Dear lovers and lovers ..
The lovers were old enough to remember one of his beloved .. And singing poems in it .. Without being empty or see it .. Amr ibn Shabab: If one of them loved a woman around her house a year .. Perhaps he sees who saw .. Today, the man if The love of a woman effort as if I bear witness to her marriage Abu Hurayrah ..
And some people hear about love and lovers .. And Jagals lovers .. And read their news .. And up to the degree of feeling that he is a lover and not so ..
He tries to search for a lover or a lover. Then he begins to sing with love and gharam, and he is not one of his family.
They also mentioned that a Arab passed through a mosque and sat with good people who worship in the night .. Each one of them mentions the virtue of some kind of worship .. This reminds the prayer .. And that praises forgiveness .. And Arabs silent .. Vttvoa him .. They said to him:
Do you sleep all night or do you ..
He said: No .. I do ..
They said: What do you do?
He said: Apoll .. Then return and sleep ..
The devil may decorate the boy or girl as attractive and attractive to the other party.
And if he walked in the markets .. Or laughter companions .. He thought that draws attention .. And fascinates standing and Mar .. Vdvhh that exposure and fatigue .. And seized by the owners of lusts to tamper with him or her .. If they spend their lusts from him or them .. They went looking for Another prey ..
And if he was removed from it .. and worked for what he created for him .. he would have become a Muslim for his religion and his mind.
And hope in the case of Joseph peace be upon him .. Which I wish of beauty and beauty and beauty .. Beyond the imagination ..
She is a slave ... She is bought by her husband cheaply ... to serve her ..
He is so strange that he is not afraid of a scandal.
A single young man who longs for the same.
She is threatening him with imprisonment and children.
And Trodh .. and do everything it has to seduce ..
I rushed to its doors and closed it .. And to her clothes Vjmltha .. And brushes Vzitha ..
Then she said in a cackle and a crap: Hit you ..
And he cried out by the chaste, peace be upon him .. (God forbid that he is my Lord the best Mtwai that does not succeed the wrongdoers) ..
But hopes in the case of peace be upon him ..
When she gathered a woman dear husband wives .. And princes princesses .. And put them the fruit of the fruit .. Each one of them a knife .. And then made Joseph passes before them ..
When he saw him .. What they bear to look at .. And absent their minds of his good and Baha .. Only hands with knives .. And said (What is human that this is only the king of Karim) ..
Did Joseph turn to them? Or take pride in his youth and beauty?
.. No .. But shouted at the top of his voice and said .. (Lord of the prison loved me what they call me to him, but I do not take away their hands and I will be ignorant of them) said God: (His Lord responded to him and he broke his hand, he is the hearer, the Knower) ..
The lovers were old enough to remember one of his beloved .. And singing poems in it .. Without being empty or see it .. Amr ibn Shabab: If one of them loved a woman around her house a year .. Perhaps he sees who saw .. Today, the man if The love of a woman effort as if I bear witness to her marriage Abu Hurayrah ..
And some people hear about love and lovers .. And Jagals lovers .. And read their news .. And up to the degree of feeling that he is a lover and not so ..
He tries to search for a lover or a lover. Then he begins to sing with love and gharam, and he is not one of his family.
They also mentioned that a Arab passed through a mosque and sat with good people who worship in the night .. Each one of them mentions the virtue of some kind of worship .. This reminds the prayer .. And that praises forgiveness .. And Arabs silent .. Vttvoa him .. They said to him:
Do you sleep all night or do you ..
He said: No .. I do ..
They said: What do you do?
He said: Apoll .. Then return and sleep ..
The devil may decorate the boy or girl as attractive and attractive to the other party.
And if he walked in the markets .. Or laughter companions .. He thought that draws attention .. And fascinates standing and Mar .. Vdvhh that exposure and fatigue .. And seized by the owners of lusts to tamper with him or her .. If they spend their lusts from him or them .. They went looking for Another prey ..
And if he was removed from it .. and worked for what he created for him .. he would have become a Muslim for his religion and his mind.
And hope in the case of Joseph peace be upon him .. Which I wish of beauty and beauty and beauty .. Beyond the imagination ..
She is a slave ... She is bought by her husband cheaply ... to serve her ..
He is so strange that he is not afraid of a scandal.
A single young man who longs for the same.
She is threatening him with imprisonment and children.
And Trodh .. and do everything it has to seduce ..
I rushed to its doors and closed it .. And to her clothes Vjmltha .. And brushes Vzitha ..
Then she said in a cackle and a crap: Hit you ..
And he cried out by the chaste, peace be upon him .. (God forbid that he is my Lord the best Mtwai that does not succeed the wrongdoers) ..
But hopes in the case of peace be upon him ..
When she gathered a woman dear husband wives .. And princes princesses .. And put them the fruit of the fruit .. Each one of them a knife .. And then made Joseph passes before them ..
When he saw him .. What they bear to look at .. And absent their minds of his good and Baha .. Only hands with knives .. And said (What is human that this is only the king of Karim) ..
Did Joseph turn to them? Or take pride in his youth and beauty?
.. No .. But shouted at the top of his voice and said .. (Lord of the prison loved me what they call me to him, but I do not take away their hands and I will be ignorant of them) said God: (His Lord responded to him and he broke his hand, he is the hearer, the Knower) ..
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