in secondary school. Akkad a Which was scheduled for us at the secondary level, a turning point in my thinking.

Sawsan adds that despite my father's attachment to his Christ and his hesitation to the church, his library of his home has a large number of Islamic books. I used to sneak into the library in his absence to satisfy my nakedness for the aimless abstraction. I gradually became interested in further searching for the unknown for me. And knowledge.

At this point I was a very fanatical Christian. I was very jealous of my church. I was jealous of my faith. It was diminished in front of Islam. I wished to see in my Christian faith the values ​​and principles of faith, law, and behavior that exist in Islam. To understand the "genius of Omar" we are determined to get a degree in Arabic language, which I adore and so I can join the Department of Arabic language Faculty of Arts, I did not know that this section does not join only Muslim or Muslim

And the personality of Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him astounded me, and was Ali may Allah be pleased with him when he said: [Infertility mothers to give birth like Omar], Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, the Muslim state politically, but Omar set them politically and intellectually together .

"My family did not feel anything but my father saw no impediment to my reading of Islamic books to increase information, no more. One person felt me ​​and my lake, a young, open-minded, free-thinking priest who used to say to me: In the Gospel texts that concern you, I see you as a seeker of the truth. When he learned of my absence from the Arabic language department, Ali referred to the history department and told me: "You will find in history what you are looking for."

The priest died, and how sad he died. I never doubted that he was a believer. His sadness was compounded by the fact that the priest who had replaced him was quite the opposite, and he narrowed my conversation to him. What he said to me was that you are corrupting your young colleagues in the church.

Lost trust in the gospel
And when I joined the university .. I thought with me worried about my Christianity and lost confidence in the Gospels and many explanations, but on the contrary, but I do not conceal you secretly when I say: The Bible was a catalyst for me to an Islamic declaration and as long as I put it in front of the Koran in comparison, For comparison.

"The dialogue between me and the Muslim youth inside the university was strong, but in a spirit of tolerance, and once the dialogue ends, we can return friends. In the last year I decided to be a talker with a college professor, this professor was aware of his religion in non-fanaticism. Before the final year exam, I surprised my teacher with my determination to enter Islam completely convinced, and was surprised when he asked me to wait until I finished the exam, but I insisted on my position.

I left my house to live with the family of one of my colleagues until I was able to make an Islamic announcement. My family was mad at me, and I lost all hope of going back to them. They told me I was kidnapped, but I went to the competent authorities and wrote that I was not kidnapped.

I married a Muslim
Sawsan Hindi: I married a Muslim young man committed to whom I was at the university and did not exceed or exceed my relationship with the limits of dialogue, but once he learned of an Islamic declaration even proceeded to accept my speech and accepted immediately, and I know the grace of creation and quietness of the printing in addition to his integrity and commitment to religion, His family welcomed me very warmly and I felt safe in this secure family. I tried and wanted to have a connection between me and my family .. God Almighty says in the text of the download: [If you are hard to share with me what you do not know, do not obey them and their owner In the world known and followed the path of the prophet to ..] I tried To be on this example but to no avail. And my husband saw that I start the visit, and I actually visited my father but he refused this visit, and advised me not to visit my mother and my brothers.

Finally, she says: Praise be to Allaah. I am now a housewife. I am looking for a job that suits me, where I live with my husband and daughter Asma and Isra. I write in some religious magazines and newspapers and my current concern is to show my first book, My Story with Islam.

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