الاثنين، 28 يناير 2019

the richest among them: 10 foods that are considered the

10 foods that are

the richest among them: 10 foods that are considered the richest among them:

1 - fat cattle, and give every 100 grams 925 calories. The fat of cattle is rich in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, which raise the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and therefore increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so be careful of this type of fat and eat in very small quantities to give flavor to the meals no more.

2 - vegetable oil, and give a hundred grams of it about 900 calories, and the vegetable oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids that have a good health, especially heart. You should choose the most beneficial oil for the body such as olive oil, kolza oil, walnut oil, hazelnut oil, and corn oil. But beware of palm oil and coconut oil are rich in saturated fatty acids that raise the level of cholesterol.

3 - walnuts, and give every hundred grams of it 715 calories. The nuts are rich in good fats, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers.

4 - Sesame, and give the hundred grams about 700 calories. Sesame is famous for its great benefits, it activates the body and circulatory system, and strengthens sexual desire, and gives vitality to the skin.

5 - Salads salad, and is known to be rich in fatty substances, every 100 grams give an average 630 calories, hence the obese and dieters should beware of them.

6 - Sudanese peanut butter, and every hundred grams of them contain 588 calories. Butter is rich in many nutrients, such as proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

7 - chocolate plates with nuts and caramel, and gives 560 calories per 100 grams. They are found in different shapes and colors, and are rich in trans fats that damage the arteries, causing weight gain and tooth decay.

8. Cheese, and give every hundred grams about 466 calories. Cheese is rich in calcium to build teeth and bones, but should be avoided when thinking about weight loss.

9 - Fried potatoes, and give the hundred grams 573 calories, not surprisingly, they are rich in fat and starch, and is rich in suspicious acrylamide cancer.

10 - mutated meat, manufactured from internal organs, and most famous duck liver and geese, which contains one hundred grams of it 462 calories.

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