الاثنين، 28 يناير 2019

The four Gospels

The four Gospels that were spoken by the Christians today are: "The Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the Gospel of John". All Christians do not claim that it is a status from God, nor do they claim that Christ is the one who came to it or wrote it. But all of them; the first about the last do not differ as dates set by men after Christ at different times.
It is said that the Gospel that God revealed to his servant and His Messenger Jesus is different from that which the Christians have today.
God Almighty has revealed a single Angel, how became four and a clear difference and explicit contradiction noticed by all of her heart and sight .. There is no doubt that the original Gospel has been lost and lost and neglected Christians, and that these four swathed and written after Christ in different terms are only the stories and history of events From the birth of Christ to his crucifixion as they claim .. It has come from the translation and copying and increase and lack and distortion and change, which showed a contradiction and a funny difference in many places must be lying !!
In fact, these early Gospels were more than four, some historians say that they were one hundred, but the Church rejected what is contrary to its whims. The four known today have recognized the disconnection of the bond and the ignorance of the true author or interpreter. Four:
1 - The Gospel of Matthew:
 Is the date of his book "Matthew the Lamentation" and it is said; his other name is "Loy" see Mark (2/14) and Luke (5/27). The Christians claim that he was a disciple of Christ. Ibn Katheer mentioned that the four Gospels (including two who knew Christ and saw him, Matthew and John, including two of his companions, Mark and Luke). (2/100) The beginning and the end. He was a publicist, one of the tax collectors of the Roman state under the reign of Tiberius. The Jews despised that function for the injustice of its owner and submission to a foreign state. In Matthew 9: 13-13 Jesus went and saw a man sitting on his way He said to him, "Follow me." So he stood up and followed him, and while he was at home eating. The Pharisees said to his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with the public servants? Jesus said, "The healthy are not in need of a doctor, but of the sick." And in Mark 2: 17, he added: "I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners." (Luke 5: 27-32). After the conversion of Christ, he was considered the most famous missionaries in Christianity, and toured in the countries. The historians of Christianity say that the basis for his evangelization was in Abyssinia. It is said that he wrote this history nine years after the elevation of Christ. A well-known dispute among the historians of Christianity ([()) The definition of the Gospel of Matthew in the edition of the Catholic printing press of the New Testament (published by Orient House - Beirut) They make the date of the first gospel between the year (80) and the year 90 (and perhaps shortly before) uh. ], But they consider it their first author in writing and grade. They say that he wrote it in the land of Judas Iscariot in Cham, and agreed that it was written in Hebrew, but they did not agree on the first translation of the Greek and the date of this translation, and they do not have today the Hebrew origin translated, so that the comparison is the request for conciliation or investigation!
Consider the great danger in the ignorance of the first translator of the most dangerous document in the religion of the people Do you see confidence? Or a liar or a Jew who is hated by the enemies of Christ?
What scientific value of a document based on the doctrine of a complete religion does not know its origin nor its interpreter?
 He died when he died in Abyssinia in 62 AD after having spent nearly 23 years calling for Christianity in it.
Finally, the Christians do not know the name of the author of this gospel accurately, but they are troubled by the frequency they call (Matthew) as in his Gospel (9/10), and at the time (Levi) as in Luke (5/27) Lawi bin Halafy) (2/14) ..
    The forefathers of this Gospel in the Catholic edition of the New Testament acknowledged this disorder and said: "We do not know the author's name accurately." Think.
All of what they said in the definition of the person, is what they derived from this author, where they said: "When is the Evangelist is the most strict on the law and the Bible and Jewish customs, it adopts the three pillars of the great foundation of Jewish piety (charity, prayer and fasting) Uh 30.
2 - The Gospel of Mark:
It was written by Marcus Harouni, a Jew whose family lived in Jerusalem at the time of the appearance of Jesus, peace be upon him. He moved between the countries and settled in Egypt and took them home until he was killed by pagans in 92 AD He was said to have written his gospel 22 years after Christ ' (P. 153) The book A is in Rome after the persecution of Nero in 64 AD. Uh, and in the same place they say: "Nothing prevents us from saying that the second gospel (65-70) uh.) Where he wrote it in Greek in Antioch ([() probably a Roman origin, and the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke Not reflected in the two environments themselves because they are directed to other environments, and status after the Gospel of Mark fifteen to twenty years, uh.]).
He was not a disciple of Christ, but was a disciple of Shemaun in the wilderness of Peter. They claim that he was a disciple of Christ.
It is said that Shimon was the one who wrote it and put the name of his disciple on it. Some claim that Mark wrote it after the death of his teacher, and no one can confirm with certainty his writer, as well as to attribute him to Christ. !!
3 - The Gospel of Luke:

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