In the school of reading ideas, the reader does not rely on the sense of the other, but he must employ all his senses to the sixth sense, in the sense of health, he must be able to explain the language of the body and hands and study the tone of voice and speech and take into account that train himself to listen and listen with good giving Time to talk to each other, but it may require patience, which may extend for years where the experience plays a key role, until it reaches the level of professional reader of ideas. He can start by training his ability to read and improve ideas by repeating some situations in which he tries to explain someone's ideas and tries to make him come up with the results he has in trying to read his ideas and asking the owner about them. He tries to compare them with his thoughts and so on. These exercises will sharpen the experience of reading your ideas and create a good reader, which will benefit you and your surroundings, the more able to do so, the greater your ability to avoid conflicts and quarrels with others because you can read his anger or his approval for something.
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